ITT: No Incels Allowed

Women are beautiful complex creatures I can’t get enough of them. Each one tastes different, smells different and caresses my cock in a unique and satisfying way. Some like to be throat fucked, slapped around or take a dick in the ass and some like to just be held, gently kissed and fucked slowly.

I personally enjoy the wide gamut of pleasure women provide and there is no better feeling than a woman sitting on you’re cock, moving her hips back and forth... when she senses you’re about to cum, slides off, grabs your balls and sucks the cum right out.

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She has man hands.

All women are filthy fucking whores

That’s not a girl

we get it, you have sex

They are all literally the same and their vagina smells like expired salmon

>there is no better feeling than a woman sitting on you’re cock, moving her hips back and forth...
I found this incredibly painful when I experienced it and immediately lost bonore


> no incels allowed
OP stated this clearly
You faggots are the scum of the earth and this board

All women are whores.

Imagine the smell

it’s OK to be gay.

Fags don’t hate women

Fags are women

Jeez Not even replying to you, are you this desperate for attention? Well here you go: You’re a faggot.

Do you pay to have sex? Or do you have like FWBs/GF/wife? I'm still a virgin and I struggle talking to girls.

i can judge by your text that you are an incel.

>stop BTFOing me
Concession accepted

I don’t pay to have sex, I have a girlfriend that likes to have other girls play with us. funny how this happened as I’m sure you’re wondering... I was honest with her and told her I wanted to fuck other women. She didn’t want to break up and told me she actually fantasied about me fucking other girls in front of her. This changed everything. Highly recommend.

Many do

I just want to sniff pretty girls and make them want to tell me I matter

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have sex

GREAT fucking advice dipshit. How about you tell me how to HAVE SEX. HOW DO I FIND A GIRL AND HAVE HER BE INTERESTED IN ME AND FUCK HER??

Virginity is a privilege. I’m literally fighting to keep it

pretty good thread

I don't want to have sex. Most women are gross. I would rather be patted on the head and hugged by a 10 than fuck an 8

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How is virginity a privilege?

If women aren't all whores, why do they dance around in vagina costumes and lobby for their right of shoving their vagina into your face? Which is supported by mainstream feminism, with almost every woman being a feminist today? They literally lobby for the "right" of allowing greater sexualization of themselves. Which they will shove down everyone's throat. And not just in private.

Women are all disgusting whores. Nor does your "gamut" matter if they are all sluts. Because there's no reason to interact with a slut. Regardless of whether she wants to be treated gently or not. As if they can't live it out in fiction...

Also, struggling to talk to girls is your biggest enemy because that lack of confidence is 100% a turn off you knowing this creates a snowball effect of negativity.

Here is what I’ve learned and has worked for me as I too was once struggling.

Take care of yourself, be clean, most important. I’m 32 and over the years I’ve been out at a bar or party and have realized every single girl there wants to find a guy, whether for a relationship or for a one night stand. Once you KNOW this it should change you’re mindset. They actually want you more than you want them, nobody will ever say that but trust me it’s the truth. That said, simply being available and clean at the right place and time can lead to incredible experiences.

Don’t worry about your physical looks, women can sense insecurities from across the room. Obviously make yourself look the best you can and again, be clean and don’t stink. Whitten your teach, cut your hair, finger nails, etc. this shit goes further than you’d imagine.

I should mention, although I’m not a bad looking guy I’m balding (so I keep my hair short) I don’t work out but I’m not overweight, I’m pretty fucking average to be honest... however, when I walk into a room, I smile at everybody, I make eye contact with whoever looks my way, and I’m not afraid to introduce myself to people. Once women see you’re friendly to everyone else, they immediately begin to trust you. Once they trust you they can begin to have feelings. Once you get to that point it’s pretty much game over.

Oh lastly, it makes it a lot easier if you have your own place to take them to.

