Anyone listening to this dumb as fuck FUD dissuading you to buy LINK

Anyone listening to this dumb as fuck FUD dissuading you to buy LINK.

Go to and search chainlink. You can find your bag position there. My bag is in the top 6700 compared to 105k I wallets effectively putting me in the 1% of LINK holders. Buy now or cry later.

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Interestingly, if you compare the top LINK and ETH wallets you can get a good picture on what a “make it” LINK stack would be.
If you have 10,000 LINK you are in the top 3000 wallets.
How many ETH do you have to have to be in the top 3000 holders?
Fucking 3000 ETH.
That’s $690,000 today and $3,000,000 at the peak of the last bullrun.
So yeah if you’re wondering “is x amount of LINK enough to make it?” I think this is a good way to estimate.
Like, if you have 5000 LINK you’re in the top 5000 wallets. The top 5000 ETH wallet holder has 1,683 ETH.
(If any newfags are reading this, you can check this shit in etherscan and ethplorer).

If you have 3000 LINK you’re still in the top 7000 holders.... the 7000th ETH holder has 1070 ETH. And believe me, LINK is just starting it’s ETH-like run.

That counting individual wallets, we know there are some people who have multiple wallets, so my position may be even less. Furthermore we know chainlink has stronger business use case and a stronger pull for institutional investors.

If we see ETH and BTC reaching another ATH this year, then we know crypto follows a traditional market cycle of expansion and therefore it would make no sense to sell now further decreasing supply and moving price up.


>If you have 10,000 LINK you are in the top 3000 wallets.
that's crazy brother, I'm probably in the top 1000 and I thought my stack wasn't that big

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Exactly huge amount of discord fudders going around dissuading anons getting in early.

checked, powerful digits. Also just noticing OP was trips as well. very blessed thread.

>we know there are some people who have multiple wallets
Yes, but it’s impossible to know how many. Also, it’s fair to assume that ETH and LINK are comparable since there’s no reason that the number of people with multiple wallets would vary between ETH/LINK.

We’ve been speculating for years whether the top wallets and ICO buyers were institutional investors...
the current pump is being driven by newfags. We’ve gone from 25k wallets to over 100k and my rank has barely moved.

Linklet dysmorphia
If you were around in 2017 of course it feels like you haven’t got enough link. But all the newfags now screaming larp at anyone with 10k or more shows how quickly shit is progressing.
Imagine in 2 years when the next wave of newfags sees the current newfags with 1000-5000 LINK, and they can’t even afford 100-500. gonna be crazy.

Spoon feed me im a retard from fit, i bought in at 4.10, 1007 linkies, am im gonna make it? Ill hold forever, it was just sitting in my bank doing nothing so I might as well leave it where it can do snow good.

>He thinks he is in the top 1%
>He thinks larger holders than him all have 1 wallet.

Yea you’ll make it you’ll feel jealous at people with more than 5k links now, but you’ll move up in the ranks as old linkers leave the market. See how none of the discord trannies try to come and argue with me because i just spat out straight facts.


Ahhh the midwit who can’t do math.

>he is retarded and can't do math

>But all the newfags now screaming larp at anyone with 10k or more shows how quickly shit is progressing.
>Imagine in 2 years when the next wave of newfags sees the current newfags with 1000-5000 LINK, and they can’t even afford 100-500. gonna be crazy.
I-I thought you guys were just shitposting. Is 30k a-actually a lot?

dude stfu you know 30k is a lot

Aka 10k is not make it stack.

I'm sorry, I'm actually retarded

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you're not gonna make it bro

>tfw same amount of money I put into LINK today would have gotten me 75k link
Too bad I didny have 2 years :'(

Having 1000 LINK doesn’t even put you in the top 10,000 wallets.
Go check how many ETH the 10,000th ETH wallet has and you’ll see: you’ll make some money but not enough to retire.
Always been 10k to make it.

