I am thinking about moving to new york and working for a firm related to trading or blockchain...

I am thinking about moving to new york and working for a firm related to trading or blockchain. I’ll be finishing my bachelor in economics next period and the past two years I have been obsessively studying the market so I have become quite a profitable trader.

What are my odds of finding a job in NY and is it worth living there?

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nyc is a literal shithole, dirty af and $14 beers, fuck that place

only worth it if you can negotiate a large sum of money to be paid for being there

Ive always wanted to visit the US and live there for a while just because I have been watching american movies all my life

How much are we talking about

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Lmao what the fuck? If you’re a profitable trader #1 you can find firms that will beg you to work for them #2 why the fuck would you work for somebody if you can make profit by yourself?

just do yourself a huge favor and visit first. i’m sure there are nice places in the us to live at, but nyc isn’t one of them imho. ymmv.

nyc user here. niggers and nigger-tier behavior everywhere. this city is the model for jewish, one-world, globohomo. you will be fed into the jewish meat grinder. don’t move here. unless your a nigger or a puerto rican; can’t seem to get enough of those island niggers.

looking out my window now. God needs to wipe this place off the face of the earth. the jews own this city and as the children of satan, they have made it their own. don’t move to nyc. where are you from pajeet?


hahaha you're going to get so fucking rekt you humongous retard

Longtime NYC resident here, I can give you some tips on making it here but you need to provide the Sauce

how much do you value your foreskin?

If you are a profitable trader why would you need a job then. Larping kek.

you falling for the trick; there are no baywatch beauties waiting for you here

LMAO i actualld lol’d, im from germany

Just reverse image search on google how new are you

Miami then?

german german or (((german)))?
if german german, you can have my company and my apartment. nyc needs to be nuked.

>$14 beers
Lmao you must he going to nigger tier clubs and buying $13 Coronas. That's the only place I've seen anything close to $14 beer. I pay $6-8 for pints of IPA pretty much everywhere

congratulations you absolute faggot. do you donate to your local synagogue too?

Reverse search shows nothing desu

Sounds like Seattle except replace niggers and spics with muzzies and pajeets. They just cant ship these fucking 3rd world muzzie low IQ cavemen fast enough.

do the muzzies in PNW have their own police force? they do in nyc.

>wanting to move to NYC right before coronavirus pops off in the US
user I...

Post your returns. If you're really as profitable as you say you are, set up your own firm and get investments from people. It's not that difficult.


>I have been watching american movies all my life
Movies don't capture the smell. The entire city reeks of piss and vomit.

Im a muzzie living in germany actually

I make around 10% per month on average with 2% drawdown max, but so far I have only traded my own money and it’s not enough to live off yet. I could set-up in Germany but I just want to live fast

The amount of attractive women in the US is in steady decline.

The average apartment in Manhattan that isn’t in the ghetto and has basic conveniences like a washer and dryer will cost you about $4000/month.

where do you find such people?

It's painful watching prostitutes slowly go from decent blondes and red heads to only fat Hispanics or ugly black women. No reason to drive downtown anymore.

NYC is a meme. It is in every tv show and movie because rich people advertise it as much as possible to get as many hard working chumps like you to waste all your efforts on overpaying for a closet brick box 7 stories up and yuppie bullshit food.

Its easier than you might think, you just have to put in the effort and work hard. Not really the work ethic of your average /biz dweller

Only poor people in flyover states or tourists hate NYC.

god i wish that was me

Post your returns and i'll rent you out a room in a house in Brooklyn. I have an open one.

To be honest with you user, this is a picture of a man

>a man
If I had an ass like that I wouldn't need a gf.

>easy bro
>work ethic
doesn't answer the question

New Yorker here
I still live with my family, can't imagine what it's like to live alone unless you live with roommates or are earning 60k+

stop calling yourself a german, you filthy arab. You're not German. You will never be German.

I dont want to be living in a neighbourhood crowded by niggers, is brooklyn a good place to live?

Look for ICT or Chris Lori pupils on twitter. Most don’t need funding after 3-4 years, only if you want to play bigger leagues

Should have never let us in faggot, god bless this country

Lol coming to New York as a trader? Lmao talk about delusions of grandeur. Financial firms are laying of human traders in the droves

If you want to consider coming to New York or nyc, and want to understand the markets study math and be a Quant that programs and logarithmic high frequency trader. Innovate

Other than you're not welcome here. Fuck off

We have enough fucking tourists crowding up the subway and blocking the left side of the escalator as im trying to get to work on time

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Muslims are human carp; bottom-feeding and destructive, born dim; voracious, brainless consumers. You can have the cities, with their filth and crime. You are the perfect for the jewish meat-grinder.

NYer here my entire life. I'll be real with you OP.

unless you're:
>Making >80k a year
>Have lived in a large city before
>Don't mind the extreme levels of liberalism, like twitter/tumblr-esque entitlement
>familiar with being a minority (assuming you're not white
>Increased levels of mentally ill and homelessness
>Paying a premium for ALL kinds of space, parking, living, recreational
>Getting fucked over for no reason other than "it happens" and everyone accepting that as fact
>Not living like madmen or what you see on T.V.