I never said it was bad you fucking turbo-faggots

Imaging wanting to fuck some smelly disgusting hole and be proud of it

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>Women are beautiful complex creatures I can’t get enough of them. Each one tastes different, smells different and caresses my cock in a unique and satisfying way. Some like to be throat fucked, slapped around or take a dick in the ass and some like to just be held, gently kissed and fucked slowly.
>I personally enjoy the wide gamut of pleasure women provide and there is no better feeling than a woman sitting on you’re cock, moving her hips back and forth... when she senses you’re about to cum, slides off, grabs your balls and sucks the cum right out.
Anonymous (ID: 2df+6H+m)
ITT: No Incels Allowed
03/06/20(Fri)21:25:13 No.17604819
62 KB
Women are beautiful complex creatures I can’t get enough of them. Each one tastes different, smells different and caresses my cock in a unique and satisfying way. Some like to be throat fucked, slapped around or take a dick in the ass and some like to just be held, gently kissed and fucked slowly.

I personally enjoy the wide gamut of pleasure women provide and there is no better feeling than a woman sitting on you’re cock, moving her hips back and forth... when she senses you’re about to cum, slides off, grabs your balls and sucks the cum right out.

We live in strange time, Marriage and monogamy is a social construct you’ve fallen victim to. You have stronger feelings than most women it sounds like! Maybe check your testosterone levels. I personally like women who aren’t afraid to say and do what they want. If they want to fuck a bunch of dudes, literally how does that affect my life? I’m not emotionally attached like you seem to be.

>just be clean

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I make them shower before anything, have you smelled your own balls or asshole before... because, uh, I got some news for you bro... humans can be pretty rank but when you find a partner that cleans herself, whew high five buddy. Until then, good luck.

You’re so desperate for attention, 3 posts by this ID in a thread specifically banning your kind. I would never make fun of your looks as I can’t see what you look like and I wouldn’t even attempt I visualize it either.

You’re clearly projecting your own emotional insecurities and I feel bad for anyone in your position.

Furthermore I love salmon, raw and cooked. But the same rule applies to pussy as it does to fish. If it smells like fish, it’s bad. Good pussy has little smell or taste and whatever flavors it comes in are usually byproduct of their diet or recently consumed foods. I imagine that whatever pussy you’ve experienced was your own damn fault for not picking out a sexual partner that takes care of herself.

Of course mainstream feminism also lobbies for the right of women to be sluts. In addition to dancing around in vagina costumes. But they definitely aren't whores, OP. They are *beautiful*. Kek. That delusion.

I'm a lay it out for you incels real simple. There are only 2 things you need to become a slayer.

>1.) Looks
Self explanatory, good guidelines are be 6'+, be white, be fit, and be at least average facially, face is most important.
>2.) Low inhibition
You need to be able to eye up women, approach them, talk to them and most importantly ESCALATE (if she is into you ofcourse).

Women don't care that much about your IQ, your money, your pedigree, your text game, your fashion or any other r/redpill cope.
They just want a bad boy who is gonna fuck their brains out and make them choke on dick like the little sluts that they are.
Read up some sexology studies ffs if you don't believe me.

>t. 100+ bodycount

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Why are you so emotionally triggered by the thought of women having sex?

Checked and based but let’s be real here. The most important thing is having a decent cock and knowing how to use it. There’s a reason women get jealous of their friends talking to you once you’ve been banging: the first time you fuck, you better believe they are group chatting all the details aka “how was his cock?”.

2 things you gotta be able to do to secure a women for regular sex:
- Long dicking (requires adequate length)
- stamina, gotta stay hard long enough for them to exhaust themselves riding the pole.

To those with sub quality dick specs, highly recommend using viagra.

this. Also, as an ex-fattie gamer turned into a buffed autistic chad: never ever show your autism when you approach her. Just larp as a normie, talk about shit you dont even care. A good intro is 80% of the work, if you want spazz out later on: thats on you.

What also helps a lot is just having that alpha mentality: one of the best feelings I've had is guys preying on a girl while I had the balls to actually ask her out instead of mirin a fucking roastie. Never ever put a roastie above you, any sign of 'im dependent of you' is weak as fuck and pathetic.

It amazes me how many guys fail to realize that women have always been whores/sluts/cock hungry


>Never ever put a roastie above you, any sign of 'im dependent of you' is weak as fuck and pathetic.
This was something I learned late in the game as late bloomer. I blame my catholicuck father.