Yes it is dummy. 10,000 link is the equivalent of having 3000 ETH, which peaked at $3mil at the peak of the last bullrun and even now sits at almost 3/4 of a million. Either of those numbers are enough to retire on if you play your cards right.

Honestly we need to see the bull run this cycle if ETH does indeed beat it ATH, to let say $2000 - $2500 then yes LINK will be a buy and hold for several years 3 - 5, if you held that amount than you will make it. Same as the old OG BTC who had 300-500 btc back in 2010.

>old linkers leave the market
Lmao no, OGs never sell.
If you bought in 2017/2018 it means you’re a full fledged stinky linky who is absolutely committed and never selling.
Graph proves it. Shows holders by time. There are around 20k wallets who haven’t touched their linkies in over 12 months. Funnily enough, there were around 25k wallets pre-2019, all the early adopters.

If you bought early, you fully understand the project and won’t sell. You will probably get into staking.

If you bought late, you’ll panic sell the next dump, or you’ll sell for a small x3 profit and pay yourself on the back for making such a good trade as a means to COPE with seeing link skyrocket to triple figures Kek.

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at the peak of the bullrun 3000 eth was closer to 4 mil than 3 mil

Sucks man, i didnt have the money back tthen that i do now. I just dont wanna work anymore lmao im gettin old

30k is a lot NOW because newfags are priced out.

To early buyers 30k is a lot but not totally unbelievable.

If old linkers don’t sell, i don’t plan on selling my linklet stack, than supply circulation is reduced bringing up price. So honestly we have no fucking clue what price will be. 10,000 is def a make it stack but LINK is a wierd asset, that true value is best held.

What is this fucking pajeet typing?

You’re not quite right.
1. The market moves with BTC, not ETH.
2. LINK can move independently of BTC, given its climb during the bear market.
3. LINK will drive the mooning of ETH through usage, not the other way round.

eth isn't going to $2000 ever. sorry to inform you

> checked
> also tfw only 1k link

Didn’t it hit $1200 for like a day? Crazy.

I hope you can accumulate some more linkies. Put a % of your wageslave cheque in each month, sell old stuff on eBay, and accumulate. Link will hit $50-$100 easily next bull cycle, which is coming within months.

Yes, we’ve discussed this. Staking will drive price up massively. Especially if staking is made available on normie platforms like coinbase.
>we have no clue what price will be
True, but there have been many many calculations and conservatively link only has to hit the #3 spot to reach about $60. And this isn’t even accounting for a rise in btc.

Im saying I want to see if there are other coins beside BTC that can break their ATH in a bull-run. Im talking about the expansion cycle, so far it seems to be only BTC. If ETH can do it, then im placing my bet on LINK in the next expansion cycle.

I really hope we pass 5 dollars soon. Been sitting on these stacks for so long without selling a single stinker. I just want to sell maybe 1% of my stack, just to finally be able to say "I made money in crypto". I can still leave tens of thousands of linkies riding for years.

What number should i shoot for, im sitting on 10gs in my savings right nowbut its a comfy buffer incase of emergencies. I can wait for a dip too, it looks like it might go back to the 3s in t he next week or so


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You could but we might be in a bear trap, there suppose to be an announcement monday, sunday the price drops everytime so buy then.

$5k because link has the best risk/roi based on fundamentals. Plan to hold for 3-4 years.

Announcement from who?

When is next bull cycle?

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Ceo of ibm blockchain prob spelling it out to midwits why this is huge.

Whether or not LINK can break its ATH (which is has done already....) has nothing to do with ETH...

Link might dip down yes, but it also might shoot up?
Umming and ahhing about when to buy in means you’re fundamentally still not getting it. If you haven’t read up on link to the point that you’re desperate to get that 10k stack then I doubt you’ll manage to hold through dips.
Anyway, the best advice is probably to buy incrementally. Obviously it’s terrible financial advice to say put your entire savings account into a cryptocurrency. But this is exactly what I did and now I’m sitting on a 17k stack of link and set to be a millionaire before I turn 30. buy as much as you can stomach and set some aside in case it dips.

