I am in my 20s with

I am in my 20s with
>manufactured home($30,000) on 5 acres($15,000) in the midwest near a very popular city with many employers, hospitals etc
>very clean used japanese economy car($3,500) with 105,000 miles and clean title with zero issues
>zero debt
>$35,000 in my bank account
>currently have a good job as a statistician, earning $60,000 after taxes with full benefits last year

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What can you tell me about the process of getting your home/land? Did you just buy the land and then somebody basically installs/builds the home on the land? It just seems incredibly cheap

the midwest is cheap as balls
and you get what you pay for

50k in debt
30k a year job

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That's the basic rundown. I did the same in my early thirties, and am now looking for even more (and cheaper) land further out from where I am even now. Further away from the city you are the better.

You can also have a shop house built on said land, although I'm unsure exactly how much more expensive that is. Pic related, they're comfy af

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Healthy as fuck

And no mommy gf

One stupid thing I did was get a new car when I got my first wagie job. Classic steady paycheck trap.

It wasn't stupid, necessarily.$5k down $20k @ 3.6% for 5 years. And it's a truck so I have never been upside down, and it's only lost like 1/2 of sticker price.

Thing is, I am fucking bored of it. It's a dumbass truck I drive to work. And I still owe the bank money.

For some reason I want to trade it in for a boring ass car so it can stop annoying me. But now that would be a bad financial decision given that I can only justify my purchase if I drive the thing for a decade.

Tldr cars are stupid unless you can afford something fucking awesome and rare. Other than that it's all the same shit. It's a real Siddhartha style lesson people have to learn themselves, I guess. I didn't listen, and I could tell someone else and they won't listen.

No bro go get a credit card and a $400,000 mortgage.

>$35,000 in my bank account
>currently have a good job as a statistician, earning $60,000 after taxes with full benefits last year

You using your stats skill to trade the crypto markets?
Also what are you investing in?

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Apparently 10 year car loans are now a thing. And I've also noticed an uptick in the number of luxury cars on the roads by wagies, lots of BMWs and Lexi.

Mind you a 4 year old BMW goes for under $30k which was surprising to me.

>and still a touchless virgin incel

I am in my 20s with
>shitty apartment
>shitty car
>work 2 days a month, pay ~$50 a month for full health coverage
>in college
>23k LINK

You had almost 3 years user.

Does your area get tornadoes?

if it isn't too far out of a town you might even be able to rent it out as industrial space

Blessed user

how are the rural thots? I think the only thing stopping me from doing this is the fact that all the best thots live in cities

>I think the only thing stopping me from doing this is the fact that all the best thots live in cities
There are thots everywhere user. I have lived on both the east coast, west coast, and spent a lot of time in many states inbetween. The "hot sluts in your area" porn ads are real.

No but I fucking do. Please make it stop

>cars are stupid

pretty much.

Nice, sounds amazing

Well good for you buddy. I hope you own gold, guns,ammo,land,food and water because that's all that matters in terms of wealth. It seems like you have the land part figured out.

Build a race car and race it on the track you beta faggots

is a "manufactured home" the same as a "prefab house". there's so many terms now, i just want to make sure.


weird. i drive a commuter car. economy sedan. and it's extremely boring. always wanted a truck. maybe you are not fully appreciating it. go outdoors, hunt/fish/camp with it. try renting a boring hyundai accent for a couple days, and maybe you will go back to appreciating your truck.

get sick once....lose it all to medical costs

Fucking wut.

It's what people who live in trailers call trailers because they don't want to sound like trailer trash.

>pay $50-$80 a month insurance
>get sick
>pay nothing

This is actually how it works if you are a single white male.

Prefab isnt A trailer. It's TWO trailers screwed together.

I pay $50 a month for insurance but I never even go to the doctor even if I'm sick. I only have it so I can contribute to an HSA

We're all gonna make it

That's stupid. You should get regular checkups even if you are in your 20s. Most insurance provides for preventive care.

I've had 2 precancerous masses discovered by visiting doc for bi annual exam, as well as rectal polyps. All paid for all fixed by my cheap insurance.

>precancerous masses
>rectal polyps
How old are you? Do you have a precancer syndrome or something?

How much is your insurance? I could use a check up by now. Been years since I've seen a doctor.

all of that doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have any link.

I hate how people say they're in their 20s because they could literally be 29. Why don't you say your exact age, pussy?

34. No family history. They found the cancers in my late 20s. Had polyps cleaned out at 32.

Will add that the polyps were of a size that the doctor said they had probably been present for 5 years or so.

How the fuck are you paying 50 dollars for insurance? Even hospital unions insurance plans cost like 100-150

Where the fuck are you paying $50-$80/mo? Do you earn

>very clean used japanese economy car($3,500) with 105,000 miles and clean title with zero issues
>posting on pol at 5am
>viginity confirmed

I am fucking poor and my parents have never owned a new car in my life, so luckily I avoided that trap with ease. Buying a new car just seems illogical to me. The only reason you need it is to make an impression at a professional job. And in that case youre better off leasing.

Health insurance co-op. Look it up. There is probably a good one in your state.

>sold my car
>sold all my furniture
>own absolutely nothing except the essentials
>have a well paying remote job (100k per year)
>live wherever I want, as long as I have good internet
>200k net worth
>20k LINK
>no debt
>gonna buy a discounted house when the recession inevitably hits

feels /comfy/ bros

This looks like a shed

Pretty based user. However you'll never really do anything meaningful in this life unless you work in an artistic field and leave something that will inspire people long after you're gone. As it stands you'll die, be forgotten, and it would've all meant nothing in the end.

I drive a Prius and I love it.

what city? ive been looking at north florida but the spics and boomers are flooding it and it will probably go democrat soon

birth rate is inverse with density. if you find a roastie in a city there is a 100% chance shes a liberal, in debt and had an abortion

Based voluntary hobo

t. only meets women on tinder

yep. all OPs neighbors are missing teeth from years of smoking meth....guaranteed.

I really can't comprehend why any wagie needs anything other than a $3-5k shitbox.

Imagine unironically making your life harder to impress NPCs.

Based and redpilled. May kek bless you user!

>using "COLOR TV" instead of just television]
sure not cherry picked biased statistics

You're making it fren.

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Bro you live in a trailer and drive an old Honda Accord? And you think you’ve made it and are doing an AMA, I love this fucking board

what kind of checkup do you suggest?

>Mind you a 4 year old BMW goes for under $30k which was surprising to me.
Because they're shit.

Ah, fuck you too.