Your days are numbered, Satsgang. Day of the broom starts the moment I get accepted

Your days are numbered, Satsgang. Day of the broom starts the moment I get accepted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Time to rid the pesky streetshitters from the streets of Yas Forums

I hope I get accepted. No More Thotposting

One thread per coin would neutralize any and all shilling by relegating them to isolated echo chambers

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agreed. we don't need 20 Chainlink or Kleros threads.

Put this pajeet out of business

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Thanks for doing gods work, user


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your days are numbered chainlink spammers

yup agreed... no more 20-50 scamstink threads. they will have 1 general and anything else gets removed. a much cleaner less spam cluttered board


I feel like I'm turning to the dark side after making all those fuck janny threads

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1 coin 1 thread

if you dont get mod status im gonna be sad

No More:
>*tink* *tink* I have an announcement
>a thread died for this
>NSFW Posting
>spam threads (30 chainlink, Kleros, Algorand)
>satsgang pump and dumps
>how many *insert coin* for a gf like this

the list goes on. I can't wait for the purge to begin.

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i applied, too. to defeat the jannie, you must become the jannie

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Jannies do it for free
>Jannies do it for free
Jannies do it for free
>Jannies do it for free
Jannies do it for free

>*tink* *tink* I have an announcement
part of the board culture
part of board culture
part of board culture

all of the above are organic, and p[art of board culture. thot posting in particular is used in a unique and post-ironic way on Yas Forums. pics of thots are a literal currency here.

all the rest can go.

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Unironically if you get accepted as a janitor DAG, RSR, QNT, FRM, COTI, and OCEAN all go immediately to zero. Those shitcoins survive solely off scamming biz

the one on the right can get it

Ok coomer

double dubs confirm

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>Janitors are uncompensated volunteers

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They don't want people like that, they want far-left "resetera" type libtards who love anime and have a violent, rabid hatred of furfaggotry

based OP

make sure to delete ALL rsr threads
I am so sick of this pnd scam being shilled here

> far-left "resetera" type libtards who love anime and have a violent, rabid hatred of furfaggotry
aka oldfags. based

will also be deleting all the xrp spam since its a shit token and will never do anything. fuck you shills you and scamstinks spam days are numbered

If chainlink can be consolidated to no more than 25-30 threads at one time it'll be a win. If someone can knock it down to 10 or less, it'll be a major victory for all of humanity.

you mean consolidated to 1 thread..any amount above 1 for scamstink is too many

based vengeful janny

That will never happen even when Sergey exits and disappears dying, "ok, the eth middleware parser is done. That's all we ever planned to build. If you expected more, that's your problem. Thanks for the burgers!"

I would not pull out of either of them

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worth it when im deleting all the chainlink spam threads

It would ruin the athmosphere of the board. This board discusses max 3 shitcoins at once, there would just be a chainlink general, a bitcoin general, an ethereum general and the rest would just be pajeets shilling any random shitcoin. Much better idea is just giving us flags.

*clicks the router reset switch*

Yes!!! Bring the flags to the biz

You're free to go elsewhere, if you don't like something here. There is reddit, other message boards and social networks for normies like you. If you see a problem and try to solve it through censorship, Yas Forums probably isn't the right place for you.
lmao, kys

spamming threads is against the rules but you're one of those edgg queers that thinks rules dont apply to you. sad and many such cases of underage faggots like you on here

This is not reddit. If you want censorship by faggot jannies you can go to reddit. This is a white man's board with freedom and everything that comes with it.

Watch me do it again fgt

*clicks the router reset switch again*

Flags+state/regional flags for a little more variety than the usual Yas Forums shittalking. I dont think anyone would mind seeing flags for Wales, Massachusetts, Nova Scotia, etc
One thread per coin per topic (i.e. tech, speculation, company news) - max 3 at once

what about likes?


gonna enjoy the seethe you have when your shit spam scamstink thread of WTF WAS THAT for 0.05% gets deleted

Ex janny here.

We were told to leave all link threads alone. It was literally it’s own line item for the Yas Forums moderation team:

“All threads related to chainlink should be allowed to run their normal course unless they contain racism or other extreme violations.”

I got “let go” because I shut down threads “unjustifiably”. I was just sick of seeing the board flooded with this dirt.

I heard from another guy that there are Yas Forums “higher ups” holding top 20 LINK wallets.

I wonder what they stand to gain.

So there’s your explanation. Fuck this place.

If you dont like RSR go tell the admins of DAG in their telegram. DAGs community leadership are the pump and dump scammers spamming biz all day every day. Its been proven with etherscans and screenshots of their scam in action.

seriously id vote for you dude

Reaction emojis would be better
All the shills could just go >:( instead of writing paragraphs of raw seethe

I was about to it the send application button but but now I can't to it after reading this.
Mods are absolutey way more worse than jannies, they are the reason why jannies don't do anything.

>Unless they contain racism

Fuck sake if someone wants to call someone a nigger or pajeet they should be allowed to, this is why mods are always fags

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Fuck you janny

At least link isn't a total ponzi scam and you would know that 4channers are too wallets if you weren't a total 2018/19 newfaggot.

Link threads aren't even nearly as insufferable as the flavor-of-the-week pajeet ponzi scamcoin that gets flooded nowadays

I agree that there shouldn't be censorship, but it'll be good to allow people to form their own discord/telegram communities with people from Yas Forums, without having to worry about getting banned. I'll want to form a trading group with people from Yas Forums eventually, and threads like that are difficult to make on here (they get censored in their own way).

>jannies think they can change our board culture by force

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How about you just leave the board how it is. If you want heavily moderated discussion I recommend Reddit.

Back in September, I started a thread making fun of the way Linkies spam the board. Some other anons thought it was funny so they started making threads like mine. Within 15 minutes, all the threads got scrubbed and I got a 2 week ban.
I've been banned more times than I could ever count for shitposting and it's always for 3 days.

Kek, even the post I replied to got deleted

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