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Space Dog Edition

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SPCE $700 eoy

first for fuck chinky chinks (not american chinks)


And now, young bulls, you... will... die.

Activate the weapon.

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Expectations are moon. Time frame soon.



why the expectations?


As a bull I am thrilled to die.

lmao what in the actual fuck is happening to this country

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I don't know im so fucking dumb

Buy trnx


I've made like $500 trading options for the first time this past two weeks. Having an economics degree with a starter job I can see that I can just day trade high volume and sell for like a $100 on average per trade a couple times a week. Is this a feasible strategy? I only ask because everyone around me just says that options is gambling.

Bitch I already did earlier today at $50

imagine not basing your trades on the bond market

can corona chan fuck off already its really starting to piss me off

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Are you ready to harvest bull tears, bearbros?

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i'm in this weird no-man's land where all my stock picks are going down, but SQQQ isn't going up enough to be an actual hedge, and vice versa: all my stocks go up but when that happens SQQQ plummets autistically and fucks my gains

these past two weeks are not your ordinary market, and you wont make that long term

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Good banner.
Feel so left out i dont care if we crash or pump. have more on the sidelines just watching this wild chart

Me waiting for SPY puts to generate profit.

Chev is on a roll since yesterday with the digits. Calm down.

The censored porn was bad enough, don't post this shit.

buy the cheapies~!

Fool, I created Bears.

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DOW still hitting that 26,400 support and bouncing back.

Fuck, I'm just a super newbie with no experience, but doesn't all of this spiking and crashing seem to indicate a recession or something?

What support?

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but friend, it hasn't even begun yet.

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The Fed is gonna pump the market again

Uh... so... uh do, uh, d-d-do you know what’s actually in these?

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that's funny - i memebought whatever it was that split into TRNX a few months ago based off someone's post here...just $36 worth but I did it to get the free shares. i only have 20 shares and never paid any attention to it since then. some analyst just set a price target of $55? i'll lmao if i actually make money off that memetrade


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>its just a nothingbu-

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I get that, by putting in larger buys though I'm only looking for +/- 0.50% change for the most part which I believe is possible in a more stable market

Bulls are delusionally pushing this lie that the short position is illegal and they're going to be forced to cover, it's absurd. That being said, on paper the stock is worth $9, so it's absurdly oversold.

Who makes these, lmao.

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dat heads and shoulders

Keep doing it and see how it works out for you bro you got the economics degree what could go wrong?

How many APPL to bed Holo?

chilly desu

11 in Westchester county and 2 in NYC.

Seeing it as well. Just waiting for SPY to go under 300...

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Crash and dump the market bobo

Uncertainty on a massive scale that might also be called price discovery. For me, the biggest moves have been down and so I'm thinking we've got a lot more downside. Even before corona and more so now, yields have been pointing towards a recession and many people trust that measure over equities. Hardcore bond frens in the media have been pointing out the yield curve and sounding the alarm for quite awhile, it might be coming true.

If it didn't have raceplay that caption would be perfect and have me diamonds. Love censored and captions.

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but it's a blue board

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All of it

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day in the life of SQQQ
>little red SPX
>little green SQQQ
>little green SPX

Economics doesn't translate to options, nor do they teach about it. I'm in the same boat learning as everyone here. All I got is getting market movement down for the most part. Even though I've been right on how the day will go, I'm not greedy and sell out at a safe level everyday even though I miss out.


what am I supposed to decrypt here?

Lover of fat women

It's absolutely coming true the question is how much downside do we have left here. I'm gonna assume 35% in equities from ATH and just dollar cost average my cash in over the next few months depending on how quickly we see stock prices drop. If I see another 10% down I'm going hard, I already am in big with XOM and have a bit of AMD but I'm still mostly cash and will be for at least another month.

even though I'm a bear, I'm not buying any puts. no way am I going up against the feds. better to sit this shit out.

nice digits, you've been a great friend

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I was being sarcastic you retard of course it doesn't teach you options

She looks fit though?

