Easiest buy of my life

easiest buy of my life

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Waiting to RLC to noon so I can buy with profits.

ive been buying 100 PNK a day. is that a fast enough accumulation or will i be priced out? i'm throwing my lunch money change into it. dont tell my mom. im supposed to be saving for college

sir that lunch money is a full course meal in 2021 PNK dollars

Example: paypal dispute
what if I say ''here the seller is right'' while all the othe jurors agree that the buyer is right?
Will I lose my PNK stacK for a bad decision?

Yes you will have 0 pinked left

no you just wouldn't be rewarded


Not all just some

Without spouting $1EOY memes predict it’s price for Jan 2021 and why

Genuine prediction is around 30 cents

>law firms are already looking for ways to resolve subjective smart contract issues
>momentum from market rally (particularly post presidential elections)
>whitepaper suggests the token use is for bidding for arbitration work so the value will be a tiny percentage of lawyer fees, it can never really be worth more than a few pennies given the token quantities people already have

$10 EOY

Justify that pajeet. I’m not even arguing that you won’t massively profit on this token, particularly if there is some adoption buy law firms rather than just individuals but the value limit is obvious. If this is used to bid for work as outlined in the whitepaper use case and it doesn’t get mass adoption it is utterly worthless.

just for that

$100 EOY

fuck you idiot

what's wrong with you pinkies inability to discuss anything. Fuck this scam.

I legitimately think it will hit $1 this year based off of market cap and speculation alone. Passing $1 seems unlikely due to the number of people who would sell at that point. Whether it will collapse from $1 back down to $.20 Link style, collapse from $1 down to nothing Req Style, or continue past $1 just depends on far too many variables to determine right now.


It’s not going to be $10 EOY and you saying this only makes pnk look bad to the unsuspecting bizraeli. I’m calling for $.25 EOY. Don’t be such a pajeet.

Ask a question then

3 different Answers...

can you Answer?

Example: paypal dispute
what if I say ''here the seller is right'' while all the othe jurors agree that the buyer is right?
Will I lose my PNK stacK for a bad decision?

Literally information that you can find in multiple places on the Kleros website. That’s not even doing research. It’s the kind of information that you would accidentally stumble upon if you spend a minute and a half googling pinkies

yet you pinkies gave 3 different answers. Pathetic.


yes. you would lose your stack. this is what encourages you to vote correctly. otherwise you could just spam court cases with bullshit answers. under this system, it will cost you money to vote against the majority.

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You still haven’t asked a question, what is your deal user? Are you really still here, fudding a coin that was shilled earlier and has done a 4x since

Ya I lied to you because it was a stupid fucking question from a trash poster



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we pump


>Are you really still here, fudding a coin that was shilled earlier and

can you Answer?

Example: paypal dispute
what if I say ''here the seller is right'' while all the othe jurors agree that the buyer is right?
Will I lose my PNK stacK for a bad decision?

>Voting "correctly" means voting with the majority

Incredible... Amazing...

I’m new to crypto, where can I purchase crypto not for sale on coinbase? Also what are good alternatives to coinbase?

You lose some of your stack, yes. You were the dumbass who chose the wrong answer, you deserve to lose. This is why game theory is so huge for blockchains. It’s going to eliminate so many steps and will streamline things. This is why jurors will need to be competent and realistic as their own investment is in limbo.

if you rule against the majority you lose your staked pinkies, but then you can appeal and lose even more.

What do you know OP, the answer is not even 5 pages into the white paper! DYOR faggot

Get metamask and learn how to use uniswap.

>vote (((correctly))) or be penalised

Fuck you’re not OP. Also forgot pic

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dont think it can drop that hard. people actually have pnk staked and want to earn eth with this shovel


Absolutely incredible... Mind blowing... Just bought 100m tokens...

Unironically staking 100s of thousands can confirm

Jurors can’t see other juror’s votes

have fun with your "cases"

Attached: pajeetCourt.png (1604x711, 803.05K)

Way to oust yourself as a dumbass. DYOR brainlet. It’s your beta ways that have you missing out on a 5x within a month and a half

>have fun with your cases
Yeah, think of better fud next time nancyboy. There’s already been over $500k in eth rewarded to jurors since they started. Anyone can make a case about anything, that’s the beauty of it. But you can’t see through it. You’ll want to neck soon.

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classic pajeet comeback when they get cornered

Imagine seeing some random guy on the internet suddenly being able to file disputes when he feels mistreated and thinking it is a fuddable event

You’re so fucking dumb. This is obviously bait hahahahahahaha.

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there are only 2 cases ongoing this whole month. no way they've made anywhere close to $500k

whole last month*

Exactly. The fact that even egotistical morons can figure this shit out and use it is bullish. Yeah, it's a dumb case but the jurors are still getting paid. Rich egoists are going to love using kleros to "prove a point," even if they get wrecked every time by based autist jurors.

>7 posts by this ID
>has already missed a 3x in a month
>still hasn’t DYOR
>doesn’t realize it takes 3 minutes to find what you’re looking for
It’s 2020 and crypto is still not adopted. To think that there’s even cases rn is amazing. Midwits won’t get it thought.

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Not only is there a shortage in cases, but the few ones a month will go to the highest stakers aka the whales.

Yes, it's game theory brainlet.

Kleroscan.com my bad. The numbers are all there for you to see.

I know more about the project than you do retard

Now I just think you’re bored and larping. I’m tired of fucks like you wasting everyone’s time. If you haven’t bought yet you’re obviously not in the capacity to understand things of this magnitude. If you’re worrying about how many cases are available rn then you can’t be helped.

>I know more about the project than you do retard
Refer to
You’re fucking dumb dude. You don’t know shit rather than being a betafaggot. Again, DYOR so you won’t ask these menial questions.

so let's get this right
>I won't be able to stake cause i'm not a whale and there are no cases
>people who bought the token sale are up 3x and ready to dump at any moment
>17 page white paper with mostly pics
>The few cases that exist are created by the team themselves (no actual users)

I guess I can't be helped

imagine dumping for a measily 3x LUL promise those whales are waiting for much higher prices.

I swear to god if you moronic imbeciles don’t stop spoonfeeding fudders

fuck off pajeet

>12 posts by this ID
>the same fud team Indian stalking every kleros thread since 300% ago.

Seethe faggot number go up

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