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Winnie the flu: edition

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Best bear

Buy LabCorp you fools!

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I’m really gonna miss my boomer relatives. Well most of them. Actually one of them is the silent generation. Shit...

Dark times are here again. Stiff upper lip, America!

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Thanks to whoever said something about SNSS

>One of the biggest lab testing companies in America
>Just released its corona virus tests for doctors to order yesterday

Hey. If you’re not bait. Answer:
Yeah but if you knew about it during market hours, so did big money.

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Why did God choose to punish the boomer race? Those that aren't killed by the virus will be left financially ruined before retirement. Cheap real estate, folks.

I should sell this, right? Options brainlet here.

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should i buy Indigo?

>+6% after hours

yes that's a very good return

So how much longer can they keep The Pump going? Economy doesn't look any rosier, and Corona-chan is just getting warmed up, so it's freefall if they stop, but even the media has started to notice the elephant in the room "gee gosh willikers what a miraculous finish to end the week green!" etc

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If you could, yes. But it might be completely different by Monday at 9:30


Reminder that the governments are lying to you, just like they have ALWAYS lied about urgent matters. Look at the actions of governments instead; mass stocking of masks, camps being built, quarantines in place, interest rates being cut, billions of dollars being lost, etc. The happening is now friends. Markets down 25% in the next two months, if not 1 month depending on when supplies from china finally runs out.

If you're a noob, just sell (limit order). But what stock even is this?

Meant for

Been following this stock for a few years, but I never really bought into it. Shame on me.

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Why wouldn't God? What better generation to smite than The Enteral Boomer?

should I even get into forex if I have 100 bucks and all the time in the world to learn
Is it possible to get to a position where I can get like 100 bucks a day or so

>100 bucks
maybe you should learn how to buy a stock first, sport
maybe we’ll get you a call warrant for your birthday if you’re good

Fuck no

>I have $100 and want to double my money every day
>all the time in the world to learn
Unironically poker

I don’t see why it can’t keep crabbing along, wrecking anyone over-leveraged on the wrong side of the trade.

People really want to buy the dip. Investors are looking to REITs and junk bonds and shit now that bonds give nothing. Many are willing to take the bet that a MRK JNJ KO will preform better over the next 10 years than bonds, especially given how heavily bought bonds are.

A lot is riding on the timing of data and how good or bad it is. If macroeconomic data takes a sudden big downturn right as corona infections are exploding... now that could be a real heavy hit to the market.

Otherwise, keep the cheap money flowing and maybe leveraged businesses won’t go bankrupt. Many will keep their employees on. We could thread the needle.

MMM undervalued?

How will advertising even take place during an epidemic?

>parents, grandparents choking on their own vomit and dying
>children violently sick
>turn on television

A corona a day keeps la muerta away. Viva Corona!

It went up almost 2% on a -3% day. You should have already bought! Especially after the Whitehouse specifically named 3M as a partner.

Aren't insurers overvalued? Why is UHC doing so good if they'll get more claims than ever due to coronavirus?

i am a self hating jew, and there's no more hatred i have than for these christians... yeah let god kill them all and put all your faith in that... what about the faith for your self after you're dead? who's going to lead the bulls? who's going to kill the bears? who's going to be the outlier that immediately becomes the boss in the pit? you're stupid ideas of the past are influenced on everybody and everything... you can't even be drunk and take a fucking piss with out being arrested for being a pedophile. so you end up in jail.. not only that, but you become a registered sex offender... the cops and jury will be like, well he didn't pee the pants he was wearing he must have has his dong out and boom.... you're a sex offender.

Jingoist will win the presidency or at least the effective cultural leadership and all advertising will have a nationalistic bent with themes of unification and solidification of identity.

See 90s USSR. Alternatively imagine every ad being set to that Toby Keith 9/11 song

No but you can do a practice fake money account if you want some kind of idea what forex is like. Forex harder than equities to trade, fair warning.

Watch skhreli's finance lessons

>i am a self hating jew and there's no more hatred i have than for these christians

Why waste so many words in your sentence here? Just say you're a Jew, and the rest is self-evident.

Sports betting is more fun and odds of success are better

>I think these pumps have been natural market activity
maybe /r/wsb would be more your speed

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I haven’t done any research at all into the sector but they probably pool premiums and invest in adjacent sectors for just this situation. A bunch of actuaries and data scientists team up to manage risk under their roof.m, after all.

Also wondering about this, source?