But it's crashing right now? Why would it go back up especially towards the close?

Bears don't gamble. That's the entire point of being a bear. Not enough value in stocks to put a big risk into them. Certainly not enough value in gambling for that either.

have you even seen Yas Forums? I think jannies gave up. They come around whenever they get bored

anyone else getting OCD when opening the current SPY chart?

Look at what you have created...

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if we break 26k today there is no floor

No need to be an angry neet.

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i think i've seen Yas Forums but i'm not sure

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man fuck it
I'm just gonna keep hodling this spxs
I don't have the patience to try and make plays right now

Ask and you shall recieve.I'm watching it very intently. 3/9 304 P

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SPX has literally moved in the same 30 points that it opened into and tomorrow it will gap up 50 points again anyways it's obvious that this is just a really volatile crab but of course bears get uppity at every opportunity.

*knocks on your door*

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Thanks user. Also, Jesus Christ Italy, slow the fuck down.

Its over

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How fuckin old is that map, every north african country should have blips.

It's entering a massive recession that will make 2008 look tame

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Reminder TSLA and SPCE are American based with high tech automation and are minimally impacted by the virus.

bear trap today
bull trap tomorrow
bear trap monday
bull trap tuesday
bear trap wednesday
bull trap thursday
bear trap friday

this is the future you choose

Somebody give me a quick update what color the market is, thanks

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I'm just waiting for TSLA to go back down to low $550 - 650 so I could get back in again.

One of those days will have the biggest bull trap you have ever seen

Hey bro, never did options before
What do the profits look like ?
You said they were going for 5 cents.. how much do you sell them at usually?

who tracks africa though? do they even have the ability to test anyone?

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>not waiting for it to go to $300


Fuck, just think about how long that virus was in Italy flying under the radar. Extrapolating that out to a country as big as the US is terrifying. Shit is about to go down. It seems like most people really believe the cases will be contained because of current efforts. Tens of thousands in the US alone almost certainly already have it multiplying in them with no idea whatsoever of what is going to happen to them.

Say it with me boys
Higher highs and higher lows. We in an uptrend

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SPX 3008 by close of bell

9000 bucks up.
Only 95,000 left to make to be positive again...




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>buy PNRL late Dec after November's pump-and-dump
>halts for months
>finally unhalts today for a whopping 96% loss
Only blue chips for me from now on, boyos.

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Red as fuck.

Here you go

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Getting there...

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I want -5% today or It's a nothingburger

Yes but they are probably only testing people coming from Europe, the Chinese that live there probably spread that shit all over central Africa already and they don't know it.

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I'm seeing real declines in retail coffee traffic at my current place of worship as well

Scooped up more KNG cheapies. Fucking love this fund.

Im 80% in cash right now. Am i safe or should i convert my cash to gold?

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oh shit, i didnt even think about the chinese worker colonies in africa

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They are announcing their new revolutionary battery in April.


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We’ll probably retest the lows at least. But yeah, the fed will win until the sovereign debt bubble pops.

All currencies are gonna go straight into the trash so yes

What's the payout?

Oh wow more vaporware

You know who doesn't give a fuck about Corona? Bonds. Why should my Boeing 2028 Bond that pays me 6% interest annually give a fuck about your meme Virus in 2020? It's value only went up.frankly. Most Bonds have a minimum denomination of 100k USD so if you're a poorfag you can't even get in on this racket too bad for you

i ride with Powell I die with Powell. Real homies stay true feel me?

10Y all time low AGAIN

get ready boys

who else killnig themselfs

this is the fate bulls have chosen

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Who here ready for airline bailouts?

how does my portfolio look

any positions I should close? Any stocks you guys would suggest I look into?
I'm wondering if I'm diversified enough. I'm heavy on both KR and GIS which are very closely linked so that's a weak point there. But I really like GIS's divvy and it seems a lot healthier than T

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Please make money on this!

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2008 waiting with open arms


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I am, im down 2dollars since corona dip

rates are going to ZERO