Skycoin Facts:

Skycoin Facts:

- 10,000+ Skywire nodes deployed (5500 migrated to new discovery server so far)
- Skywire NYC meshnet rollout underway, including testing of various Skywire antennas
- Skywire VPN/Proxy has been running for nearly two years without issue
- Hardware wallet and HDK (dev kit) released
- Also wallets for iOS, Android, Linux, PC and Mac
- Many CX games under development or complete (two available online here
- Many projects/ICOs launched on Fiber, including MDL, Solar Bankers, Spaco and GLBrain
- Skyminer 2 (single-node plug-and-play) to be released in the next few months

Every day, fired Skycoin community manager Sudo posts a Skycoin brapper thread on Yas Forums.

His aim is to make everyone add Skycoin to their filters, and for the Yas Forums mods to ban Skycoin.

Sudo and the three remaining active members of his old "shill team" also samefag in the thread with more fud about Skycoin.

This is all a waste of time, because nobody on Yas Forums cares about Skycoin, and any fud is already debunked at

Shilling anything on Yas Forums right now is a waste of time because everyone on Yas Forums is rekt and nobody is buying a significant volume of new coins. This situation won't change until the new bull run when we get new blood with new money to spend. Yes, that means this thread is also a waste of time.

>in b4 "reddit spacing" ... "skycoin is a scam!" ... "casino is a retarded faggot nigger" ... "synth has autism" ... "when obelisk"

Attached: Skycoin-January-2020-Update.jpg (2844x2064, 941.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot
>- is a scam

Read the bottom line, and also

> my name is casino and I suck synths cock for Skycoin
Stfu nobody is buying your premined scamcoin! Fuck off back to telegram you fucking faggot.

Cool coin Reyansh

Attached: 6CD6A56F-6E27-42A7-8FA2-55336B39194D.jpg (227x222, 5.92K)

Hi Sudo.

Attached: Skycoin-Photogrid-New-Black.jpg (3264x2175, 2M)

HAHAHAHAHA people really still hold this? Ahahahahaha YIKES

You know McAffee eventually called this a SCAM, right? You know it's bad if SCAMMERS call you a scam. Hahaha. Imagine still holding this while it goes to 0 slowly.

join the VRA gang.

I've seen that response under threads about every coin.

Attached: Skycoin-Photogrid-Tall.jpg (2853x3264, 3M)

Scammers call everything they're not shilling a scam.

Attached: What-Does-Skycoin-Do.jpg (2534x2364, 1.32M)

Such a faggot response, everyone left Skycoin casino how are you still this deluded you old fucking boomer?


Okay skyfags I went to your fud debunk thread and it explains nothing about how Skycoin continues to involve themselves with Jane Zhang despite her being a known chink scammer. Also explain who exactly is involved in the unlocking schedule that was described in 2017 when basically everyone from the original team has left since then, who is handling distribution beyond Synth? Debunk these please

First, post solid evidence that Jane Zhang is a scammer. There's no point debunking every random claim that everyone makes up.

Second, I don't see why centralized distribution counts as 'fud'. Ripple's distribution is also centralized yet it's worth $11 billion. Many coins have centralized distribution, so this isn't something that necessarily prevents a project from succeeding or gaining value.

You aren't discussing in good faith if you think Jane is not a scammer. Her history with skyledger scam projects is well documented (suncoin, lifecoin, ayn rand coin). Skycoin even rebranded their ICO platform to Skycoin Fiber as a means to disassociate with Jane.

It should be said outright that Synth is in total and complete control. Pic related is untrue and misleading

Attached: lies.png (1440x2560, 340.59K)

>Her history with skyledger scam projects is well documented
Can you post a link to this well-documented evidence?

>Synth is in total and complete control
Can you post evidence that no others are involved in distribution decisions?

Living in an age where everything is internet and satellites.

>antennas for a specific currency

Attached: b34.jpg (340x445, 18.84K)

The Skycoin antennas are designed to transmit data over a meshnet. The antennas have nothing to do with a specific currency. Any currency, or any other type of data, can be transmitted over the meshnet.

