Has gentrification always had negative connotations in society?

Has gentrification always had negative connotations in society?
Yes increased housing prices are a concern but why do people get so angry about business and homeowners using their own money to improve the atmosphere and aesthetics of their community? There’s nothing virtuous about living in a ghetto.

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>whites move to suburbs
>whites move to ghetto

It’s just an attack, there’s no principled reason behind it

>Has gentrification always had negative connotations in society?
No. It’s a very recent phenomenon with neoliberalism where everyone must be miserable and retarded.

Yes, the goal is simply to get rid of any Western values

Is it improving their own community though? I think the problem is when rich opportunists come in from outside. People in a ghetto look out for eachother because noone else gives a shit and they are usually all they have. So a close community is usually formed. When some stranger comes in and strips all that away for money, even if the new place does look nicer, it does create resentment because to many people community is more important than money and they don't feel like they are a part of this new community.

People enjoy the early stages of gentrification.

However, once things gentrify past the point where average people can afford to live in an area then those people (ie the average/the majority) start to complain, and that's what gives gentrification a negative sentiment.

I feel like this is most people are highly entitled, and falsely believe that they shouldn't ever have to change.

For example in OP picture. Most people would be happy going from frame 1->2

2->3 some people might not be able to afford the jump, however, some would welcome the improvements

3->4 would leave people classed out, and thus those people get angry.

Only idiots who rent, those who save their money and responsibly buy .. well their property values skyrocket and they can sell

Nobody wants you croissant eating faggots moving in and exploiting their neighborhoods and turning it faggy and raising the price of everything 10x only to have a bunch of beanie wearing jogging fags look at the original community members like they don’t belong there

>Step 1: Jews buy up houses and rent to negros in area
>Step 2: Jews buy up houses from white flight after property value drops from negros
>Step 3: Jews begin "gentrifying" the area to increase property value and push all the negros out after they have acquired real estate at dirt cheap prices
>rinse and repeat
This is why gentrification is bad. They've been doing this shit successfully for over 100 years.

>original community members
I think you mean broke ass niggers and homeless.

>People in a ghetto look out for eachother because noone else gives a shit and they are usually all they have.

The homicide rate begs to differ

maybe if they didn't rent it wouldn't be seen as a bad thing that the neighborhood property values go up

based on your assumption i find it hard to believe you've lived within 50 miles of a ghetto


Call it what you want you don’t belong but bring a beanie wearing faggot entitlement like nobody else belongs.

>Call it what you want you don’t belong but bring a beanie wearing faggot entitlement like nobody else belongs.
Learn to English nigger

I'm just being straight with you. Its usually broke ass, drug dealing homeless scumbags with little to no ambition except getting high and robbing someone when they aren't stumbling around wasted. Prove me wrong.

Yeah, it's called "block busting".

bc yups have no taste and just buy and not create, people love ghettos bc its a jungle and associated with nature, when rich white people move in it's just the city.

>seething art majors

I spent much of my childhood on a poor estate. Yes, you are going to have violence and drugs and problems, but there is a strong sense of "us and them" too. I think the women drive much of the community though.

Because gentrification means niggers have to start contributing something to society to afford to live in the same neighborhood where they used to just get by solely on government welfare.

lol I live in a huge city and see this shit all the time. Go anywhere they are turning these rat infested shitholes littered with homeless drug addicts. You fucking suburb living neckbeards have no fucking clue about that is actually happening. Stick to your moms basement in Iowa and keep voting for Bernie and defending feminists you cucked faggot.

I guess it's frustrating when you sell vegetalbles and some hipster fag starts selling The Vegetable Experience for twice as much money while also having more customers. Some people are fine with living in a "ghetto" als long as it's not a violent one.

>literally wearing a beanie and jogging downtown as he posts

Yeah I'm in a rush to meet your mom, she can't wait to take my nut all in her face.

AKA based people. The term "based" literally comes from people who base crack.

>poor estate
Oh, I'm sorry, Nigel. Your home was only worth £700,000. It must have been really rough for you attending a second-rate boarding school.

*3 shot on corner of blank and blank*
>”Art district”
Cheap real estate being used for it’s space and affordability, art galleries, new lofts, and studios
Local businesses take advantage of growing interest in area by opening restaurants and cafes
>Globohomo “mall” neighborhood
The final stage, is chain stores and restaurants, local culture erased.

