What is the financial reason for forcing a liberal pozz agenda into everything?

what is the financial reason for forcing a liberal pozz agenda into everything?
pic related is Counter Strike Global Offensive

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Because liberals and trannies are more likely to define their lives through consumerism than other demographics. Pic related.

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it's not ethical to turn people into consumption bugs though. need new laws since 10 years ago

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Preemptive security against snowflake criticism.

>Don't look at me I'm politically correct and inclusive! Nothing to see here! Take your pitchforks and torches elsewhere

those snowflakes are created and controlled by the corporations though

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Does everyone that posts here have a paranoid mental disorder or is it just the same person posting all this retarded autistic shit all day?

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You're missing the bigger picture here. It's to remove power from men so the nation cannot defend itself thereby relying soley on the government. Its been the plan all along. Look at Germany, UK, France as an example of what they are slowly doing to the US. Remove nationalism & macsulinity, what do you have? A bunch of fucking pussies that can be easily controlled.

cringe, "she" looks like a dude, what's even the point?

Corporations may support and reinforce the snowflake worldview but I don't think they single-handedly create them

corporations will ditch the fad when they realize these people they pander to don't have any money

>he doesnt know

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But it does makes them more fragile to any criticism that may appear, oh the irony.

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lol, they photoshopped the "fetal alcohol syndrome" out of Greta's face

Believe it or not, there are some girls that play video games and more and more are playing. Taking the time to appeal to a potentially huge customer base is a good business move. The better question is, why are you a grown man and still worried about video games? If you grew up, you wouldn't be so worried about "liberal pozz agendas"

thats why 99% of games with liberal pozz agendas flop massively

What the fuck is this shit character?
Who wrote this shit?

Having a female character isn't an aggressive liberal agenda. Jesus christ, you know that female FBI agents exist IRL, right? Why does it bother you if a game includes a female character with a very realistic back story? It's only dumb if she performs physical tasks in a greatly enhanced matter compared to male characters

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Now Peter Pan adults can play video games with their daughters and say "Honey look! You can be the girl! I'm so glad I spent my money on something that allows me to sit in front of a TV pushing buttons for hours!"

All of this shit is cancer regardless of the gender of the characters they create.

Show coochie or dilate

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>peter pan adults
liberals dont have children, especially city liberals. they are far below conservative rural people in terms of replacement rate

Why are grown women extremely concerned about representation of grown women in video games?

Video games are an opportunity for you and other losers to escape their sad lives. Let people play as a female character to escape their lives if they like.

Take a step back and think about why this upsets you. You've been trained in a very specific way by anonymous forums you visit to react negatively to very specific triggers. There's absolutely no reason this should bother you or that you should put any thought toward it. I'm honestly trying to help you to achieve a more objective perspective on the world. It will help you in the long run.

Read the description and stop being so naive

Conservative rural adults don't sit around playing video games. It's far more likely that their tomboy daughter would want to play a shooter video game.

the future is Conservative unfortunately. LGBTQ pozz acceptance is rapidly falling even amongst zoomers. sorry, reality just has a Conservative bias and this is a fact we all have to accept.

Take a step back and ask yourself why you took time out of your day to come in this specific thread and "help" us, your majesty

Any women that are extremely concerned about this have skewed priorities. Stooping down to their level and whining about the gender of characters in video games just worsens the situation. It's argument over fiction.

>haha who cares about art or entertainment bro just let us kikes use it to brainwash the youth into ZOG fluoride slavery it's not like video games are a bigger industry than movies or anything

Maybe appeal to their feminine audience? If I were them I'd refuse to. Untill people start talking about it, free publicity.

So cringe. They got some fucking woman with a communications studies major to write that guaranteed.

Having a tomboy female character has nothing to do with homosexuality or other sexual deviancy.

Saying "the future is conservative" is a nonsense aphorism that some stupid politician would say to rally his useful idiots that like his specific, contrived perspectives that often lack necessary nuance.