Most of her scamming has been scrubbed off the internet, you guys have done pretty well honestly.
Here you go faggot here she mentions 4 of the scams (suncoin, MC coin, lifecoin,metalicoin) as well as the multi wallet Sam ("the kidnapper") was supposed to develop.

I'm not even going to bother with your other point. You can always just claim there has been some super user dev that has been working on Skycoin all these years. Very believable

Attached: SkycoinTeamMemberAdmittingJaneIsAChinkScammer.png (1440x1732, 604.38K)

>Here you go faggot here she mentions 4 of the scams (suncoin, MC coin, lifecoin,metalicoin)

Do you have evidence that those projects were deliberately fraudulent? Are you sure they're not just projects that failed to deliver, like thousands of others. Project failure is not proof of fraud.

Your accusation is pretty vague... you're saying certain projects were fraudulent (you haven't explained how the fraud was actually perpetrated), then you say Jane Zhang is 'associated' with those projects, and that Skycoin is 'associated' with Jane Zhang, therefore Skycoin is fraudulent?

That's like saying Ethereum is a scam because Vitalik is associated with people who were associated with ERC20 scams.

As fud, I don't think it's particularly effective or worth spending any energy trying to debunk.

>You can always just claim there has been some super user dev that has been working on Skycoin all these years

You're the one making the claim. I have no idea how many advisors Synth has, if any. But in any case, like I said, centralized distribution does not necessarily prevent a project from succeeding. All pre-mined coins are centrally distributed. Ripple for example, and it has a market cap of 11 billion.

Jane and Shellpay maintain a direct and close working relationship with Synth and Skycoin. This isn't some shitcoin publicity stunt like with Vitalik.

Here is Jane's latest scam: brikcoin
>Brikcoin is an independent private developer dedicated to delivering 100% genuinely affordable and key worker housing. Your investment gives you the opportunity to own Shares or “BRIK” in the development company. Your investment is fully asset-backed by not just one property, but every property that BRIKCOIN acquires or develops. And with gilt-edged Government approved contracts over long periods of time, we can guarantee the growth of BRIKCOIN.
This one definitely has legitimate intentions. Just look at that CEO, I'm goimg all in.

Attached: brikcoin-team.jpg (566x680, 133K)

This makes sense.

You forgot

Why the tranny hysteria?

I don't see how a photo of somebody is proof of fraud.

Again, you're claiming (without evidence or explanation) that projects committed fraud, and then claiming that other people are guilty of fraud by association with these other allegedly fraudulent projects.

I could just as easily claim Vitalik or anyone else is associated with some project that I claim is a fraud. But if I don't provide any evidence at all of fraudulent activity, then I'd really just be throwing mud and hoping it sticks.

Like I said, as fud it's not particularly convincing.

You dont see how brikcoin is a scam? Makes sense cause you also cant see how skycoin is a scam. Usually when a coin is promising you a return thats probably a good sign

Attached: definitely not a scam.png (1440x1575, 175.02K)

I don't know anything about Brikcoin but from that image it seems to be related to property investment. Most investment properties are rented, thus providing a return. It's possible that the project intends to pass that return to holders.

Many other crypto projects do provide a return through staking or other means.

Sure, this one might be fraudulent, but so might every other crypto project. As it stands, you have provided no evidence of fraud in this case. Simply making an accusation is not evidence.

>Again, you're claiming (without evidence or explanation) that projects committed fraud, and then claiming that other people are guilty of fraud by association with these other allegedly fraudulent projects.
I'm claiming that skyledger endorsed and funded projects were blatant scams. Brikcoin is another blatant scam. The English marketing material provided by Skycoin conveniently leaves out any mention of shellpay or Jane despite them having a close working relationship. Many former and current Skycoin employees also worked at Shellpay.

Attached: chink&expat scammers.jpg (1600x1200, 322.21K)

Can you explain how exactly these projects broke the law?

Simply repeating over and over again that they are fraudulent is not actually evidence that any fraud was committed.

They didnt break the law. Its perfectly legal to scam people in crypto. I never claimed these people were criminals they are just scammers. Nothing they advertise will ever be delivered. None of these Jane Zhang funded projects have any purpose aside from accumulating some bagholders and closing shop

Scams by definition are fraudulent. Fraud is a felony in most countries.