In crypto you need to go big or go home desu. It’s too late to buy a 5 figure stack of link without taking a huge risk right now.

For newlinkers, what is more important than deciding when to buy in, is reading the archives. There were many many discussions in 2018 worth reading. Especially on link’s tokenomics. Start with the Assblaster posts for sure.

Once the BTC halvening happens in May perhaps?


But let’s dissect this further. ETH has an actual inflationary model built into it as a system for sound money.

Link is literally owned by one man. So what wins at the end. A social consensus agreement or a potential autocrat who’s only hope is in the form of philosophy learnings.

Here’s some archived threads from when link was 30-40cents for the newlinkers.

AssBlaster threads

It hasn’t broken it ATH though, which was $5.18 I do expect to see it do so this bull run.

Also I do think this bullrun cycle is going to be different as the previous one was built on speculation, with this one being focused on real world use case. I don’t even want to argue price cap because parabolic movements are irrational and the market is irrational at that point.

Congrats on making it.

>he knows sergey is a philosophy major
>he thinks we don't know he's an OG with 10k+ link

link was never $5.18, wtf are you talking about

Thanks user, im a brainlet with this shit, and unironically picked link because i was a marine nd thought the nickname link marines was cool . this feels like virgin and chad meme where they are friends and both need each other to succeed.

start counting in sats instead of usd

>Link will hit $50-$100 easily next bull cycle, which is coming within months.
>17k stack of link and set to be a millionaire before I turn 30.
>Lmao no, OGs never sell.
and where is the money coming from for 2017 to repeat itself ? ICO scams are over which literally pushed ETH into stratosphere, normies from 3 years ago are burned out of their life savings, and if halving will be nothing burger what happens then ?

Smartcontract adoption won't happen this year, Assblaster was a larper who got more things wrong than right.

If you would believe 100% that Link is getting 50$-100$ in this year or next, you would be buying and leveraging everything in your possesion to not have 17K stack anymore.

Saying that's for sure, and "im set to be a millionaire" is like this is guaranteed.

Which is fuckin not, i want to dream about high double digit and maybe triple digits, but let's stay sane

Here what i’m talking about dyor research about LINK, but the cryptomarket at the end of the day is still a market. It has peaks and bottoms and periods of economic expansion. The idea is that if you hold your 1k LINK now and hold it for 3-7 years you will eventually make it as more money flows in the value of your link now will increase over time. Yea you’ll never reach OGs now but you will eventually keep moving up and up the longer you hold. Some companies become so market dominant as first movers that they will never leave unless a new disruptive tech comes in. Apple and samsung in smart phones is the best case.

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dude go back to the 2017-2018 archives. you need to educate yourself

Your right $5.10 on my phone.

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He a dumb discord tranny fudder. The same people who have very little money for investments. People who don’t understand economic market cycles.

Just took it upon myself to check and if you have 1000 link you’re around position #1000-10300
The #10000 ETH wallet has 753 ETH.
Which is about $150k now and was $900k at the peak of the last bullrun.
Now if link did a run up like ETH did to $1200 or so, that would be the equivalent of link running up to like $230 now. Which would put link at the #3 spot on cmc.
Not unthinkable, but, Linklets with sub 5k still have a chance of making it within 5 years.

Top 1500.
:') I am a whale.

you are a newfag here, in early 2017 i made my first moves in crypto when BTC was at 1000$ so shut your bitchass, if you guys think 2017 will happen again just cause you are retarded and delusional. even wolpert said it in his last interview, hype cycle is over, it's utility time.

bullrun of 2017 magnitude CAN happen, but for that crypto must 2x or 3x in marketcap in general.

im not a discord tranny i despise them, i can show how i accumulated 10K link through binance with lowest 17 cents buy-in so shut your bitchass and stop acting like you researched LINK first you newfag

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Okay boomer, that what you sound like.

