Tfw 3.1K LINK assuming $1k EOY at a risk free staking rate at 3.75% almost $120k annually, not enough to retire...

Tfw 3.1K LINK assuming $1k EOY at a risk free staking rate at 3.75% almost $120k annually, not enough to retire. But enough to keep buying houses and high yield dividends for cash flow.

Wow i guess when you reach a certain level, it really does become that easy. See you boys at the yacht party in monaco.

Attached: B9D635B7-1B44-4FF2-A074-7D6AD81C2F39.jpg (589x2244, 492.91K)

What kind of financially illiterate retard couldn’t retire on 120 thousand dollars a year????

Im greedy and i want more.


You know that someone out there has to buy your worthless inflated staked shitcoins, right?

feelsgood to be a link marine

Also 3k link is a pleb amount, never gonna make it.

Seething nolinker.

With a poorfag stack of 3k you are not even a real linker

Just sold it thanks for letting me know.

>not enough to retire

i also have 3100 linkers but i’ll be selling half of them

> 3k bitcoin in 2010? LOL ngmi

I want 500k in cashflows per year to retire. LINK will give me that as I’ll get to buy a home and put it into etfs for several years. Targeting retirement at 35. With a mixture of rentals, dividend yielding stock a decent amount of precious metals and crypto.

so wrong

I can live off $150k/yr USD easy where I live. Isn't fuck you money but at least I won't have to work.

Yea I want fuck you money, don’t mind waging it for a few more years, i work a pretty good and easy job. Idk what i’ll do as a neet full-time but for now im happy.

Im trying to build generational wealth for my descendants here, but im gonna make sure they won’t be faggot trust fund kids.

I don't mind $1000 EOY as a meme but it's worrying when people on here plan their lives around that number as if it's guaranteed to happen. It reminds me of peak 2017 delusion where redditors were thinking their $2000 of NANO would pay off their mortgage.

People unironically acting this delusional is bearish.

t. 2017 link buyer

Im not a delusional redditor, i don’t think it will happen this cycle but it going to happen eventually as we see adoption of the tech and more people coming in.

I have some assumptions that makes the number seem reasonable. Im not even buying chainlink as a stock or a security but more of a resourxe that gives residual income.

have fun holding for 10 years you fucking brainlet. 10k was and is this make it stack, TEN. You had over TWO YEARS. No one gives a shit about your fucking delusions, begone.

Yikes discord tranny. Let me know when you can predict stockmarket price.

You'll never make it with such a greedy attitude. Get a house and a car and you'll live well with 25k a year.

Listen brainlet. You're clearly an idiot, a newfag, and a dumb wagesalve. I have been holding more link than you will ever acquire since before you even knew what it was. You're not fooling anyone by misappropriating memes, you dumb fucking grifter. Morons like you do make me bullish however, as I knew there is an endless stream of dunning krueger fools to buy my bags when the time comes.

Your 3k link isn't going to save you from your inherent stupidity. You'll be cucking for life, I guarantee it.

Post short sir or bags with timestamp sir

You're fundamentally so low IQ that you are basing your finances off of memes. Every serious link holder is conservatively *hoping* for price discovery topping out between $50-$100 in the event of an overall bullrun and successful integration of link into enterprise. You know jack shit and are a newfag.

>t. seething nolinkie
kinda sad desu

Checked, if these people want me to believe at least show me your bags. This sort of fud makes no more sense.

Show your bags! Come on show your bags!

>conceding to a retard
if only you knew how fucking stupid you look. Also it is pretty fucking hilarious that these newfaggots are clamoring for people to show their bags to prove they have 10k, 10k is nothing retard - we bought this shit between .20-.60 cents. You're a brainlet and a cuck, have fun running that hamster wheel in your brain till it breaks.

> seething no linkie


seething LOL

Discord tranny detected

massive fag with like 100 links

I have 5k and am buying 5k more once the link/eth ratio corrects a bit more. Fuck all y'all. I'm gonna get mine.

At this point I can only get 2-3k LINK tops. Unless there's a massive retrace. Fuggg :DDD

3K LINK is fine just keep accumulating.

I already have half of a make it stack but I need moar :/

kek, good catch

Greed is good!fugg normans they can go eat shit when this thing moons.

>tfw boomer
>tfw zoomie poorcucks think intelligence is a sign of being a faggot
lol, you kids are unironically going to be the ones holding og bags when we cash out. You had 2 years.

ok discord tranny boomer

Imagine not buying eth under $5...

Is this thread a giant LARP to make linklets feel less retarded about not being able to afford stacks?

Post a screenshot of your stack

Shoe bags with timestamp no one will believe you until then you seething nolinker.

no, it's just you, a raging nolinker larping about being a linker so you can attack real linkers. it's sad bro :/


10k link is still poorfag

that's my point

Show stacks.

>t. guy with less than 50k networth

Not cringe. If millions of usd worth of coins flood the market via staking, price will go to shit unless you get new Brainlets on board to buy.

Net worth is 7 digits 90% in crypto

i'm never selling

yeah, ok

seriously, im super comfy with a grand a week. anything else just gets invested

Since you get the gross amount on crypto, i suggest you put some of the money to a traditional IRA to lower your tax burden on staking. Thank me later

Never? Then why hold it.

you sound like a moronic 2017 FUDer, lol

its more like 30 bitcoin in 2013

I don't fud, it just doesn't make sense to hold it forever and never sell for anything.

Like im gonna take advice from some tranny has no investments lmao.