What do you mean by 'scam' if no fraud was committed? How exactly were people 'scammed'?

>I can no longer refute your claims so lets argue semantics
You've definitely earned your paycheck today. Too bad nothing you say has any basis in reality and Skycoin is a zombie shitcoin being held up by Binance. Its been a blast skyjeet, you've done Synth proud

That's just a personal attack. It really doesn't advance your argument at all.

Obelisk is 6 years delayed

Can you post evidence that 2014 was the originally announced release date?

I don’t buy coins that shilled by being pasted on sluts

That’s why Sudo does it. He wants to discourage you from buying.

Yep. And note how this thread has stayed active for half a day, whereas Sudo’s silly brapper threads last 30 minutes before being locked or 404d.

It’s stayed active because you reply some bs every post. This coin is like a nano or iota. It mooned. It dropped. Time to move on

Every coin mooned and dropped. It’s called a crypto bubble and crash.

Is this supposed to be a bullish picture? Raspberry pis, routers, crypto kitties, and a dish? Didn't those 8 raspberry pis in a metal frame cost 10 grand? (But they gave you 10k worth skycoin at ath prices so it's ok lol)

Nice consensus algo, no consensus algo. I've got the piece of shit skyminer (#270) in my linen cupboard upstairs but haven't plugged the shit in since i got banned from all rooms for trying to discuss metanet vs skywire.

$1999 for an official Skyminer, and this is fully reimbursed over 24 months, on top of any regular Coin Hours you earn during mainnet.

Masternode consensus, which has been working fine for the past few years.

Also, you could sell the hardware after 24 months for additional profit if you want.

That isn't consensus. Where web of trust? Kek

It is consensus, as explained here...

just waiting for the inevitable binance delisting and the slow die afterwards. What glories days this will be

Seriously, who the fuck are you? How can they afford to keep paying you?

it won't get delisted from binance, binance will get shut down and all the shitcoins will be seized and their proprietors dragged over the coals including sergey and synth

not BFT/crypto consensus - USELESS

they made a few hundred bitcoins selling orange pis and giving away useless coins that people thought were worth something as they made it coincide with a binance trading comp.

They are well funded.

The whole project runs on farces like Brandon called Synth. Just call the man Brandon. He litterly build himself an alter-ego that is a sociopath. He can't have it called Brandon. It exposes the masks he's wearing.

All coin are pretty useless (all crypto projects). Well, they can all be used to send to other people. Skycoin and Bitcoin can both be used to do this.

But the useful parts of the Skycoin ecosystem are Skywire, CX, and Fiber, moreso than the coin itself.

That’s just a personal attack. It doesn’t really advance any compelling argument.

wow, you're still trying to scam people? I remember warning people about this shit coin years ago and being completely and totally vindicated

>scam!!!! It’s a scam!!!!
Come on, surely you can fud better than that. Try harder.

>Do you have evidence that those projects were deliberately fraudulent? Are you sure they're not just projects that failed to deliver, like thousands of others. Project failure is not proof of fraud.
That is litterly securities fraud

Right of the bat. Brandon Smietana is a guy who LOVES to manipulate people. He absolutely adores seeing how far he can push people to do his bidding, to believe his nonsense, to believe his stories and to find the limits of your beliefs. And he's pretty good at it too. It's a scam.

What is?

That’s just another personal attack. Stating that you dislike somebody is not evidence of fraud.

LOL yeah but what the fuck the exit pump was 2 years ago. Its been a dead project for almost the same length. My theory is synth scammed some gangsters so he has to keep the appearance of work going or they'll cut off his fingers.
They're not well funded. Well funded projects have devs, offices and products, not one or two deluded street shitters posting inname brap threads and low IQ filibuster spam (that's you).

If it was dead or if the company had exited then they wouldn’t still be developing and releasing products and have such an active github with so many developers working in the Skycoin offices.

The rest of your post is just personal attacks and not worth my energy to address.

Yeah what a hive of industry

That’s not one of the components being focussed on right now. Most of the current development is on Skywire, CX, and adding BTC support to the hardware wallet. You can track the progress at