/smg/ stock market general

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gay reddit thread


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comfy check

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time for weekend boringness no pump and dump america economy

I am buying so many VIX calls if this pump continues Monday

Monday mornings gonna be fun. I can't wait lads

I'm in positive in this week, cuz I'm not a retard (unlike some of you)

>learning more about investing from a mongolian basket-weaving forum than all my years of education

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why number go down

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faggot r*dditor, reporting in!!
autistic weeb and/or tranny OP, reporting in!!!
gay frogposter, reporting in!!!!!!!! :3
4 figure account nigger who made $300 this week, reporting in!!!!!

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>buying """cheapies""" when a recession is looming
Alright, enjoy your bags. The real macro play here is to wait until corona retardation is over and buying leap puts at low IV.

Is it true GALT will be purchased for $40/s?

jesus christ, this market

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'mirin his ring


You done got dunked on by a tripfag, my friend. Next thing you know, you'll be telling me you bought SNSS due to the shilling of a convicted felon!

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This is what low IQ

you guys told me it was a gonna be a bear market, why are the numbers higher?

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Galt is a good stock you dumb faggot.

makes sense, thanks bro
whats wrong with doing weekly options trades though? I've got a few that I plan on holding for a while but I mostly do really short term trades

It is total market manipulation and its being held together with shit and dollar store glue.

It still is a Fucking BEar MARKET YOU cUCKING DUMB FAGGOT!!!!

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Don't talk shit about duct tape or glue, it's what holds America together you dumb nigger.

Its because I bought puts.

because you touch yourself at night

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Recession is canceled, it's smooth sailing from here up to 3500.

Crab market.

You could get cucked being a retard nigger.

That's a buy signal right there

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proof it

I didn't mention duct tape your fucking mongoloid.

guys please help a newfag in his first trade

I'm convinced that the oil price won't stay like this for long
so is it a good thing to buy long ETF on oil?
because sooner or later it will go up for sure
are ETF for long term investment, can you keep them for a couple of month or something can happen?
thanks frens
I think I could make a 20% easily this year only with this if I have patience
what the worst thing could happen
pls r-respond

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Should I buy now or wait until Monday to see what happens to the market?

No the market is crashing with no survivors, everyone who disagrees is gaaayyuuuuee

I know what your search history looks like

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It was implied you uncultured anti-American swine!

do it, buy now lol





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Follow the trend short the oil.

Buy now, regret later.

>giant unexpected rate cut
>bernie not nominated
>market barely goes sideways
>virus about to go exponential
>massive corporate debt and overvalued stocks

I will have you hanged by the neck you insufferable street urchin.

imagine buying a bear etf right before the pump

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your stupid

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>z-z-z-z-zoom out!!!!!

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this is what IQbeing so much of a blind trumptard that you assume nothing bad can happen when he is president
>basing your market predictions on political biases

super comfy, no options, pretty balanced portfolio with all my favorite companies long and offsetting index shorts.

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fucking checked and kekked

Listen to this king. Always do the opposite of what gov shulls say.

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NO. Wait for sub 35 then start cost averaging. Fucking ruskies told their non-opec pals to pump as desired after April 1st. So now it's Iraq, Russia, and Kazakhstan disregarding OPEC's wishes completely. The Saudis can stick to their cut if they but they're screwed with this pitiful global demand and the Russia crew churning the mud water out full blast. It's really bad. You're better off in cash until this gets close to the 2016 low.

It can't possibly go any lower. Don't miss out on the pump

Who else here cashed their puts before the EOD pump?

fucking based and not retarded degenerate gambler

Not quite yardsale enough to buy in again, not quite tendie enough to sell off. Start weekend, mow lawn.
Why must I hold all these bags?

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Alright boys, done a little research into a bio meme called Innovate ($INNT) and thought I would share my findings.

$INNT is the first company to ever have a drug for celiacs disease hit phase 3 clinical trials. They started the trials last August with 600 patients, double-blind, and placebo controlled (based as fuark). Celiacs disease affects approx 3mil people in the US alone and as of right now has no definitive treatment outside of just avoiding foods with gluten. Aka this is a vast untapped market.

