Odds of retiring off 10K LINK within 5 years?

If $1000/LINK occurs within the next 5 years, I will happily retire with $10 million USD before taxes. I live in a state with no income tax, so I would take home ~$8.5M after the 15% federal capital gains tax is paid. I'm 27, married, with no kids yet. I'd pay off my $250K grad school debt, buy a $500K home, throw the rest into index funds, blue chip stocks, and rental units, and live modestly off capital gains. Am I completely delusional or am I about to retire before age 30? It all feels so surreal.

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>Am I completely delusional

Honestly which state I might move to a state with no income tax...

New Hampshire. Live Free or Die, bby

Long term cap gains on 10M is 20% or 2M. Only if you cashed out less that 390K a year could you pay 15%.

You know you can take out a loan with your linkies as collateral and you don’t have to pay taxes on it?

youre so fucking stinky i LOVE it

>Am I completely delusional
yes! LINK will never hit $1000 EVER
Be happy if it hits $100 in the next bullrun and then just sell

we'll see in the next two years after we see what big time business or lack thereof is onboarded to the completed network

Really? Redpill me . Where can I read more about this?

Still not bad desu . I'd happily take home $8M lump sum . Hell Id even settle for $7M. Still plenty to retire and live well for another 60 years.

Um. I'm like 99% sure $1000 is a sure thing. It's just a matter of when. I think $300 this cycle is a gimme. I might have to wait until the next cycle for $1000+ though. It's hilarious to think of the mentally inferior being shaken out before four digit LINK

>Um. I'm like 99% sure $1000 is a sure thing.
>LINK having a bigger marketcap than the whole current market at the moment. Yeah, sure thing dude. Keep dreaming.
Not even with adoption, which won´t happen anytime soon btw.

Bitcoin will exceed the market cap of gold soon. There are already multiple companies worth over a TRILLION. Derivatives markets are worth gorillions. You have the perspective of a fucking flea. You deserve to toil like a pleb.

Delusion. It goes from $3 to $4 and you idiots think $100 is possible, let alone $800-1000

it's increased its worth by about 900% over three years. bretty gud desu

That's what they said about Bitcoin and Ethereum. You're about to get raped

over the last three years it's gone from $0.04 to $4

Why would you sell when you could just stake? I dont fucking understand you brainlets

Never gonna make it

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-05-19-36-43-1-1.png (480x667, 111.17K)

>Bitcoin will exceed the market cap of gold soon.
no doubt, that is great, and you are right.
But just because this happened doesn´t mean that this shitcoin will reach 4 digits
You are just a delusional bagholder. Enjoy waking up in 10 years and realizing you based your whole life on a dream, that your shitty investment will ever be worth millions.
Pathetic! Go and work for your money

Lump sum to gain higher interest in different assets

Also this! OP you already lost from the start

>Pathetic! Go and work for your money

Cry goyim

You have no idea what the interest is going to be

dyor about collateralized loans. besides maker, there are companies that currently offer btc and eth collateralized usd loans. given enough time and development you could probably just make a cdp on maker and use the minted dai to buy stuff in real life

It’s also like 94% white.

You are a complete retard

Don’t get your hopes up and don’t put all your chickens in one egg
Diversify your portfolio. There are other cryptoassets that can make you bigger returns than LINK

Are you a boomer who doesn't understand what link does? Do I need to spoon feed the CIA memos to you?

Any breadcrumbs?

>CIA memos
which CIA memos?
>who doesn't understand what link does?
I do. I know how big of a thing that shit is. It is the number one thing which is needed to enable smart contracts and I know which industries it will influence. I just do not think that we will see 1000$. Maybe in 20 years if the tech is wide spread, yeah. But not anytime soon like the next 5 years or so

Lol gtfo out of here pajeet.

(((Dartmouth))) is making it a strong priority to make New Hampshire more (((diverse)))

How the fuck do you have grad school debt? graduate students are paid a stipend and have their tuition covered at all decent schools. Did you go to some diploma mill joke school?

I go to Dartmouth Medical School

I will try not to smirk once le singularity begins. *Tips Fedora*

dude work on being not delusional. jesus christ.


how do they know youll pay them back?

>$0.25 to $4.50 = 18x
>$4.50 to $45 = 10x

>Someone walking away with millions and enjoying 3 or 4 more years of youth is hilarious.
The state of people.

He really shouldn’t even sell as LINK price will only keep rising:

hey fuck you thats my school you're talking shit about.
what up babe.

A 10x for Link ($40) isn't happening this year. The big gains are over once a coin passes a $1B cap. It will never go as high as you delusional faggots think. If you bought above $3, you're in for a very rough ride. UND, however....

>10k Link
>250k Grad debt
are you me? if so, good luck in the match

Shut the fuck up discord tranny, why don’t you invest and timestamp. Maybe ill drop a k.

>1000 link within 5 years
my nigga 2019's ATH for link was 4.50
2020 so far is 4.80 or something, and with a bit luck it could reach 5.50 or even $6 before the year ends

This thing isnt gonna start mooning like crazy for no reason, this isnt 2017 anymore. Realistically speaking, in 5 years, chainlink should be worth anywhere from $5 to $10

Enjoy your corona chan

Get the delusion out of your head. 1000 pinkies will never make it. You need 40k min. Even at 40k you need $25 just for 1 million, 50 for 2mil. $100 is a decade or more away. Stop being delusional. Go make more money and get it in asap

it's already happened

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delusional losers. see you at $1. swap for frm if you know whats good for ya

Same age, no marriage, 48k link but no job now.
I think we’ll be alright


You don't have to live in Austin or anything, move to bumfuck nowhere for low living expense, profit off no state income or capital gains tax when it's time to cash out.

Pajeet here, what do i donwith the $9 Boeing gabe me...

Please reply sir, have a great day.

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Folks who think about crypto as a new currency or even asset class are missing it. Crypto is an emerging economy play. It’s a new region of self-sovereign, global, internet-based nation-states forming, and most crypto’s within them arent currencies, they’re all kinds of assets.

Now imagine investing in the protocol behind all of it. Open your minds

Godtier digits user

these people are weak hands user, they can't see big picture.

>If $1000/LINK occurs
will never happen so stop imagining bullshit.

i have chainlink im just fudding

Stupid kike.

I’ve been 42 pilled. But I want more.