You know we’re the best jungles are, Africa. You have to go back.

the race baiting stuff, real gentrification, has people who call whites racist no matter happens, you dont listen to the opinions of rats in this matter. the type of people who brag about how dangerous their neighborhood was, haha these people out with their dogs, they've have been murdered and raped! haha. "pepople of color" to put it nicely. that doesnt exist

then theres "gentrification" which i hate, which isn't much about the neighborhood but the atmosphere. the one that brings 100 coffeeshops, generic sushi places, shitty overpriced supermarkets, a bunch of retards who will talk trash about where they come from but weirdly care too much about where they moved to, thats the type of trash american identity-killing gentrification that is more important. the type of, quoting, and
, the type of bullied ostracized iowans and wisconsinites who come to "real" places and fuck it up. you see these types of people all the time wearing sports clothing from their irrelevant cities and states, like detroit tigers, and university of wisconsin, or some other nonsense place they escaped from yet will represent despite hating them. they probably just came out as gay and don't talk to their parents anymore and complain on instagram about how they'll start fights on thanksgiving with their backwards parents because they hate pocahontas warren.

>People in a ghetto look out for eachother

Take your meds.

>people in a ghetto look out for one another
My social studies professor told me this too!

They do. They shoot da bitch ass niggas if they threaten da homies.

Crabs in a bucket.
Don't tune your energy so much into what the lumpenproles are thinking, they live in a sort of hell.

Imagine living in a neighborhood, knowing it’s desirable, and not loading up your bags before the moon mission. There is literally no excuse. No one is entitled to a neighborhood. The people on the losing end of these situations have no excuse, literally living in the area and watching it happen, and not taking action to profit from it. We live in a capitalist system. Refusing to learn the rules, and not looking at the pieces on the game board, and then complaining when you lose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

t. kobe hernandez-jackson

First post is also the best post

>People in a ghetto look out for eachother

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Have you ever lived in or even been in a ghetto before?

Cool it with the antisemitism user.

The place gets richer, but the people who lived in it originally don't necessarily. The ones lucky enough to own their property watch the value of it go up and then often move away because they don't like the way things are going overall, friends moving away etc, dickheads everywhere and general soullessness. Those who don't own their property are priced out and move away gradually to cheaper places, the majority of people lose out and their lives are upheaved to make way for soulless consumerists to create another theme park area. So the people in the area are displaced, rather than enriched on the whole, it just looks good from a simplistic viewpoint because on paper the wealth of the area grew.

What's very annoying is it often begins with people with some roots in the area making the place better themselves, or part of the attraction is that the people who live there have quite a strong community or some aspect to them which makes the area good. Then people from outside capitalise on it and sooner or later the lives of those who built or maintain the desirable aspect find their lives worsened.

Like with anything true, genuine, wholesome, bona fide, imaginative, characterful, talented, unique, organic, impassioned, inspired... as soon as business gets it's hands on it, it loses the spark and genuine quality that made it good, it's gutted and commercialised until people lose all interest in it, then on to the next thing.

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I live in L.A.... I don’t understand why my cleaning lady, gardener and pool guy wouldn’t want to live next to a pop-up art gallery.

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>Rich, spoiled, white kids move in
>Rent prices triple
>Poor people who lived there are priced out
>Poor people move elsewhere and turn other places into ghettos
>Cycle repeats
Gentrification has always been bad.

Gentrification would not be a problem, if most of the citizens owned their house.

Except those "people" are all boomers who bought back in the 80s and will sell it to chinks and pajeets displacing whites.

So how come you're not one of those rich cool kids? Why did you choose to be poor?

>poverty should be encouraged


Fuck you

The only communities that tend to exist like that in cities and especially in the hood are usually made up of very old people who grew up on the street and refused to move after their neighborhoods turned.
Otherwise, you look out for your family and maybe some friends if theyre both trustworthy and still not dead.
Whoever says they're looking out for you in the hood is more than likely feigning kindness because they want something from you.

freebased and amphetamine-pilled

>not selling dope
never gonna make it

you're looking at the symptom and not the disease

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It's a pretty common cycle at this point. You get some corner of town that has a bit of character and cheap rent and the artists move in. It becomes "the edgy cool part of town".

Hipster orbiter move in to be close to this culture, posting it on social media and building up it's mystique in an effort to be cool through association. The beginning of the end.

Next thing you know, rich people who want to be hip start moving in, but the rough edges put them off, and before you know it they're repainting the old buildings in pastel, opening places with $7 lemonade, and demanding a bike lane.

At this point the influx has raised the rents beyond the ability of the bohemians and they are pushed out, along with the people who lived thier originally. Contemporary luxury condos contrast sharply with the local heritage architecture, but those who would notice or care are out.

So suddenly you have an area of town where the things that contributed to its character, the artists and original local culture, have a been pushed out and all that's left is the new. The expensive apartments and higher end chain stores that can afford the rent. The rich move in from whatever soulless and expensive neighborhood the came from and immediately get to work removing the soul and raisijg cost of living in the new area.

So the artists move out to a new cheap neighborhood and get back to work, until the galleries and hipsters give them away and it begins again.

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>People in a ghetto look out for eachother
holy shit how vanilla are you?

Only renting niggers complain about gentrification.

No, they just shoot and rob each other.

This. Basically if you own your own or can get enough you'll be fine. But in these areas that's like