Anyone else prepping and loading up for the corona virus?

anyone else prepping and loading up for the corona virus?

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You could make a lot of money selling prepacked emergency kits that come in a big roadcase. Make them bright red, put water filters and shit in there. Sell "pandemic" add ons with masks and stuff.
People will be a lot more primed to have emergency supplies after this scare, there is a ton of money to be made saving people the trouble of buying everything individually.

no you absolute pleb

you are a laughing stock to your family and community

I prepped a month ago and have enough to live off of for atleast 5 months. See some of you in August when its safe to rejoin society.

what's the point? we are all going to die anyways.

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Stop making my stocks go down!

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Also I don't get why people buy bottled water, just buy a big container and go home, boil tap water and fill your container. Cheaper and more space efficient. Most places probably don't even need to boil their water and can just fill it up.

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water don't cost shit tho
purchasing large water container - cost more than buying 4 or so equivalent capacity large waters new, which are also then more storage+portable convenient

I'm in Seattle. I'm stocked up. I'm in tech so I get to WFH. I bought large quantities of frozen, canned, and freeze dried food back in Jan. I also have firearms (because I'm in the city), masks, other non perishables, 70% alcohol and hand sanitizer, digital thermometer, anti feverals, other medical supplies, any meds I need for the next few months. I'm not leaving my home.

You can laugh now, but wait until it explodes in your state. It's already killed 13 people here, with comfirned cases under 100. We're turning into Wuhan 2.0. Streets are empty, everyone is tense, all companies have enacted wfh, the local government is setting up quarantine facilities, Inslee told anyone over 60 to not leave there homes. Cases popping up everywhere. Things are getting weird. I'm predicting a quarantine in April.

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>Prepping for a fucking flu.
I might get a few cans of chicken soup, but that's it.

>boil tap water
imagine being a burger mutt and not a eurochad who can just get perfectly safe and drinkable water from his tap
burgers BTFO once again

>It's already killed 13
better stock up on tendies and hide in my bunker

>13 people
more people die from the flu each year you faggot

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Kek, it will be everywhere user. But you sound like you have a handle on the situation. Best of luck you naive faggot

13 dead with 100 confirmed cases. We have mo

More deaths than all of Beijing**

more chinks too lmao

I'm just here to laugh as people lose billions. Asian markets down. Wall Street gonna lose tomorrow, then still not get the message, then price in two more days of increasingly bad news and completely shit the bed on monday.

All in all the whole thing is preddy funny.

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How is the mask-selling business going for you, user? Heard you had a little hiccup yesterday

This is "buying the top" of pandemic fear shit. Wait a year or two for everyone to forget about Corona, THEN buy lots of emergency shit, then sell it to disorganized faggots like OP when they panic at the last minute during the next hysteria.

450 people die from falling out of bed every year in the US
maybe you should get rid off your bed too theyre real deathtraps

1Texting while driving kills 6,000 annually in the U.S. alone. ...
2Hippos kill 2,900 people annually in Africa. ...
3Autoerotic Asphyxiation Kills 600 people annually. ...
4Falling out of bed kills 450 people annually in the U.S. ...
5Icicles kill 100 people per year in Russia.



Bill Mitchell and President Trump say the stonks market will keep going up and they're both very smart.

I am going to watch CNBC all night tomorrow night and watch them melt down.

This guy says we should infect everyone and just get it over with lol

denial levels off the charts

If they're still in the first stage of grief they won't make stage 5 by like an hour before close, which is what you have to do to stop monday's panic.

Sorry Boomers, you're gonna lose your retirement, then 8-15 percent of you are going to fucking croak.

I'm going to eat this popcorn, which will neither raise, nor lower in value...

...but I'll for sure get free salt for it.

(then I'm gonna buy your dad's house on the cheap when he dies and real estate crashes because of overly high inventories.)

Those losses are real, whatever you think of Coronachan, lol

Negative but I'm telling everyone to stock up at Costco since I'm a shareholder.

I'll get by just fine on tap water, dollar store toilet paper and ramen.

There faggots realise the water isn't gonna turn off, right? This isn't that serious.

Stock up on non-perishable food to last you a month and you're set.

You can shower after you shit if you run out of loo rag.

