How many Link for a Jewish gf?

How many Link for a Jewish gf?

Attached: Milkie.jpg (900x1200, 141.97K)

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1 bancor

Fuck off goy, we're full.

why tf this girl have to look EXACTLY like my ex :"\

She looks like shes calculating my net worth before I say hi

No thanks , they killed Jesus

Attached: BC40A6DD-2E48-4464-8C10-10F1F547ACD3.jpg (1114x896, 133.7K)

6 million.

Wtf this is my gf. Where did u get this pic?


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As much as i want to cuddle with a cute girl (female) late at night to warm the permafrost surrounding the void at my core, I can't even manage the upkeep on friendships (replying to their texts every few days), the notion I could manage the upkeep on a romantic relationship is laughable.

I want to be happy like everybody else, but I know I don't deserve it. But it's ok, for there to be happy people, there have to be sad people, humans only perceive in disparities.

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A true Jewish princess.
Please? I'll even accept a 34.69% apr until death.

Holy fucking Emo. Go listen to Lincoln Park and play with razors fgt

From what I can tell emo culture was centered around romantic relationships..? The opposite of what I will ever have.

So if I hook up and marry a Jew girl, I become Jew?

I don’t think so. But a woman can convert to Jew, like Ivanka.

That's an Italian not a Jew

t. Jewish girlfriend AMA

anyone can convert to judiasm the religion, it doesn't make you ethnically jewish

this. italians have noses and lips almost idential to jews, the key feature to look for are the eyes. her's are pretty large and aren't beady at all. also not sunken in

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Came to post Zappa, glad you could do it first user

What's it like? Is it true they are super freaks? Are they actually whiney? etc. just dump everything you know.

Attached: AyeSlurms.jpg (900x900, 57.46K)

So much anti-semitism. This is supposed to be a safe space on 4 channel.
*Rubs hands vigorously*

she looks ugly and pretty at the same time

I think that depends on her upbringing and education more than her culture

if she went to community college then she swallows

>if she went to community college then she swallows
I missed out.

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Reality is what you make it. It works on a feedback loop. The more depressed you are, the shittier your reality will be. The shittier your reality, the more depressed you will be.

t. former depressed fag who had flashbacks as a result of what you have said.

This is now a jewess thread, also

Attached: D1-mU5AXcAAif_f (1).jpg (720x960, 89.41K)

I’ll give you a thousand dollars to beat me and piss on me and call me a stupid faggot goy

Posting big tit jewess,

Attached: Amorescu-Luna-Sarah-Jewess-ns8-alias-Luna-Amor.jpg (1511x979, 322.43K)


Posting more racial racks

Attached: Greenberg-Helen-Sarah-Jewess-ns1-768x834.jpg (768x834, 78.03K)

Attached: Roberts-Jan-Sarah-Jewess-ns5.jpg (435x735, 72.77K)

Well? Answer us.

This unironically. You have to lie and tell them you had a Jewish grandmother and then it comes fairly easily.


not a jew either. being able to spot a jew is very important in the business world, Yas Forums should ask big brother Yas Forums for help
These photos are from this website documenting jewess girls.

Attached: Camuglia-deRosa-Frances-Sarah-Jewess-ns8-alias-FRan-Gerard.jpg (638x510, 105.81K)


Attached: Carrino-September-Sarah-Jewess-ns18-1.jpg (581x901, 100.05K)

really ugly means non-conventional. the outsided eyes and nose adds character. uniquely beautiful.

and i'd bet half of them are just white italians, romanians, russians, etc.


Attached: Kronenberg-Leah-Sarah-Jewess-ns4-alias-Leanne-Crow.jpg (549x838, 129.26K)

Mixed probably, website shows that genes are carried especially in jewish women, Prominently that racial rack.

Attached: HP13-txt-Nova.jpg (638x677, 158.28K)

Yeah herd that before


Built for BBC

"The conventional "beautiful Jewess"….is a Tribal bio-weapon." – Georges Valois

Attached: Singer-Roberta-Sarah-Jewess-ns1a-alias-Roberta-Pedon.jpg (477x528, 96.51K)

Let's get some wholesome pics.

Attached: Israel.jpg (640x640, 64.82K)

I'd smash Abby

Last bump. good night

good thread

Attached: Annicus.jpg (700x394, 30.69K)

Built for bbc.


About 50, because they're only interested in Asians now, which is bullish for ARPA.

It is

Jewish women are super freaks.

went to school with a really cute big titty Jewish girl who always had braided hair and a big smile and smelled incredible, god what a great memory

Same, they look so good with braided hair. It's strange, even better than white chicks.

They use their bodies for subversion, it's literally encoded in their DNA to subvert gentiles with their bodies.

Attached: Leinsdorf-Amanda-Sarah-Jewess-ns3-1.jpg (548x730, 117.14K)

Attached: Hoffberger-Callie-Sarah-Jewess-ns1-1.jpg (600x729, 99.06K)

not only your linkies. everything you got goy

those pancakes are f disgusting. what is wrong with you user?

But I don’t own nothing?

Large areolas and nipples paired with large breasts are traits of good fertility in a woman and is a trait common among jewish women. genetically they are extremely fertile.

Attached: Teitel-Caroline-Sarah-Jewess-addit-051-alias-Dominique-Prevot-1.jpg (641x951, 168.69K)

Okay, but how much?

All your net worth, Their goal is to lure gentiles in with their fertile bodies to subvert for the jewish race.

Attached: Orzeck-Jeanette-Sarah-Jewess-ns1-1.jpg (723x903, 121.1K)

She looks.. Italian..