Where did it go?

Ooooooh VIDTiiiieeeeeeeeeeeesssssss ... Hahahaha.. hooo oh no no NO hooohohowpawpfpffpfff... HAHAHAHA

Attached: V-ID_logo_white.png (1774x754, 40.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I feel personally attacked

hello this is viddie

They can’t announce the hardware partner for legal reasons

I don't get this post. Where did what go?

Hint: *IT* went in here
>pic related

HAHAHA.. It is one-motherfucking-hundred-precent OVER

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already 1m token burned fuck you fudder

Attached: fudder fuck you.jpg (430x201, 22.56K)

Ooooooooh.. PFfp ppfffppfppfp pPFfHAHAHAHA

Attached: oooh.png (523x522, 43.88K)

>Team hits "delete" on their back-end to placate bagholders

Attached: the-future-you-chose.png (1080x814, 47.88K)

that doesn't really matter, does it? so the team, who has been mixing tokens via the validation pool, sells constantly tokens that they minted out of thin air...but they also burned 1M. oh wow.
wake up to the scam, cause that's what it is.

Here is another competitor with another unnecessary token that hasn't been pumped and dumped yet: signature-chain.com/sign.html

Best of all? Doesn't require a subscription plan.

Attached: dapp.png (923x730, 91.25K)

You just can't make this up.. Oooh viddies, I am literally gasping

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Do viddies think current V-ID clients are paying full-price? I think not.

Attached: validate-for-free.png (818x345, 29.04K)

V-ID B2C... Signature Chain... Do I want to pay over $2.26 or just 50 cents? With B2C you don't get training or personal attention from V-ID team. Therefore, easiest decision anyone could ever make.

V-ID consumer app is dead before launch. Why even bother developing it? It's over.

Attached: full-price.png (859x261, 16.02K)

Token not needed lolololol xDDDDD

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holy fuck biz fud gets lower quality by the day. at least put some effort in it


>at least put some effort in it
What for? No one cares to accumulate lower anymore. Thanks for free the Binance pump money!

OOOH this FUD is of the highest quality, now i want to buy more! It's already starting to go parabolic!

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Attached: oof.jpg (1200x750, 87.66K)

have you ever seen someone write this faggoty in your entire life?

Did I really get scammed? Team seems legit, token burns are happening, many good clients...

>Imagine thinking a single sensor on top of IBM's roof is generating 100k validations a month
I'll let you guess.

>6 posts by this ID
>references information that was literally just talked about in the VIDT trader telegram

based FUDposter

I invest VIDT

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Retarded use case nobody will ever use VIDT
>inb4 muh partners who got free tokens are using it

Get in or stay poor! The Rocket is lifting of for the moon! Top100 within this year. Easy x100. Print this message out, hang it above your bed and thank me later.

Attached: 1582053795573.jpg (900x900, 61.78K)

its a shitcoin but so easy to swing trade


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This thread unironically got me to buy 1k worth.

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Attached: ooohwagiiieee.gif (640x480, 3.36M)

Yea im not falling for it this time. Loading up some vidt with this weeks paycheck.


IK we should not ask for stuff but my moms cut me off, help a buddy out with whatever. CA:walkertallman
im hurting and learnned not to fw Mom. Got me almost homeless

You are all in denial or filling bags on naive good willing anons buying into you next chilling adventure. Lets just all agree on this for one time! Anons this token will make you rich if you invest in it before it will be listed on Binance and will gain traction on the IBM partnership and then Global hardware player partnership will be announced. Then you can go back to the endless discussion between Link and Nulcink which is invested and causes really GAYish talks between desperate pajeets trying to get some dimes of already poor people.

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When $2?

This year, guaranteed. Anyone denying this are just searching a way to steal money straight from your wallet.

the only person who buys VIDT is the VIDT team themselves, off of exchanges. no regular person has any reason to buy and own VIDT

you can say the same thing about XRP

>you can say the same thing about XRP
You can, but then you'd be wrong.

LOL go buy more xrp, it could moon up to 30 cents any time lol. Such gains!

Got a bit more to make it an even 10k vidt.

>no regular person has any reason to buy and own XRP

prove me wrong

Better than no gains at all. How come when you search for "Internet of Environments" or "IOE IBM" no information comes up, other than from LTO and V-ID? Oh, I know. Pic related. There is no partnership. Enjoy your bags!

Attached: ibm-partnershit.png (924x941, 289.83K)

wow the cgi of this IoE sensor install at IBM NL Headquarters is so lifelike.


>Get access to IBM hardware, communities, and support

Attached: uh-oh.png (758x415, 40.71K)

Why is IBM partnershit not listed on the V-ID's main website?

"Internet of Environments" was made up and created by LTO and supposed to give the impression it's an IBM project because of IoT. LMAO. It's over.

Attached: vidt-scam.jpg (600x600, 201.71K)

>Imagine thinking IBM gave V-ID money to validate hashfiles on the blockchain and not for the sensors and marketing materials
Should I keep going or do you viddies get it?

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Please go on.

That's all I have for now. But here's a classic as a daily reminder.

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Wow yes I will be selling all my vidt now. Thanks for opening my eyes.

>Wow yes I will be selling all my vidt now.
No one is buying, unfortunately. You might want to wait for the organized shilling when the next nothing-burger "buy the rumor, sell the news" happens.

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The team with the highest reward has won every time. I did sell before listing or not though that night before bed. Glad I did. Always sell news. Got back in at 10 cents.


just because it’s being fuded and it’s a scam it’ll pump because crypto is so illogical and fuhmundentals don’t mean shit

Shut your mouth, you stupid fucking frogposter.

Amspec and airbus are scams.