Lost Everything General

Post in this thread if you lost nearly everything you put into crypto since you started.

Started with $500, now down to $30.

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Should have listened and bought into the Kleros sale. You'd have about $2,400 now.

I just sold half my 40x Chainlink bags to retards who think it will go to $10 any time soon. Bought BDK, and up 280% on that. Comfy as fuck.

I've literally had like 3 times that much straight robbed from me on the street, that's like pocket change

>You'd have about $2,400
>Started with $500

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>Should have listened and bought

I've heard this a million times.

Which coin did you lose your money on?

I started with $340 in 2017 and whittled it to zero by January from daytrading

I learned my lesson, and now I have $75k of Ether that I only hold, lol.

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I held link for 3 years and all I’ve got is 7x to show for it.
7x of 750 dollars isn’t much

All of them. BTC, Eth, XLM, REQ, BAT, NPXS, FUN, GTO, and more. All of them are down from where they were.

Started with $25,000 in 2018
Have $59,000 now.

I think you misread the OP.

No he is trying to brag about a x2 in a year kek

I lost 10500 USD last week when the stock market took a shit and I FOMOd on Friday and sold.

Also buy BSV.

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ever heard of dollar cost averaging , with this one simple trick u can lose even more money

Started with 1200 USD, now have about 50k

sux :/

Haven't lost anything just missed out on probably around 200k or so

I was an actual early adopter buying drugs with btc on silk road when btc was around 100 usd


Bought some BTC in 2014
Bought some ETH early 2017
Still down -$30k from shitcoins

You are too impatient. Stop buying high and selling low.

Wow! Thats so cool! I started with $30 and now I have $5000...thanks to CENNZ

That's cool. Brag when you're not poor as shit.

Nope. Just flexing on you retards.
2x by doing nothing. Not bad in my book, lil zoom. Congrats on 5xing your 200 dollars grandpa sent you for Christmas.

That $470 isn't a waste if it's an education. Learn why you lost, learn the markets, learn portfolio management and the problem of over diversification. Unless you're a gambler, then just put another $500 in bro

Also, OP, it's never a loss--just a drawdown--if you don't sell. Stay off margins, and if you hold what you started with, you're fine. gl

>Also, OP, it's never a loss--just a drawdown--if you don't sell.

You know there's like a million coins that show no signs of going back to their original values ever right?

That's true, I'm assuming OP's mainly in the top 10

You gotta know when you got fucked and move on

I haven't bought the peak of ANY of those coins. They go up a little bit and then they go back down and down and down.
And Binance has no emergency "sell at the value you bought it at" option.

That's setting a stop loss about entry when you're in profit.


I just said there's no automatic option for it.

You are too impatient. Stop buying high and selling low.

What I did was buy low and stayed slower until half a year had passed with no improvements.

Why would you expect that? That would guarantee Binance doesn't make as much money... use OCO orders.

You are too impatient. You sold lower than the price that you bought.

It's okay I did too

Started with 8k in 2016, only got 400k now, feels bad man.

>1 post by this ID

Started with 700
Now 15k

poorfag here. started in january with 300 was up to 7k now 5k .
brandon kelly btc

bitch i'm making 50k in a month

Shut the fuck up you dumb kid.

I am a late fag to crypto, I invested during the massive decensing triangle at 6000 and got shaken out at 3000, luckily I was a poor fag and I lost 100 bucks there.

I sold it all and ignored biz for a few months before popping back in and seeing chainlink being talked about.

Once I understood what link actually was and that we had bottomed out I started accumulating shit tons of link. I was a neet but LINK motivated me to get my first job dish washing to buy linkies.

most of my wage went into link and I was getting paid 20 AUD a hour to wash dishes and clean the kitchen. However now with the price link is at now I was effectively paid 400 AUD a hour...

I plan to sell around 10% of my link at $100 to secure my initial investment and to have some fun spending money and then I'll probably sell another 25% at a high price 250, 500 and then I will probably steak the rest.

Some spending money and my own house sounds good then I will let the rest give me passive income via steak.

We are all going to make it friends, I have faith in KEK

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i lost nothing because i got in extremely early. however, i was up a few hundred grand and have lost all those gains making bad moves. it feels bad man. i can't go back to waging.... i'm going into debt because i'm too depressed to work a serious job. i need a miracle frens

That's pretty inspiring, senpai.

Last year I lost about 2500 margin trading. This year my theme is losing money on shitcoins with credit card debt. Coinmetro tanked so I got out. Fantom tanked but I am still holding since I'm down so much who cares might as well see where it goes. I can hold it and take capital loss on it next year. Now I'm all in on PNK.

You might as well have took a nintendo switch and flush it down the toilet lol

I started with $5k, $300k now

not great considering I was at $900k at some point, but still breddy gud

I made a $10k bet stocks would rally after the fed pump and now I am down big. Just going to hold. I think S&P will bounce off 2800 and I'll exit in the 3100-3200 area.

> bet stocks would rally after the fed pump

ok boomer

worked the last 5 times.

To any kind anons reading, I am a poor third world user who had nothing but 1 LINK...

If any kind LINKmarines with a large stack would be able to gift me a few LINK, or BTC or even ... ETH, I would be eternally greatful.

I know this is against the rules and I will no doubt get reported and banned but ... I am poor and desperate and ... yeah...

Here are my few pathetic addresses.

ChainLink (The one god token)




I am so poor

kys nigger

Started with 10k. At one point had nearly half a mill.

Now down to 7700....

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I put in about $6-7k. I was down to like $2k at the least. Now I'm finally in the green and back up to about $8k.

I lost $1k on DBC. Thanks /biz.

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put in 5k€
lost 4.8k€ (liquidated)
I'm not sure I've learned my lesson

>lost everything in crypto
>lost everything in stocks

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Did you sell at a loss? If not, it is unrealized. You only make it real by selling.

yeah I guess I'll be stuck waging

If you have a warm butthole you can make money.

I didn't sell in early 2018. I put in 2k and turned it into 30 with NEO and some shitty ICOs. I still have 4k left because I sold out of some shit but I still got justed.

but that means you have negative everything

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