You didn’t buy yesterday during the dip

>You didn’t buy yesterday during the dip
>You didn’t buy three days ago and get 85x’d
>You didn’t even get the airdrop
Yikes. Still time to get in though, we’re mooning lads

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Other urls found in this thread:

damn, is that the coin that got featured in reuters about a day ago?

shitcoin with real potential and good cause!

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It's been in a few papers. Didn't think it would reach that far honestly.

honestly i was surprised too, but i learned it can never hurt to throw money at a trending shitcoin!

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gonna buy this desk with my gains

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can i get this on uniswap? where to buy, i have to get some for the memes and if the world ends

108%? We moonin bros

...wut does it do

It’s a gambling Ponzi scheme like 90% of crypto. Last one out is a rotten egg.

Honestly just wait until the opinion outrage pieces hit. MSM can't resist making a martyr out of things, even if they are donating 20% of the supply to red cross. The media hype will be real.

I've never seen anything so neet

mooning hard right now

First I got a free airdrop, then I bought in after the NYTimes article, then got an 85 x airdrop. This is the best thing that ever happened to me.

Attached: CoronaX85FTW.png (1152x808, 726.67K)

See website in pic related

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I got mine on the saturn dex

Its not ponzi, why should it be?

thanks user, idk what that even is tho

>he haven’t seen their game demo screenshot on twitter
Fucking newfag. It’s basically new cryptokitties, but you are going to fomo at 0.1 anyways

Gimmick shitcoins are bullish desu

I'm fine

Did they airdrop this shit or how did they release the virus

Just here to say fuck you

Thanks for the Airdrop to existing address holders the other day. That was a nice surprise

anyone have the Corona discord ? I accidentally left the wrong server

A dream came true, always hoped to see the world burning, now Corona is gonna rekt 20% of the planet.
Meanwhile laughting about those faggot dieing from its just a flu bru and making money on them.

Here it is fren discord dot gg slash x88ffK

They’re also making a cool multiplayer game. You use nCoV to infect the world and can win/lose nCoV vs other people online. Pretty based desu

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you'll figure it out otherwise stay poor

scored me 100k yesterday. waiting for moon

>167% rise in 24h on CoinGecko

I am a happy hodler

i think that guy mentioned something about building utility with game in that interview too


It's just going to keep going

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Went with nulink instead sorry anono

NuLink and nCoV are friends
We’re all gonna make it

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powerful stack my friend, you will make it

we all are gonna make it, if you got in soon enough ;)

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What do you guys use to buy? I'm new and I don't know where to get this coin

Come to the discord, people are very helpful. I use Saturn exchange mostly.

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>the quintessential 2020 pajeet shill pack

>volume: 1 BTC

jannies be mad cuz they didnt buy before it reached $0.5

oh man market is going up again!

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Attached: whyhaveyoudonethis.png (600x1200, 276.18K)

>pure hype
>as coronavirus spreads this shit is more likely to go viral
sitting at 100k NCOV feelin comfy. its only going up.

Attached: coronacoin.gif (605x492, 1.81M)

We're pumping boys

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If Saturn has its hickups, try ForkDelta or

All-Time High $0.03328806 -98.2%
Feb 29, 2020 (6 days)

hahaha they pumping, except the top was 98% ago

Yas Forums is the worst nowadays, fu for even making me google this shit

you missed the part where they x85 all wallets to make sure some asshole dev who got off with some coins has nothing of worth. That drop was expected and calculated.

stay poor

ignorant fool you know nothing of why it dumped and didnt even try to find out. Just ran to your precious Yas Forums board to shit post like a simpleton peasant talking about things he doesnt know about

Imagine being a NuLinker.
Imagine having less than 80 IQ.
Imagine being paid less than 5$ per day.
Imagine getting scammed by your own Discord group where IQ 90 pajeets trick you telling about Kucoin or real progress.
Imagine believing you can copy Google, Microsoft, Amazon or Chainlink and make even 1000$ out of it. Imagine cherishing this idea in your part of the filthy carpet in some shack between Chandigarh and Norilsk.

This, if anything, should make you feel good, literally any of you.
At least you are not a retarded pajeet spending 24/7 shilling scam token to people more stupid than you.
Imagine spending even a day of your only life spamming scam token to an anonymous imageboard. Really, try it.

When you are living in a modern western world, browsing biz in your comfy chair in front of a fireplace. Sipping 16 years old Lagavulin. You have already made it.

"Stay poor" is the most humorous pajeet answer. Stay? What the fuck you are talking Rajeesh? Stay poor? Like any of us has ever been poor. Being poor is when you have to fuck your cow - even it is illegal - just to feel you are doing something that can have consequences. Proof that you are a living creature. Or drink from Ganges river and swallow it like you whore mother swallowed your uncle's load just to buy you few grains of curry.

Imagine this biz. I almost feel sad, those NuLink cockroaches, they don't have anything. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Holy shit
A raw memecoin that pulled an 85x in a couple days for no reason other than that it was funny
You have ascended to the realm of Bitbean chads and Jeb!posters. Welcome.

and this surface level investigation is what will keep you poor

wait, so you're saying a dev actually dumped on you, yet you still shill this shit? eternal bagHODLers

Read up or stay poor, not my hustle

I bought the dip, whale checking in

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>dev dumped
>other devs kicked him out
>they then gave us 85X the coins we had
I’m way up on my investment bud, Up 4X since buying

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You will stay poor pajeet

$11,000 daily volume...

Are people retarded?

also a early investment. Imagine media going shit when there is a coronagame with a game like plague inc

He owned 5m and ran discord. They kicked him out and 85x every single holder on nCoV in a massive airdrop if you bought before the 3rd. People got 8500 from the 100ncov airdrop. Weak hands were shaken out since yesterday. All of us whales are hodling.

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>it doesnt have 250000000 volume like bitcoin and chainlink
>its automatically a scam
retards should never have been allowed into crypto

they are, they'll soon figure out they cant cash outt on their actual tokens... but still have to pay taxes

The price is still going up!

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