How is adultry a priviledge?

I mean it’s pretty obvious that incels are just super fucking emotional people with attachment issues baked into their DNA, I feel bad but if they don’t fix the problem and look in the mirror they’ll be afraid of women forever.

It's never too late, if you plan to marry somebody and you discover this early on, you can cherrypick the ideal woman. Most men dont give a shit about cherrypicking becuase they are too attached to a girl (usually the first girl they have a relationship with). Unironically faith is a healthy way to get a girl, if she is atleast a virgin and young puppy tier. They are easy to mold the way you like it, unlike the washed up stacies that are only good for a quick fuck these days.

Hold on, why are you Yas Forums posting?

Oh just responding the the 17 other Yas Forums threads that have been here throughout the day

Reminder that no woman is above 8/10 without makeup, reminder that the average woman without makeup is 3/10 compared to the average women with makeup, thus makeup screwed women and most will be considered ugly without makeup.

I cannot believe men voluntarily get married, it’s insane. Can you imagine being legally bound to a woman? That sounds horrible.

Is the sex worth it? Do you get bored?

T. 2 body count in good relationship wondering what's out there

Yeah, that's what happens if you marry most washup feminists roasties. I believe in God and think it's redpilled to marry a girl that has the same believe and culture as you if she is in her early stages (20's and virgin). That way, you control her and basically control your family incl. kids. Most men are cucks and would let their daughter be sluts because of 'muhhh progressive'.

That's what a man used to be: the leader of a family and securing a based future.

If you don’t have the drive and desire to go after women consistently it’s better to stay in a relationship and be comfortable, eliminate the thought of what’s out there completely or it can nag at you your entire life.

If you love the chase and having a variety of women then you’ll probably end up cheating and destroying the relationship.

Ultimately being in a relationship is being cucked and you must be ok with that. OP sounds like he’s figured it out by having a relationship with a woman who lets and likes him fucking other women.

If I were you I’d explore that approach, you might get lucky and your chick is down with it.

My chick is loving and sweet unlike the stacies that are roughed up. I have stacies make passes at me but I'm scared the post nut clarity will haunt me forever. A good girl is loyal and doesn't like her man being disloyal. Hard to weigh up

What's your age and story

She has a body count under 3. That is valuable

I dunno, I believe that people weren’t meant to be tribal and work collectively rather than monogamously tied to eachother. Marriage is literally a social construct and society has proven that it doesn’t work.

Imagine being part of a community where the men could fuck any of the women and the women could do the same. Naturally, the best sperm would hatch the egg and nobody would know or even care who the specific father was. All the men would care for all the children as the women would do the same.

How to escalate?

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You think too small. Men hate their women cheating for a reason. They want to guarantee their offspring and would prefer to kill male competitors than let them have a ride in their gf. Monogamy allows men to work together for purposes greater than their own selfish desires by allowing most to have the minimum sexual desire filled. Kids get attached to their biological parents for a reason too. They don't like mommy whoring with a different man

If attachment was bad our brain wouldn't release oxytocin or become suicidal in break ups. You get the minority who don't have this hormonal reaction but many stories have been written about bad break ups


Have sex

Im mid 30’s and have had a few serious longer term relationships. My experience is that women change dramatically from their 20s-30s. The longer you’re with a woman the harder it is to keep them from getting bored. Guys like the idea of settling down and being comfortable but women will constantly need to feel the opposite. When they reach their 30’s their hormones start waging war and no matter how sweet and loving your girl is, when she hits 30 she will be a different person. Hopefully you still like that person.

How do they change at 30

What age are the girls you're banging and how do you meet them

Is that you ??

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Well great for you OP, your life is fucking awesome.

Unfortunately I spend most of my money on whores, because all women around me didnt want to fuck me, but fuck the assholes that bullied me instead. Thats why I started to resent them, but I still wanted sex, so I wasted everything on whores.

Now I have a 50k debt an I am an Incel. So good for you OP, I envy you (unless you got where you are now by walking on corpses and being a fucking asshole. In that case I just fucking despise you and want you to die). Unfortunately, not all of us are this fortunate.

This is actually just a larp thread. Sorry guy.


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