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This. Wuhan didn't even lose water/power. Food, flu supplies, a month of your important RXes.

dont care, Im all in on cash gold and BSV
nothing is gonna happen you hysterical doomers. nothing ever happens. in 2008 during "le epic meltdown" stocks crashed 50% and were back to all time highs four years later.

Enjoy your shiny metals and doubloons, lol.

i livei n the countryside surrounded by literal farmers
people here are not retarded so no panic buying in the supermarkets.
even in a total SHTF scenario I could just ring my neighbours doorbell and score some eggs and meat from the local butcher. but nothing is gonna happen because nothing ever happens. keep coping doomers.

We don't have to. We just wait 72 hours then come back to laugh at Yas Forums

Tell your dad i'm comin for his house.

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you mean the house thats fully paid off and that I will inherit some day?
wew yeah shits real rough out here

Everyone laughs at you until shtf

You, an intellectual
"I have 20 shiny pirate coins I'd like to buy your firearm."
Me, a dudnerbrain
"Cool, now i have a fire arm and 20 shiny pirate coins!"

It's different out by you, you are surrounded by farms. Those of us in big cities are entirely reliant on food getting trucked in. If people clean out the stores we're fucked

Wow, 100k infections now.


>muh guns
hysterical little shut ins like you wont last a week when a true apocalypse hits youll be passed around by raider rape gangs keep coping doomer

lol futures already down 2.08

You... you're right boomers... the futures are so bright I gotta wear shades.

Well surely the asian markets are... oh my... my my my

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I'm sure the "raider rape gangs" will all accept your pirate coins and internet monopoly money and let you go

Same except replace gold with silver.

You mean water that was piss a few days ago and your socialist gov I'm sure did a great job cleaning.

kek in actual first world countries we have drinkable water that gets tested regularly and is of very high quality. enjoy your plastic bottles filled with estrogen burgermutt

The best argument for buying additional water is that, despite the government's efforts to keep water and electricity on, they run out of the chemicals to treat the water (most places apparently only keep a couple weeks supply). Then you either have to boil every drop you need or it's cut off entirely.

imagine being a burgermutt that cant even imagine how things work in an actual first world country
the tap water here comes from underground springs. perfectly clear and filtrated by sand layers. keep coping mutt

Plenty of American places have well and spring water too, kid. It's the large urban areas where that's often insufficient.

already finished

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Kek I legitimately am a current researcher at Duke (NCDU) and that is a 100% larparooni.

>if i get the flu im going to the hospital
>if i dont get the flu i will go buy more groceries
lmfao preppers

You’re trying super hard kek

I am a grocery store director, about to head back into the trenches in a few minutes. This is Texas, where we are basically still in the clear but the elderly are buying up hand sanitizer and lysol like it will cure cancer. The preppers already made the main run on water over the weekend, I usually clear about five pallets between different brands a weekend and did closer to twenty. This isn't even a metropolitan location lol. I have been mostly trying to convince my customers I actually worry about due to having auto immune issues that they need to stop coming into the store and just use curbside services for a while to limit public interaction, the same thing I told them at the begging of flu season.

Why are people so concerned with wiping their ass in an "emergency"? You could do the exact same thing with water, leaves, a dry corn cob, many alternatives if you are really desperate. Billions of people shit without toilet paper each day.

It's also ironic to stock up on potable water while also stocking up on detergent (requiring functional central plumbing and electrical grid) and toilet paper. Which is it, are basic public utilities going to function or not?

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Keep believing that faggot, enjoy the dementia and alzheimers

t. swiss who distillates all his tap water

distillate your water bluepilled faggot

That was me like 2 months ago now I’ve already used all the stuff

already done and already in lockdown mode
whoever is not taking this serious is seriously retarded
people will start to drop like flies in 2-3 weeks in us and europe
there will be +15M death alone in the us over the next half year
you should drop everything and just prepare for what is coming right now, nothing else matters anymore until this storm has settled

I wage in a grocery store and the number of people who are prepping is insane. Watching the hand sanitizers disappear in 2 hours was surreal, we haven’t had a shipment since. I don’t think there’s a bottle on the shelf left in our city

>corona virus been raging for months
>less than 3,200 deaths worldwide
>ohmagerd millions of people are gonna die SOON just you wait

sure schlomo, go buy everything you can

I have solar panels on the roof, and my water exclusively comes from my own well which runs 100 feet deep.
So that's a good start probably.