NYC has defintely gotten dirtier ever since De Blowjob took over. More homeless roam the street (literally had someone try to steal a laptop I had in Penn Station on Monday). Queens is full of immigrants so if you're comfortable with that and ALL it comes with go for it. Brooklyn is full of yuppies, Jews who don't believe in vaccines and literally support the market for mini-vans, the Bronx is full of fucking WOPs and Dominicans (Protip don't ever go to Grand concourse by yourself if you don't know how to handle yourself) and Staten island is just garbage. If you DO want to live here, I suggest living in Hoboken or Westchester first before going straight to the boroughs. You have a lot of the pros of living in the city without the cons.

If you have any other questions lmk. I lived in NYC, Queens, Nassau and Suffolk County my entire life. Dated Russians for Sheepshead Bay, Italians from Throgs, fucking JAPS, you say it you name it. Looking to move to Texas or somewhere warm when I have enough capital. The one thing I can say about living here is that if you CAN make it and be successful in this city, you can make it ANYWHERE. Kinda trial by fire. Saturday Night Fever is based on reality, the clothes and verbage might have changed but that fucking melting pot and pressure cooker and classism personified, and I got mines I don't care if you get yours is so true.

he's a (((german))) mudslime. he's going to be another unwashed, generic middle-eastern uber driver.

Also the only place where there isn't blacks is Queens, LIC, and Staten Island.

What kind of Muslim are you? Or do you just practice Islam? There is a distinct difference

Series 7 license, access to Bloomberg terminal, access to clients to build a client base to take with you later.

Last thing. For EVERY ONE success story and making it in NYC story you hear, there are literally HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS who didn't and are stuck because they fucking rolled the dice and no are working as contract workers, food service workers , temp workers or all of the above. Unless you have the connects, you're ngmi. NY will chew you up and spit you out faster than you realized you're getting bent over and fucked.

What about Manhattan? It doesn't look like a shithole on TV.

go back to egypt or whatever arab shithole you came from, you clueless, jew-fodder.

For reference NYC/The City = Manhattan. The city is always going to be gritty, it's always going to be expensive. Yes, if you do have money you can navigate around that but traffic is ALWAYS a problem. Expect a 30-1 hour commute traveling

Also what you see in T.V. is literally false.

No T.V. show or program will show you the gritty side of NY. Think of how Japanese people get so disillusioned when they visit Paris. If anything Paris is NYCs little flamboyant, skinnier brother.

What happens in the empty car

Coming from an ex NJ resident very familiar with NYC...
>Highest taxes in the nation and possibly the world
>Work culture forces you to work longer and harder
>Full of hypergamous gold digging women only interested if youre top 20%
>Shit weather for most of the year
>Dirty as fuck
>Homeless everywhere
>Liberal shit hole
>City is essentially a centrally planned, New world order prototype slave state

I live in the most expensive yuppy neighborhood (West Village).
Last year a homeless man set up camp in front of my building, and the building became infested with bed bugs

imagine visiting paris now with all those muslims. they're a cancer, human carp.

FWIW, I live on a block that is frequently used as a set for the tv show Blacklist.

Funny you say that I moved to DFW from NJ and it was the best decision of my life. Never going back to the North East

Crime, niggers that harass you. The dancing niggers in the subway is a real thing. NYC is fucking cucked to all hell. It's a shit hole

Imagine a public transit system that services 5.7 million people EVERY DAY. 1.8b A YEAR. It could be anything. Literally anything. I have experience hobos jacking off methed out, hobos fucking, hobos wiping their literal shit everywhere, hobos smelling like gangrene and dirty pussy had a love child, a crazy dude screaming about religion, people making political statements, SHOW TIME EVERYONE ITS SHOW TIME. If the car is empty, peak in if you're really curious, but just don't. The best part is people literally just don't even warn you. They just speed walk past the car or out of it and don't make eye contact.

Nyc is a fucking meme, it’s only fun to visit, look at the style and get some cool clothes, after that, get as far as possible as you can, also don’t forget to buy some pizza.

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Hey if it's empty, the hobos arent in it right?

Real New Yorker tip: if you see an empty subway car right next to a packed subway car, get on the packed one.

>Thinking a car with a hobo isn't considered empty

Ngmi in NY to be real with you.

Lul New York is a joke. Watch Gavin Mcinnes take on NYC he's pretty spot on. Even then I think if anything he's going easy on the city.

NYC is a meme and the Elite have turned it into an airport. The people and the families that built that city are long gone.

You can't "make it" in NYC. That's the joke. You only go to NYC AFTER you make it.

if it's empty that's because a hobo used it as his personal masterbatorium after spraying shit and piss everywhere.

Tell that to the Jews Bud. I do believe if you have the ability to network like a madman, have the credentials and also don't mind selling your soul for 4-5 years you have a chance of making it. Not worth the stress imo.