How the fuck did this actually happen

Eth went from $5 to $1400 in one year.
I mean I saw it happen but putting in those terms. How the fuck.

Attached: eth2345.png (2461x1195, 262.66K)

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pretty much ico scams

low marketcap

We have covered this multiple times. Demand driven by ICOs and also Tether manipulation of BTC.

By comparison it's taken Link 900 Days to reach 5$ and it's still not there.

It took Eth exactly the same time from ICO to its peak.

Attached: 1539128600263.jpg (1257x764, 75.96K)

Meth heads may have possibly had the easiest investment in history.

Lots of hype at the time. It happened during the shitcoin bullmarker runup.

Which means link will ONE THOUSAND END OF YEAR

and today it's sub $300 and dropping even with "promising developments like eth 2.0, but for real this time guys!" on the "horizon", kek.

the creation of an entirely new financial paradigm and a complete revolution in human affairs. ETH should have a market cap in the trillions

It's literally starting to feel like a fabled event of the past it's been so long. Kinda hard to believe it happened.

I suppose it had:
BTC going 20x in that period
It's own performance
ICO scams and craze making it highly in demand.
and of course, it was in the last two years of a bullmarket.

I don't know whether to be bullish or bearish on Chainlink considering it's current situation.

Attached: 1539112202836.jpg (890x1333, 180K)

one day maybe, but not being able to scale isnt a meme, its a serious issue with the tech

Checked. Jesus is my home boy

It wasn't even the most profitable hold in that timeframe.

True, but it's pretty much the only one that wasn't 100% shady bullshit, and that's still in the same position that it was at the peak.

say what you like about Neo, its a chink scam.

they screwed lots of small time investors. blamed a security problem in software then reaped the rewards. basically that time that 1 guy allegedly gained access to every ones wallet was a inside job and it allowed them to dump other peoples money i n and never take it out. so it grew very fast

Crypto kitty

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I'm sure if you spend a summer in Guatemala picking beans it will come to you.

>retard that doesn't know the difference between it's and its
>invests in chainlink

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Once Chainlink starts to move people will hear the names "Google, Oracle, Microsoft, SWIFT" attached to it, they'll buy with the same level of Fomo.

Not if they haven't spent a summer picking beans in Guatemala they won't.

halvig in may
november 2020 the next peak?

Attached: eth.jpg (1215x647, 77.54K)

Attached: 1583268642842.png (1544x862, 61.85K)

>november 2021

he thinks link will do this
you guys are so fucked

Nope it does more, LINk has no benefit from retail investors, it suppose to target industries and big businesses. For once they will be the one taking a bleeding to FOMO. Normies will be priced out almost immediately.

link has 1 1/2 year to pull off CEA tier stunt
smartcon1 in may 2021? sirgay keeps the big announcements for Summer

screencap us
winter 21

Attached: impatience-Warren-buffet.jpg (259x194, 17.15K)

>1 guy allegedly gained access to every ones wallet

Attached: 1581857669778.jpg (699x653, 116.17K)

This is nothing compared to what Link will do desu

"Smart" people will give you all kinda of reasons why it did what it did. Shit like this happens in stocks too, you know. Crypto was an immature market and the market caps were low and its really easy for price to go crazy in situations like that.
Idoiot. Then explain XRP going to $3? You redditors and your "reasons" will always make you chumps.

only issue is when you start overthinking, if winter 21 bullrun seems so obvious and everyone predicts history will repeat itself, then can it really happen? wont it just be frontrunned? but then again, we all thought link was so obvious and others would see it too, only to realize everyone is a retard and it appears sometimes things just unfold the way you can predict them to. can it really be that simple, or just a trap?

Attached: crystal.jpg (651x222, 92.33K)

As a linklet, link may or may not be the catalyst, it could be the BtC halvening and it may once again lose out to other alts in the short run.

Kind of like how it took apple/amazon awhile to peak, the same may happen to LINK.

This will be the UND chart soon.

>time stamp
Fucking checked based

ICOs created demand for Ethereum, so people bought Ethereum. Many of these scams still have huge war chests of ETH. It's common sense faggot. Obviously some people were buying ETH just to buy it because it was on Coinbase, but ICOs created demand for billions of dollars worth of ETH

1. That chart shows more than one year

2. It was not $5 in the area you highlighted. More like $7

>blinded by the trees for the forest
>fuds link

a x280!!!!

thats like if Eth were to go from $230 to $64,400

$64,400 EOY!!!!!

Attached: 1581464496277ret.png (498x500, 281.65K)

What happened to the volume?

ico scams

Eth $4keoy confirmed

vaporware pumps. It's fugazi, it's fugazi. Fairy dust. It hasn't landed, it's not fucking real.

Once people realize what something is or isn't, i.e. when ETH became a real thing with ERC20 tokens, it crashes back down to earth. Same thing will happen if LINK ever exits the vaporware stage.

>Just buy and dont sell. It worked for me. Most people would sell when they were up 10x. Not me cause I'm stupid. I'm like 10x is nice but 100x is better. 100x and i can quit my monkey job. But Link is even better. When we get to 1k eoy I'm gonna be at like 4000x. 4000x! I'm could buy a freaking plane. Not with my stacks but with my steakes. I figure staking 100k be like that. Probably not actually get a plane cause flying is scary but my RV will be nice. Gonna be awesome. Probably keep my house cause I like this place but definantly gonna get a sweet little hideaway up in the mountains watch it snow and junk. It doesnt snow here. Just hot as balls all summer but I love the beach. Got my eye on sweet little boat and I'm gonna name it The Stinky Link, maybe get some flames on the sides. Idk just spit ballin. Man I'm hungry for steaks now. Just buy link fellas. Gonna be awesome.

This but unironically.

No, last time there was a gold rush of shitcoins that piggy backed off the ethereum blockchain. That shit ain’t happening again, at least not at the same level.

so next run = no alt season, bitcoin only maybe some eth? all alt gains rush back into btc, dominance goes 90% and higher.
the infrastructure is a lot better this time but no additional hype besides btc price go up

It’s gonna be many years before we get rich from Link. Sucks. I wish I had found this shithole two years earlier, I’d be on a fucking island somewhere

just took a nice long hot shower
lots of soap and shampoo
even a dab of conditioner

am i still good to buy linkies now?


the fuck it's not
it started happening last month again
people waiting on shitcoins to die will be waiting a long while

It's mainly because that was the year that extreme amounts of normie money invaded the crypto space which is of course a good thing

poloniex is dead

I don't think growth like this is possible ever again, except if a ceratain coin gets worldwide adoption. Normies might be normies, but even they learn from the mistakes. Too many got burned to go ball deep like that again

You underestimate how dumb and primitive normies are


it won't happen again
and i doubt any coin will ever get "worldwide adoption" since you'd have the worlds most powerful governments directly trying to regulate, restrict, or prevent it from happening altogether.

If it ever does happen, the coin likely isn't even invented yet and once adopted would render every other coin basically worthless.

Right now crypto is fine for a laugh, you can still make money from retards speculating, but anyone that unironically thinks cryptocurrency is the future is delusional.

Just like lasers. They said it was a problem looking for a solution. Decades later here we are and still not a single use for lasers outside of putting on a pretty light show.

>on edge
um no, I’m clearly ejaculating

its fine, chainlink and offchain labs are taking a lot of it off chain anyway

yeah pretty jealous was gonna buy at $12 and put 2 grand in but didn't get time setting up my account and depositing the funds. Ran away quite quickly lol.

A laser shot down a jet fighter just last week you retard.

It didn't shoot it down you braindead ESL shitskin. Learn to fucking read.