According to Ari, data retrieval is just the beginning. “For most people...

>according to Ari, data retrieval is just the beginning. “For most people, the world oracle is synonymous with middleware that does something very specific. It relays data from a website to a smart contract. But, I think where things get really interesting is when we think more expansively about the capabilities of oracles. You can think of an oracle network as an opportunity to build your own permissioned committee. You pay three oracles to relay data. You’re basically getting your own ad hoc committee, consisting of a number of entities you have handpicked and trust. When you have a trustworthy committee, there’s an awful lot you can do beyond merely relaying data.”
What did he mean by this though? What can you do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

What CAN'T you do?

Were all gonna be fucking rich!!!!


>What can you do?
create decentralised leaders of the fourth reich

He means that people still don't understand what is possible and what they are working on. Hint; millions of jobs lost.

Doesn’t matter i’ll be rich.

Craig solved the oracle problem 11 years ago.

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demeter is real


He means chainlink will kick off the second renaissance.

Prepare for brutal AI overlords

dubby dubs confirm 4th industrial revolution

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A lot of big stuff is discussed in the full article, here it is for anons who want to sift through it


You’re welcome OP

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Where we're going, we don't need jobs. Can't speak for nolinkers tho

Those digits

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Those dubs

this is what people aren't understanding about chainlink. it's one of the foundational works which is integral to ushering a new age of true automation. it is the next evolution in technology. not flying cars, not space elevators, not hologram tech-- simply true automation. hang on.

this. Smart contracts aren't limited to money/assets at all - you could have robots programmed completely in smart contracts

Ta ta ta ta!!
Ding ding

Goodbye accountants
Goodbye clerical office workers
Goodbye business law
Goodbye third party middle men companies and their constant fuckups costing billions in overhead

Hello 4iR.
And you dumb motha fuckers, still aren’t even considering the implications of automated derivatives markets.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and its consequences will be a disaster for the human wage slave.

I can't wait to see videos of them jumping from their office windows

I know

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It’s funny how even 10,000 link being a top is FUD now
AB really underestimated what he exposed

Dudes probably shitting himself somewhere now hiding away all his link

But WHEN user? When?

Oh, this is what he's talking about, smartcontracts to create virtual companies and virtual jobs. OP messed me up thinking there more than jobs of delivering data for oracles. Then again, thanks to Arbitrum, Chainlink oracles are mini ethereum virtual machines so they can do offchain computation.

Chainlink is very generalized software meaning you could run your own software on it. Youbcould theoretical pick a quorum of nodes, tell em what consensus you what them to run, plus connect in the inputs and outputs, and now you have customized multi-party computation that is private, can scal, and works on your terms.

so close to quints, hnnngg

>When you have a trustworthy committee, there’s an awful lot you can do beyond merely relaying data.
trustworthy committees are the foundation for entering into any kind of business arrangement
what Ari is trying to articulate is that chainlink will change the way P2P and B2B business is done. It may make a lot of these previous acronyms that we currently use in the business world obsolete.

The funny thing that I've noticed is that the english language doesn't yet have the words to properly explain and describe what this technology is and our linguistics actually needs to catch up to these developments. It's a funny observation.

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>disaster for the human wage slave.
wageslaving is a disaster for humanity anyway
people renting their time for subsistence level living while the (((government))) carefully calibrates the currency printing to ensure that you remain subsistence
All the while they do this, they bring out their talking heads to tell you not to believe your lying eyes and that 2+2 does not equal 4

the kabuki theatre is coming to an end

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>When you have a trustworthy committee, there’s an awful lot you can do beyond merely relaying data.”
Decentralized death-panels?

Why is this thread not getting more posts?
Watch the fireside chat

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There was a screengrab from a Capgemini (iirc) report saying 2025 for smart contract adoption to kick off.

I like the anons in this thread
You guys are the type that won’t sell at 1k and will ride with me to 10k+ because you actually know what the fuck is happening.

These anons fuck

why should anyone with a brain feed the new fags.
you gotta go back faggot

Haha. I think a lot of people are new here and don’t realize we saw this live thanks to toasty.

>why should anyone with a brain feed the new fags.
>you gotta go back faggot
what the fuck are you talking about you sub 100 linklet ass motherfucker
get back to discord dumba ass bitch


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I will run these on my node

ffs my dick will not work anymore before LINK hits $100 at this rate


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hint millions of people who will be freed from wagecucking

chainlink is saving humanity from wagecucking

with the support of robots humans can draw and make music all day and more creative shit

humans were not made to punch numbers in a cubicle all day long.

millions of people will be every street corner in America, begging for money, spitting on your car when you don't roll your window down

More like you'll all become slaves to Chinese robots

Proof of work is the only way forward for humanity, anything else will spell our doom

Just keep your widow rolled down then, retard. Problem: solved.

I'm not used to hanging around 160+ IQ people, be patient with me

Will they let it end bloodlessly though user?

that gets yikes from me

I'd rather squat over an egg in the Antarctic winter while my wife trundles over 80 miles to the open ocean for fresh fish, wondering if I'll ever see her again.

You honestly think they won’t continue to herd the majority of people into busywork resource redistribution farms?

Checked, based and I’m cooooooming

Somethings happening

What you checking newfag nigger?

Blockchain-certified loli assassins contracts

There isn’t much choice at this point. That is becoming clearer.

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>chainlink allowing anybody to access insurance, even in third world countries

Am I hearing this shit right? I thought the 1000 eoy thing was just a meme

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