Checked again

Honestly the link tonkenomics has scared me from day 1 and still scares me. ETH paved the way for how the token is to be distributed, which is the cornerstone of any project. We with Link completely ignored that part. Kek

Link has broken its ATH in both sats and dollars... wat

Good luck and enjoy the threads.

Never said that link was going to hit $50-100 anytime soon. I meant that the *start* of the next bull cycle will arguably *commence* at the halving.
If btc really does what the models say and reaches like 100k, loads of alts will fucking moon.

The current moon on link is still based on speculation and normies buying in. Adoption hasn’t even taken off yet.

And link will absolutely reach $50-100 within 5 years, cap this.

I only have 50 measly LINKs.
I have about 50K in savings accounts, I'd feel comfortable gambling about 10-20K for now...
Thinking of dropping 5K on some LINK right now. Please, if someone can inform me if this is a good idea or not, I'd appreciate it.

Still feels surreal. I'm in top 1200 with a bag that I bought for $8000. We're not really going to make it, right? Is it real?

ok boomer

>Yea you’ll never reach OGs now but you will eventually keep moving up and up the longer you hold.
Totally untrue and brainlet-tier thinking. See Also see early ETH buyers. They still haven’t sold. If anything they are accumulating more.
OG linkies will be the first to get into staking, why would you sell your stack if it guarantees passive income? Pic related, and this doesn’t even account for burgers who were excluded form LP Ico.

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>cap this
>typical 2017 buzzwords
>not accounting exchange wallets while estimating wallet position
>yeah we already made it
>50-100$ guaranteed
yeah i will save it for next 5 years and what would i do with this screenshot, nothing is guaranteed, and crypto CAN literally end next week or on halving where fuckin whales unload everything because they see there's no volatility here anymore.

BTC can drop to early 2017 levels and taking market with it, then WHEN adoption happens crypto will rise again. that could be 5-10 years from now when all platforms are running and business are using the blockchain properly.

now this is just a scenario that can happen, because i have enough brain cells to think about it, and not using retarded out of ass assumptions that LINK x10 from here.

but you are too dumb to realize the "ifs" of this game

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>hype cycle is over
Less than 5% of burgers are in btc.
As zoomers and millennials reach careee and investing age, they’ll only pump more money into crypto.
If btc surpasses ath it’ll be all over the news again. This time even bigger.
Link has both adoption and speculation on its side.
I expect to see a speculation bubble which pops then a slow rise as LINK network is adopted. Much like the dotcom bubble.

Read the thread you cunt. This has been discussed ITT

bullshit negro, the armies of normies are burnt and living paycheck to paycheck because their investment freefalled through 2018 to 0. i can name like 20 scams out of the gate that took hundreds of millions of dollars from people around the world and those people are NEVER coming back to crypto

Kek sorry man

>not accounting exchange wallets while estimating wallet position
If you mean people who hold on binance that’s retarded because there is literally no way to estimate how many do this. Therefore it cannot be included in the analysis. Brainlet tier argument.

We are going to make it. I feel like a linklet because I really want to get to top 1k wallet, but with LINK at this price, I don't think that's going to happen. I just need to accept my rank, cope.

nah, the brainlet thing is not stating that in your fuckin analysis before being confronted, did you even finished basic education, because you arguing like a fastfood worker

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Are you telling me that none of the OGs will sell if a price is high enough to diversify? They might not sell all of their stacks but some will sell and it may not be OGs outside of Yas Forums. Im not try to fud or make people feel bad, I like link, i have link and I see the value in keeping it long term.

I don’t know what going to happen in the future but all I know is that it a golden goose.

Did you miss the part about the constant stream of zoomers and millennials entering the market? Who are 10x more likely to invest in crypto than the last generation?