Seems like their celiac drug is the only thing in the pipeline, and they have a letter of intent to merge with a biopharm corporation called Naia. HOWEVER, naia is only developing 3 novel drugs for a rare disease called short bowel syndrome which only affects ~3000 of the US population. Most of their drugs are given orphan status by the FDA meaning they’re practically doing charity work and won’t be making much money off those. With all this is mind, INNT only has about 8.5M cash on hand and their most recent earnings report from last fall had 3.1M loss for development and 3.0M loss for admin stuff. So they don’t have much cash on hand AND they don’t really have any products to turn over any extra profit. They also said in their last earnings that they were trying to avoid dilution to generate cash but I don’t think that’s gonna be possible. Phase 3 set to end 12/01/21 so they’re def gonna have to do a split. Release some good P3 status results, let it pump a few bucks, then dilute dilute dilute.
Currently the price is 18 cents above its 52y low of $0.40 and well below its 52y high of $4.32; do with this what you will. I opened a babby position of 250 shares cuz why not.

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I'd wait at least a month. Only way oil price goes back up right now is if OPEC comes to an agreement (which they haven't) or the coronavirus gets solved overnight.

As long as the coronavirus is around and disrupting economies, we are not going to see a rebound. Better prices can be had by waiting if you want a long term investment.

/cash/ reporting in

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I gambled with puts enough in the past three weeks to be way ahead for years. Don't wanna gamble the last 2/3rds of a crash down, best to hit the start and for sure portion.

ok I undestand what you say and timing is important
but in theory.. even if someone buys now a long etf.. ok he may go red for some time but in the end in some months he will start to gain for sure no? so it's just a matter of time and patience, or am I missing something? like, do you have to pay something to keep etf in your portfolio? I'm the noobest sorry

My market predictions are by whether or not who is in charge of the FED is JEWISH which makes my predictions a 100% correct and kosher.

>finish good trading day
>go to bed
>multiple helicopters passing my house
>haven't left my house for 2 weeks
i-is it really THAT bad right now?


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Basically this, fed will print as much money as needed to keep dow around 25k. Invest now.

The only reason I like SNSS is because I can buy $10k worth on any given day and sell it for a $1k profit approximately 15 minutes later, precisely because it is such a garbage pajeet company.

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thats you're, actually. Have a good one.

- rob

thanks to you too friend

do not question the pump
do not ask "why?" or "how?"
just know that it exists

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where do you live

God I fucking hate boomers

speak english u spacker

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that's the incoming helicopter drop of currency to save the markets

You dumb nigger, the only definitive treatment for SBS is an instestinal transplant. There U.S. waitlist for bowels is like less than 12 people at the moment iirc. Shoo shoo pajeet shill!

Did the Fed say they were cutting again?

>another loaded to the gills container ship chugging by my balcony towards the port of tacoma
tell me again about the supply chain crisis?

and floating buying stock

and they hate themselves for breeding such a worthless generation of incels

>Only way oil price goes back up right now is if OPEC comes to an agreement (which they haven't)
I don't see how. This should have been sufficient bearish pressure on the price to persuade Russia to agree to OPEC's cuts. The fact that they just flipped off OPEC, took ball, went home, it worst case terribad. Oil isn't going to be suitable to long until manufacturing and trade are climbing back to pre-Corona levels.

I'm just memeing btw, fuck tripfags, buy TMDX and if you don't have positions on the major indices hedged in both directions right now you're simply not gonna make it. Those are my only opinions on any matter.

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You know we’re bear when even soxl shill has left the market

Yeah basically if you didn't go bull knowing the fed was going to save the market you are retarded. Back to infinite bull country.

When is galt data?

this is some subtle marketing on their part desu

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If China melted into slay tomorrow the rest of the world would take up the slack

You can average your way in now if you wish but go slowly in small increments once a month. Do not all in. There is no penalty for long holding normal unleveraged etfs.

What is considered a "low" IV?

This is what below 85 IQ trumpftards believe, fuck3m

Feeling pretty /comfy/ with my SNSS fren

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thank you very much, actually this is exactly what I will do
one last question please
>There is no penalty for long holding normal unleveraged etfs.
on the other hand, if you buy one of those leveraged x2, x3 etfs, what happens? you can't keep them for long

>buy TMDX

Because 98% of the posters here aren't any smarter than you are.

well, probably at some point, but is it the best possible investment?
I've never been a big fan of commodities myself so I don't want to give uninformed advice either way but it's something to think about
>do you have to pay something to keep etf in your portfolio
your expense ratio should be negligible with normal ETFs

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Fuck off back to stocktwits, depressed tranny

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>buy now

The state of biz

Why not? Are you gay?



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>let the TV raise your kids
>be disappointed with the results
we're all fucked
explosion of the sun when?

HK already did it
I want my "stimulus" neet bucks!

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The FED just fucked Yas Forumss brains out with its circumcised cock

This is bait right?
Look through the archives for tmdx, it’s 70% me drunkposting about it