Be me

>be me
>girl impressed by my crypto knowledge at party
>start dating
>a month in we go to her parents place to meet them first time
>im nervous as fuck, give her dad limp handshake
>more nervous, ask for a tour of their 3 room apartment
>dad looks confused and points around "thats our bedroom"
>i try to be funny and respond "oh so here is what the magic happens"
>accidently farted at dinner

She ghosted me guys why am i so autistic

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good attempt at a joke bro. im proud of you. can't win em all :^)


i wonder how a parent feel when his daughter brings home a bf
in the parent mind he knows the bf is smashing his daughter pussy and anally fucking her as well

fathers, tell me your experience

Only have sons, so I can never get cucked

you're blessed user, good for you

You want your daughter to get fucked by chad and have genetically superior offspring

kek. thanks for making me laugh OP. For what it's worth my ex's parents hated me for no reason too.

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What about if they are gay or trannies
Sounds pretty cucked

Unbelievably based

>>i try to be funny and respond "oh so here is what the magic happens"
>>accidently farted at dinner
im fucking dying lmao

Being gay or tranny is far better than being a woman, thank god I only have sons

If my son brings home a "boyfriend" one day, I'll straightfaced ask both of them "who's smashing who's boipussy"

Autism, the post


lesbian daughers ftw

kek I have two faggots in my extended family and every time they show up to a gathering I wonder which one is banging who. my boomer parents would disown me if I ever asked

>fetishizing your own daughter instead of extending your genetic lineage

and yet Im the "black sheep" for banging teenage whores in SEA literally clown world

>no homo

>>be me
>>girl impressed by my crypto knowledge at party
Ask me how I know this is a LARP

You’re actually gay, wow

do americans really?

If you have have a daughter that means you smashed someone else's daughter. Wasn't a problem then was it?

Your parents are cucks.

My gfs father and brother hate my guts, because I'm a 32 year old, graying Polish bloke, and she's their little 21 year old princess, lol. Her mom loves me though, figures.

Are you really graying at 32? that's harsh

I'd rather my daughter fuck a Pajeet than a filthy Pole


Mom wants a turn on the old kielbasa.

Poland is an artificial country whose lands rightly belong to Russia and Germany.

how did you meet?

i want my daughter to get blacked ASAP

thats not even a weird age discrepancy


im 31 and i started going grey after 3 months of smoking. and hairline started thinning. made me quit 2 weeks ago

Uh, based?

>32yo user is allowed to date a 21yo
>24yo me is not allowed to date a sweet 13yo girl unless I want to go to prison for years and be labelled predator for the rest of my life

Sick of this fucking clown world. Sick of it all.

>ask for a tour

I truly hope you guys don't do this. What the fuck do you think a private home is? A goddamn museum?

Based. You'll get em next time.

You've got that backwards.



Shit man I can relate. My hair is halfways white at 29.

*hits pipe*

I'll blacked your daughter, fren.


The cuck take

It used to be kind of normal because most people did used to have some interesting things or rooms meant to show guests. Now its all ikea furniture and flat screens so who cares. But of course you dont ask for a tour, youre offered one and obviously not in a fucking apartment.

Even if you accidentally fart during dinner, pretend that it's on purpose. Girls like condidence.

To the OP of this thread, you're gonna make it user.

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Ask me how I know you’re an idiot

Op didn't tell the entire story:
>more nervous, ask for a tour of their 3 room apartment
>say to her father "i hold chainlink"
>dad looks confused and points around "thats our bedroom"
>i try to be funny and respond "oh so here is what the magic happens"
>dad closes the door and says "i hold chainlink too"
>we hug, kiss and have sex
>he drills my anus so hard that
>accidently farted at dinner

>i try to be funny and respond "oh so here is what the magic happens"

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>i try to be funny and respond "oh so here is what the magic happens"

That's actually pretty funny, but you were probably too autistic to deliver it right.

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Quick question.
Would you guys want some Chad male to date your daughter or some Beta male?



Wtf is this not normal, I have 8 gray hairs at 24.

>be girl
>dad is sperging out about money and cutting allowance
>get revenge
>pretend to be interested in beta fag
>wtf is crypto
>invite him over, feed him lots of epsom salt, lactulose, and fibercon
>dad freaks out
>tells me to not date that boy anymore and will double my allowance
>ok dad wutevrrrrrrrrr

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Audible keks from me

Only the beard, admittedly. Hairline is creeping up, too. One of my mates is a couple years older and completely gray, its not that uncommon.

I was a manager in a shitty Subways for a couple months, before I ditched it over the franchisee being a total cunt, she was a clerk in a shop across the street. She saw me bossing people around which made her take notice, then I made her laugh a couple times, asked her out. That's about it really. Didn't even flinch when I told her my age.

But Poland is far older than both Russia and Germany? If anything, it was our mistake in granting the Teutonic Order lands in Prussia that lead to modern Germany. Germans are slavs in denial anyway, mixed with some nordics, but still mostly slavic.

being the father of a girl has to be the most cucked experience ever