How is having a female character with a realistic backstory of being a tomboy and growing up with several brothers brainwashing? It is a very contrived, realistic, and relatable backstory for a character that would most-likely appeal to the teenaged girls who would play a game like this.

How can you not step back and see how brainwashed you are if this upsets you?

And I'm not even arguing with you just for the sake of arguing. I'm trying to help you realize that your retaining such a subjective viewpoint is actually going to hold you back from ever being financially successful. If your only goal in life is to play video games and call the people who kill you niggers and kikes, then by all means, keep doing what you do.

1) girls dont play games you're just trying to force your failed inversion agenda into games and everyone is laughing at you
2) "Very important in sports was sports for girls. Athletics would be pushed for girls. This
was intended to replace dolls. Baby dolls would still be around, a few of them, but
you would not see the number and variety of dolls. Dolls would not be pushed
because girls should not be thinking about babies and reproduction. Girls should be
out on the athletic field just as the boys are. Girls and boys really need not to be all
that different. Tea sets were to go the way of dolls, and all these things that
traditionally were thought of as feminine would be de-emphasized as girls got into
more masculine pursuits. Just one other thing I recall was that the sports pages would
be full of the scores of girls' teams just right along there with the boys' teams. And
that's recently begun to appear after 20 years in our local papers. The girls' sports
scores are right along with the boys' sports scores. So all of this to change the role
model of what young girls should look to be. While she's growing up she should look
to be an athlete rather to look forward to being a mother."

reminder this site killed the NWO forever haha

why are you projecting your lack of financial success onto me as you are ritually humiliated in the same old song and dance argument we've been having for a very long period of time now?

submit, dog, as reality bends to my will (Trump wins 2020)

You're speaking from the perspective of someone with no life experience and is basing his point of view off of Yas Forums and other less-mainstream websites.

How many daughters do you have? How many girls have you seen grow up? Genuine question. What are you basing your perspective on that girls don't play games and that girls only are interested in athletic competition because of an agenda being pushed by jews?

Look, I respect your perspective, I'm sorry if it came off like I was negating your point of view. I'm genuinely curious if you'll answer these questions:

1) How much time per day (on average) do you spend on the internet?

2) How much time per day (on average) do you spend engaging in human-to-human contact?

3) What is your age range: a

again you're projecting your own failures and inadequacies onto me. you must be a very sad individual.

you're like an AI going into meltdown/short circuit when fed something outside of its target narrative enclosure - cannot comprehend, overflow!


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I'm actually working on an AI. I'm genuinely interested in your perspective and how much of it is genuine and how much of it is authentic, hence my asking some questions that I'd be interested in your answering. If you don't want to answer them, that is fine too.

i'm actually a russian bot sent here to persecute and oppress you specifically

cool. Enjoy your games.

enjoy your election

also, enjoy your aforementioned financial success. It's clear by how you spend your time that you're very successful.

russian bots get paid well

>anyone who doesn't share my perspective hates Trump!

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Women spend money like retards.

Consume media bro.

>you know that female FBI agents exist IRL, right?
And they dont get into shootouts on the daily retardo.

>Having a tomboy female character has nothing to do with homosexuality or other sexual deviancy
Yeah right.
No inversion of gender roles is marxist at its core.

>retaining such a subjective viewpoint is actually going to hold you back from ever being financially successful.
Lol okay retard.

>You're speaking from the perspective of someone with no life experience and is basing his point of view off of Yas Forums and other less-mainstream websites
Projection isnt an arguement.

>oh nooo a woman
i get it, it’s a cringe backstory, but seriously have sex

Kikes ruined everything

>that one liberal faggot who got completely mad and stopped posting after I made him scream IRL
i live in libtard heads rent free

this has to be a joke, pic related I mean, how can anyone write that unironically?

this thread paints a picture, pic related elaborates further

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holy shit there is no woman in the world that is in any special forces unit.

Only 1 in America got accepted into the training for special forces: military.com/daily-news/2020/02/25/woman-track-become-1st-female-army-green-beret-report.html

> "it's important woman are represented in games!"
> "haha why do you care games are children?"
Literally all in the same sentence. Wew lad.