Reason? Because of that:

Attached: logo.png (200x200, 10.83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

b-b-b-b-but Schizo told me it was a SCAAM and that I should buy MTV and DAG?!!!!

He was obviously accumulating

8%, oh the violence!

This information shockes me to the bone.

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 20.22.47.png (403x492, 320.6K)

You have to be literally fucking retarded not to have a bag of this. But Yas Forums is Yas Forums.
We are looking at the new ETH, BTC, LTC, XRP market cap level moon mission when they release the platform. And SARB will come afterwards.

We'll be top 3-10 in 2021


Kek, as someone who sold at 0.023, you guys are hilarious. I would be down 50% from my buy-in at 0.016 if I had held this piece of shit.

Imagine holding this for months when you could have been buying LINK or UBT. Who is even holding this at this point? Is it just the scammers? I refuse to believe anyone is that gullible

Attached: blessed pape.jpg (724x960, 56.48K)

DAG has now a higher market cap than FTM. MTV is still a better buy than FTM since NOV.

>He was obviously accumulating
Are you delusional? So everyone criticizing Bitconnect was secretly buying like crazy?

More smoke and mirrors from Fantom scammers. Your lead dev is so incompetent that after he exit scammed from Fantom, with crashed tech and broken promises, he smashed yet another company with tech trainwreck and scam:

Get fucked schizo.
Your dotr will come sooner than you think.
Before they come for faggots and kikes they'll practice on the mentally infirm.

>Triple posting.
>"Guys just trust me I have your best interests at heart when I read from my designated shilling script"

>Get fucked schizo.
>Your dotr will come sooner than you think.
>Before they come for faggots and kikes they'll practice on the mentally infirm.
Typical Fantom moron trying desperately defending his obvious scam

Double posting moron whine and bitch about triple posting. Completely unable to defend Fantom, the most obvious scam in crypto.

Famtom is now moving to Discord, so they become discord trannies 4ever, and they can delete false and incriminating statements without too much fuss and attention. Pic.

Attached: 1569855374241.jpg (1044x655, 249.79K)

You will never ever escape your shitty existence and that makes me very happy, I love seeing you pop into these threads as if you've been refreshing the catalog every minute of every day.
Nobody bothers to engage with your fud anymore because it's nonsense, you are losing it. I will never refute anything you say, it's a waste of time, because your script always has the same destination, shilling your jeety little DAG and MTV scams.
Please remind us about how you've already made it and are trying to protect biz from obvious chink exit scams as a fun little side hobby.
To any actually sane biz posters that have taken their pills, I'm happy to answer any questions you have about fantom as I've held varying amounts of it since it hit exchanges after ICO.

Nice blog, newfag.

Unscripted reply detected. You are on your first warning Sabjiq.

nobody has any questions. There are like 20 people who come to biz, and anyone who knows about fantom will have bought. I doubt there's anyone on this board who doesn't actually know about the project.

>Unscripted reply detected. You are on your first warning Sabjiq.
Unscripted reply detected. You are on your first warning Sabjiq.

>t. Rakeesh from third world, writing from script from big boss Andy the scammer with explosive diarrhea in most famous shitting street in Bombay. Pic related.

Attached: 98695.jpg (715x660, 65.58K)

man the schizo is really falling apart.

Maybe this Reddit spacing newfag has a point and I should buy his chosen shitcoins instead. I'm sure anyone keeping an archive of pic relateds isn't here with an ulterior motive.
Thanks for going back to the script, don't forget the VISA TPS screenshot.

I could sell my 10k vidt now while I'm up and buy 100k ftm and also have over 400 usd left over for a nice date or something.
Good idea?

Could sell half for fantom or something else like DAG or MTV. I wouldn't flip flop between coins all the time chasing pumps, stick to your guns, if you made the right choice you will be rewarded in time.

Have sex

Sorry Fantom nuts, you putting your stinky pee-pee into another Fantom gay's poo-poo is not having sex. Who the hell is bragging about having sex?