I don’t see the relevance.

Please go back


this is max comfy

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i've read into pretty much every religion... i prefer science mathematics and believe in fate... i just don't want to be a prick about it...

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don't feel afraid or ashamed... they've been asking me to kill my self for years now.

>developing aches
>feeling a little feverish


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did you get a flu shot?

Medical research, or retail?

I'd go for retail but correct me if I'm wrong

Yeah, back in like September.

get a massage

you're getting a job or buying the stocks?
retail has been ⦓slumping ⦔ for years now


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>VIX shorts
>When its going to 60 next week

Whatever that sells digital stuff/subscriptions.
Videogame platforms, Netflix, newspapers, phone companies.
People will always need to be entertained, and online digital sales are the only way to be safe from contagion shit.

Lol stock

I don't want long term anyway, so in the short term retail may be a better option for me because of all the people buying shit.

Do you have a better idea?

fuck... just get the damn vaccine... i'd be dead if it weren't for medicine. when i was 12-14 years old i went from weighing like 90 lbs back to low 60s... I was so sick I was out of school for over a month. It was a fungal thing, but my body never fully recovered... so i'll always have that shame and stuff... what could i have done had i kept up with vigorous athletics and sports... well i did manage to get to play all the emulators and shit i could surf for on the net.... but i forgot where i was going with this one... shit the stuff that doesn't kill you can make you weaker.


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>bugman kfc and souless consoomer """"""music"""""""
End yourself

buy all of the stocks

how much do u weigh now
are you a big guy?

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anyone here gambling on march madness?

NO go away

Jesus Christ they can't make it anymore obvious than this. Basically just said they won't allow real information on this virus to appear.

>"With tourism tanking and panic rising, Italy tried to control the coronavirus in the realm of public perception
>“In Italy, we've gone from an epidemic risk to an ‘info-demic' of confirmed disinformation(by Italy's own government testing LOL?), which at this moment is hitting our flow of tourists, our business and our whole economic system,”
>"Public health officials have said that Italy contributed to fears of an epidemic in Europe with its zealousness in testing for the virus and quickly reporting the number that came back positive from local regions."
Oy vey think of our economic system goy. What are you doing reporting cases accurately and quickly?
>"A World Health Organization official advising the Italian government, Walter Ricciardi, said test results must be certified at the national level before they are considered official and publicly reported."
Only we can verify real cases for your goyim eyes.
>Italian health officials are making another change in their testing protocols that may slow the growth of new case numbers.
>Previously, Italy was testing anyone who visited certain towns in northern Italy or came into contact with someone infected with the virus but not necessarily showing symptoms.
>Ippolito said the shift corresponds with updated recommendations from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control,.
You were accurately showing true results and testing too many people, so we are changing your testing methods; to fit (((our))) criteria.

It's a weeb engineer in the Philippines watching a jap concert at his local fast food place with a plushie.


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are we going back to christmas 2018 levels?

stop it... you're just upset because you haven't had comfort food for a minute.... check your self before you wreck your self... life should be enjoyed, and seeing you shame some one for their happiness makes me think you're a loser. get stronger and grow kiddo... learn and lurk more. fagget

What broker? Mine usually clear in 1-2 days, sometimes the same day.

You're going back to 1930 levels.


I doon't even know... i don't even step on a scale, haven't been to a doctor in a decade... well dentist twice a year, but dental insurance is different.. i guess im 5/11 and like 150 maybe... i literally don't step on the scale but im definitely feeling fat... don't really care enough... fuck i could balloon into a fat ass... shit i should check my weight i do have a scale.

So it was exactly what I said.

>t. fat retarded kfc eating consoomer of commercial """"""music""""" designed to siphon money from retards

nothing you say too me can even effect who I am. I've been on my knees digging holes like a farmer, and i've got a skinning knife to field dress any animal... you're literally barking up the wrong tree... i should sic my cat on you. she'll kick a pitbull's ass if I ask her too.


I-It was just for monday, the fed will pump on monday right?

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28 day incubation period, Corona-chan is a pre-existing condition :^)

>Wealthsimple Inc. is a Canadian online investment management service focused on millennials
Should have opened an account with a real broker!

the Fed can't outmitigate "China is literally turned off"

like imagine three months ago if someone asked, "what do you think would happen to the economy if China turned off"

but add to that America is about to turn off, too

DOW 15,000

is it too late to exit this clownshow or do I just hold at this point

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