I can't believe someone bought my LINK at $4.50

I can't believe someone bought my LINK at $4.50
I bought this for 27 cents as a joke.
Why would you buy it now? Who's buying at these prices? This is all speculation, adoption prices should be around $2-3

>inb4 1000eoy
I still have 3000 in case you neets are right but come on now

Attached: 1574997297694.jpg (499x600, 80.65K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>dem milkers

>me in the back

She really does have a fantastic pair of tits


Attached: memory lane.jpg (785x568, 136.34K)

Some people are just stupid
Like imagine buying chainlink at 4.75 or something when it sold for under $4 just a week ago

I thought the same thing, but bought at 9 cents and sold under a dollar. Thought it was weird that everybody was paying over $1 for it.


holy fuck bros shes so cute

Attached: 1563055182016.jpg (225x225, 3.54K)

Attached: NEVER FUCKING SELL.png (587x251, 32.49K)


Wow. She looks better. Much of an improvement.


Wow, will there ever be an opportunity of this scale ever again? That is absolutely insane

Can someone shop this to make her even more attractive with even bigger, lewder
tits please

is there in OG of this ?

She was hotter when she was grilling Zuck about Facebook's non fact checking ads

Attached: index(13).jpg (259x194, 4.94K)




all pictures of women on the internet are traps and you are gay it's very funny


>fake tits
>masculine posture

dem titties my GOD AOC where have you been hiding yo girls?

its my favorite meme
along with sarcasm

3/10 Might bang with bag over head

Attached: SCvuuD0si7dJASo5AfGeqAJcDT_9xoVXupA37kTtvdQ.jpg (1072x1435, 249.84K)

>i cant believe someone bought bitcoin at $10
>i cant believe someone bought ETH at $5
>i cant believe someone bought [X] at [$X]
it must really suck having a low IQ OP, good luck with that though.

Link is teasing my COCK

La lux extinguido

Attached: MEGA.png (601x601, 576.43K)

I know, it hurts.

These nulinkers maybe putting a thousand or so into link now won''t even retire even if link pulls a 100x lol.

Attached: 1583476498873.jpg (1080x1350, 658.83K)

Constantly and your retarded if you think not.

No Boston spic women look like this.

im on nofap you fucking coomners STOP IT

Can you bleach her skin colour white?

She looks better here.

Attached: iu[1].jpg (1000x563, 58.66K)

but user, she is white

Attached: FaceApp_1583482090392.jpg (601x601, 261.97K)

You have no choice, submit to the coom

Attached: 1583482112591.jpg (800x1200, 405.81K)

i'd actually nut inside AOC if she lookedlike that holy fuck.

That's a man. The Elite and their celebrity puppets are mostly transgender. TRANSVESTIGATION

Lol that's a man look at the forehead, facial structure, long arms, yep its a man

ive done some investigative research and this is NOT AOC pls stop spreading fake news sir

you mean transvegetation

after some more research these are also NOT real pls stp spreadin fake news this isa psyop to get cumbrains acclimated to communism pls stop sir america is a free society

i thought the green were the buys and the red were the sells

it's no wonder i was losing money

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-06 00-15-05.png (880x568, 106.78K)

even on this picture she is a solid 6.5/10. I"d splatter my manbatter all over those glasses

thats a fake

Attached: 1583371866117.jpg (828x822, 73.25K)

I would support the green new deal if it involved aoc bottling her fresh milk and distributing it to neets

She's djing

desu I would go live in a gulag as well if it meant she put her knockers in my face but thats why its so dangerous frens we must resist big titty communism

It really do have a great pair of tits.

You spent 810$ on a token and don’t expect it to go to the moon?

I made like 15k from dgb so it wasnt a big deal


Attached: attractive_communist_activist_camila_vallejo_640_02[1].jpg (428x600, 40.41K)

were her nipples really showing

Attached: 1578256040347.png (360x360, 135.63K)

I fucking hate commies so much but yea, I want those milkers too user.

Attached: Screenshot_20180129-141844.png (1080x2220, 292.95K)

JP Morgan is buying here. Screencap this post.