This is your second warning.
If you do not adhere to the designated script you will be let go without bounty payment.

kill yourself Denny

1. Whole chink dev team exit scammed
2. Fake devs belonging to Russian blockchain companies falsely claimed to be Fantom's devs
3. lead dev Andy exit scammed and started another project that crashed due to his lacking tech and business understanding:

Fantom is a ponzi scheme and most obvious scam in crypto. Ad hominem and stupid comments are all you Fantonoids have. Enjoy your crash to zero and becoming a more blatant laughing stock than Bitconnect.

Attached: 354.jpg (1280x720, 141.66K)

I believe something that gets fudded that hard is a good buy.

This company has a very strict no racism policy. Your employment is terminated immediately and you will not be entitled to payment for work.
The Kashmiri Police have also been contacted and they will be investigating your fake identity named Denny Daggins with great curiosity.

>I believe something that gets fudded that hard is a good buy.
You must have bougth a ton of BCC

Being funny is not hard, you, however, are just tragic.

Jannies deleted your post you racist piece of shit.
Get fucked schizo

No, but I bought a ton of LINK when it was fudded to hell here.

I know, every time I state facts, like your whole chink dev team exit scammed, you Fantomoids report me for racism etc. Tragic discord trannies. Literally.

Sure you did. Too cowardly to admit you bought tons of BCC and now have to lie about bying link "because of all the fud". Pathetic.

Back to Discord and plebbit, Fantom boomers. Pic related.

Attached: Annotation 2020-02-24 202759 FN.jpg (744x251, 45.85K)

>He screenshots Reddit and tells others to go back
You need to go back

Schizo is LOSING it. Ask him about the current state of the project and he will say it's a scam but can't point to anything other than nonsense and shit that happened years ago. Notice how he had to drop the test net fud when it was revealed that it wasn't a real test indicitive of the state of the project?

God, I'm so excited for all of us. Thank you so much Schizo. I would have sold when we went to eight tenths of a cent, but you gave me the courage to keep holding. Bless you.

Attached: 090.jpg (686x526, 90.14K)

FTM is so good he literally can't stop thinking about it. It's funny that he actually think he's doing something, but he's just flinging feces around kek.

We can officially call him a validator given the rent free fantom node in his head

haha isn't that the logo for fantom though?

Unlike you Fantom boomers that had to migrate to discord, after your Fantom scammers forced you to move from telegram, due to all their lies and ramble, I don't post on reddit, but I keep myself informed by all sources available. Predicting price fluctuations based on boomer sentiment on plebbit is just something you have to do.

>Notice how he had to drop the test net fud when it was revealed that it wasn't a real test indicitive of the state of the project?
What are you rambling on about. Show me your stress test, scammer. Document the absurd claims from your scammer team. Do it. You idiots claimed that because Fantom was a dag, moronic statement, Fantom would get higher tps with more nodes, even more psycho statement. Pic clearly shows that you are liars and/or deranged.

Attached: Fantom 18 tps.png (2566x1856, 308.26K)

He’s like an autistic troll. Every thread hes probably thinking to himself “I’m winning and owning these guys” but to everyone else he’s the laughingstock of biz wasting his time to fud a coin 24/7.

Ah digging up the old classic I see. That was running on underpowered Amazon hardware servers. It has been since addressed, and no shit those things are gonna chug along. Even if you don't believe me, you can check the transaction log and find out that it is way higher than what you would expect it to be converging on as you add nodes. It's nonsensical. Eyeballing it, I bet it converges on 10-12 if you kept adding nodes.


Attached: 1565941528313.jpg (1200x630, 199.67K)

Okay, so zero stress test and documentation as always from you fantom scammers.

>t. Fantom drones, two of the paid 38 fantom scammers from Fantom Foundation and zero devs.

Nice backpedal

he doesn't know what a t2 micro machine is because he has zero technical knowledge. All he can do is cry Bitconnect, chink scam, pump and dump, etc.

Oops sorry sir new phone so I misquoted. Nice backpedal.

