Is a girlfriend a good investment?

Is a girlfriend a good investment?

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If it's a trap then yes.

Nah, nah
She's about that money dawg

if she's low maintenance, splits the bills with you, cooks, cleans, looks cute and sucks dick so you don't go out to strip clubs and fuck hookers....YES

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good luck finding all of that in one package
at best it is like a "pick 2"

Someone to share economic brunt
Can be creative or spontaneous

Can divorce rape you
Generally have tendency to seek out resources over long term relationships
Backed by US gov
Can be spontaneous
Can take kids
Most are generally children
Have to take care of her
Society tells her lies and she believes them, so if you don't follow suit it could be trouble
Not as strong generally
Needs leader figure in life but may battle said leader

the cons outweigh the pros by far. i'm married to (and have hildren with) a woman who doesnt suck dick, lost her sex drive after our dirst child and is constantly wasting our income on shit we dont need. what i'm trying to say: dump them if they get too tiresome. they are all replaceable.

Holy fuck are you me?

Had a great girlfriend, but she started denying sex and couldnt convince herself to suck my dick, although she never did it so I gave her some time. Dumped her when I saw there are no chances for improvements in this area

glad to know that at least i'm not the only one

Hahaha you guys are cucks. Imagine letting your wife spend money

the problem was thinking having a shared bank account would be a good idea. ever since she started wasting money and I noticed it's a habit of her, I've been putting savings to the side

That depends how much Link does she hold

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15 link actually

>not as strong generally
what is this pro's/con's of having a gf vs being a faggot?

if she is a good one, yes, but those mythical creatures are very rare
if she is a typical woman, no. life will feel like very heavy bags of sand morally

I have a girl like this right now. Im planing to marry her, however Im worried that she will cut off all these things off me after marriage.

I'm pretty sure I just found a video of my old oneitis getting an oral creampie from a bbc

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Yes. The most successful men were high level coomers.

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Okay. I'll bite. First. Those aren't the only two options. As with any investment of a considerable amount of time/resources, you should consider the risk attached, and what could, or is at a high probability of loss.

Second, it's not just physical, but mental, spiritual strength as well. I've met plenty of girls that seemed okay enough, but when it came down to it they were just weak and had little backbone. A noble women is to be desired more than a a beautiful one. For the noble woman bears fruit exponentially more valuable than beauty that fades over time (time decay).

My gf is like this, only catch is she's aneet and doesn't have a job

If you like squandering your time and money on random shit like going out to dinner every other day, partying with her friends every weekend, and putting up with all her bullshit for mediocre sex, then yeah.

negative yields

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I have online "girlfriends" and even they take up too much of my time. Cannot imagine wanting to put in that effort ten-fold and also give commitment and spend money and have less privacy.

>I have online "girlfriends"
Lol no you're a beta orbiter

>online "girlfriends"

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Women should be put into the liability column of your ledger. Like a car or a home you live in they can be useful but they cost you money. Keep that in mind.

Who is th pic

>she's a neet

who the hell cares? if she sucks dick, cooks, cleans and is cute she's wife material

Gracie Abrams

long-term outlook is pretty meh, but it pays a nightly dividend

>online "girlfriends"
fucking lmao

Only if you marry up and its a wealth family.

I put quotes for a reason. Beta orbiting implies that the person wants a relationship or doles out compliments constantly. We have phone/video sex and they fulfill any and every fetish that happens to pop in my head (including degenerate ones). And we have fun conversations.

I don't want to get cold sores or AIDS, so I don't Tinder.

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how does she split the bills then?

lets analyse it, shall we?
make you coom
someone to talk to (normie pro, if you care about this you need to go back)
costs a lot of money
costs a lot of time
makes you coom

what do you think?


what normal people ACTUALLY cant imagine is how pathetic one have to be to get online gf holy shit i had online gfs when i was 12 while playing MMORPG, and even then they were always from my country and i would eventually meet them irl. if youre older than 15 and have online gf youre a fucking pathetic cùck

I hate women so much
I feel like I live in a completely opposite reality than they do

What do I do if I don't want casual sex with random people off Tinder without them getting tested first nor do I want to put any effort into a relationship or going out on dates. Please advise.

>online girlfriends

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why? even just looking at beautiful women make me happy.

I'm the same, people like us are in the 0.00001% so we won't be understood, even here in autism land. I have jerked off with hundreds of girls online but have no desire for a real physical relationship. It's free, convenient, disease free and I don't get bored of having only the same girl, don't have to worry about jealousy etc.

>I have jerked off with hundreds of girls online but have no desire for a real physical relationship. It's free, convenient, disease free and I don't get bored of having only the same girl, don't have to worry about jealousy etc.
Finally someone that gets me. Sending a few texts is a lot more convenient than planning dates and needing the same level of maintenance texts on top of it. It's mutual. We make each other feel good without any of the requirements of a real-life connection or having the "talk".

the blonde looks like she is a genuinely good person
the other one with the cocky smirk is a selfish cunt full of herself

She's not a neet. She's a future housewife

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No. It's a way to convert excess funds into genetic lineage. With varying levels of risk based on how crazy they are.

kill yourself you fucking faggot. you are an embarrassment to your parents.

top kek

>shared bank account


99% of women are the worst financial mistake you can possibly bring into your life.
especially if you have a good investment portfolio.
they will put so much sell pressure on you that by the time they are done with you your portfolio has a negative balance.
and if you are a weak man in general with beta psychology - stay away from women entirely as they are the most manipulative creatures on the planet.

BTC should be the only thing you put money into as a "savings account" you fucking pussy whipped retard.

Depreciating asset, at BEST.

At worst its a slow motion trainwreck that will leave you crippled or dead.

if you want to end up broke, yes.

but that's what i'm doing

Nah. Escorts are much more cost-effective.

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serious answer no, not worth having a relationship until you're in your 40's or have calmed down and ready to settle down. girls are a huge money drain and emotional drain. get a young girl traditional or semi religious girl when you settle down

>t. spends an hour or more every week passively watching porn and chatting with dudes on the internet