Pretty much. Everything I got from telegram was cohesive and sensible. The validators all lurk there and know a good amount.

Sane biz poster here, and I'll take you up on that. I'm close to buying but have a few questions that you or anyone else could hopefully answer.
1. When will the token unlock happen for the staking rewards, and will it crash the price?
2. When will FTM switch from the EVM(Eth virtual machine) to the FVM?
3. How many TPS estimated when everything is complete/FVM running?
4. Why are they switching to Discord instead of telegram? Is that a bad thing?
5. Is Andre Cronje still on the team? I know he quit his defi project, but it's he still involved with Fantom?
6. What are the biggest things to look forward to?

Much appreciated. If anyone can legitimately answer these I'm market buying a good size stack today, plus it'll clear things up for others.

5 minute website with no details.
Nothing fucking works with Fantom as it is. So, they jump on the latest hype train to pump the price, without the team or knowhow to do this. third team in a few months. enjoy your Exitscam by the team. Muh tps before. how did that go? FTM scamcoin

First mistake is thinking there are sane biz posters.
>1. When will the token unlock happen for the staking rewards, and will it crash the price?
It'll happen around May I think. It should happen when the total staked amount reaches a steadily declining total amount. It was 80% at mainnet launch and is now lower than that.
>2. When will FTM switch from the EVM(Eth virtual machine) to the FVM?
Sometime next year probably, the roadmap has the RBVM spec being published in Q3-Q4, it's being worked on in part by the Korean branch which involves some Yonsei University staff and students, very little communication from them as far as I know.
>3. How many TPS estimated when everything is complete/FVM running?
Estimations are a bad idea at this stage, you can confidently assume it'll be higher than ETH but the rest is all guesswork until it's on a public decentralized network available for real testing.
>4. Why are they switching to Discord instead of telegram? Is that a bad thing?
>5. Is Andre Cronje still on the team? I know he quit his defi project, but it's he still involved with Fantom?
He's still advising on Fantom in a technical capacity and making semi-frequent commits to the XAR and FTM repos.
>6. What are the biggest things to look forward to?
Their focus seems to be almost entirely on DeFi right now, so I'd expect Andre Cronje to become more involved in the near future, working on tokenization and other shit.
I would take a look at the roadmap which answers some of your questions. Without lying or being intentionally misleading I can't promise anything regarding moon-news or anything like that.

Personally, my investment in FTM was a long term medium risk play that COULD see big adoption down the line in a way we can't entirely predict yet, like becoming a huge DEX/DeFi platform to replace Binance's kinda shitty DEX. CZ had a huge hardon for Fantom last year, maybe there's more to that

Desperate bagholder.

Sorry forgot to answer #4.
>4. Why are they switching to Discord instead of telegram? Is that a bad thing?
Personally I prefer Discord over Telegram because it has channels and is just a better overall platform for larger communities.
The schizo FUD over it is nonsensical because you can just as easily censor and delete messages in Telegram.
Yeah the website is pretty anticlimactic for an announcement, I would have preferred them to launch it with a live demo that used the mainnet, hopefully the addition of the GoFantom devs can help them build more real demo projects.
The rest of what you said is stupid so fuck you and the loose pussy you dropped out of.

>nothing works
weird fud but ok

Thank you for making this thread. Just bought 10M FTM (Fantom token)

After the fiat lending system collapses crypto will be the only trustless finances that people can use. Fantom is a long term hold.

This coin is practically dead at this point.
Imagine the amount of bag holders after those massive fuck in the ass red dildoes.
Better luck next time champ.

Nice, thank you. Is it a good thing that their focus is defi? What about all the smart cities and all that. Did they back off from that direction?

I bought at 120 sats to long way from moon for me kek

scammer chink writes a blog post with no verifications. we all know this coin is a scam. and fell out of top 200.

only path left is to zero.

bags getting heavy lads?

Attached: 5F9592B9-59DE-4587-B6E9-9943141086BF.jpg (750x1007, 208.98K)

daily reminder there is a difference between scam and no interest
