Baseline Protocol

So a lot of people are wondering wtf yesterday's announcement means. This is a good article outlining it:

Here is John Wolpert
>Global Product Exec. Cofounder of
@ibmblockchain, @hyperledger, @ConsenSys

And for the more academically minded anons here, have a review of the new paper published by Cornell and IC3 regarding the topic of Order-Fairness for Byzantine Consensus:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Piece of shit nigger wont even break $5 fucking clown market fuck this world.


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this news about DMM came out recently as well
very good stuff
we're seeing higher scale adoption now and not just crypto-to-crypto partnerships (embed)

previous thread talking about the CIA connection:

Chainlink Tonight mentioned it recently in his video:

more about DMM:

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> he doesn’t know we don’t need casual investment to pump

LINK is not really involved in it much

to keep the thread up and add to the discussion, Chico Crypto did a nice breakdown on CZ and Justin Sun and what happened in Malta:

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choice quote from the article:
ConsenSys’ John Wolpert, who was also on the founding team of Hyperledger Fabric, explained what Baseline is and isn’t: “This is not a platform. It’s not a product. It’s not a coin, a token. It is a way of using the main net (public Ethereum) that will be acceptable, we think, to very conservative corporate CSOs (chief security officers), CIO, CTOs, where they can finally say, yep, it’s okay to use the main net in this way.”

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link mentioned with other shitprojects, yuppiduu

Are you aware that Hyperledger is using the Hedera Consensus Service, and that IBM is sitting on the Hedera council? It's happening, but it's not happening on ETH

what does this mean for Verasity tho?

Doesn't matter for Chainlink, since Chainlink and Hedera's been partnered for most of a year by this point. Blockchain agnostic, user.

>It's happening, but it's not happening on ETH
>Today EY, Microsoft and ConsenSys unveiled the Baseline Protocol. The aim is to empower enterprises to adopt the public Ethereum blockchain for complex and confidential processes, without storing sensitive data on-chain.
the discord trannies surely aren't sending their best

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Yes I know
You're getting your news from publication which have a vested interest in ETH. They have been lying about Hedera for a while now...

Sounds like companies are going toward platforms that don't even need coins or tokens

Doesn't sound great for chainlink

>You're getting your news from publication which have a vested interest in ETH.

>The Baseline Protocol is an open source initiative that combines advances in cryptography, messaging, and blockchain to deliver secure and private business processes at low cost via the public Ethereum Mainnet
>ethereum mainnet

it isn't the publication saying this, it's Baseline saying it
are you making the case for Baseline misrepresenting their goals and that they have unannounced plans to implement hedera?

>Sounds like companies are going toward platforms that don't even need coins or tokens
>Doesn't sound great for chainlink
actually it's great for chainlink
chainlink's main value proposition is that they are the link between the real world data and DLTs
chainlink will be heaving the real world data into the blockchain space and the tokens will be used to ensure that the data is accurate and executed as agreed

if you want to learn more about the tokenomics of chainlink you should read up on these articles

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ok, don't buy hbar then

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You are being misled by snakes and liars. Leemon Baird is the Truth, and Hbar is the One.

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>tokens will be used to ensure that the data is accurate and executed as agreed

According to Baseline, this can be done without a token

Usage of Baseline can be done without a token, because the token usage is back of house paperwork abstracted away from the user. It's a USD ramp.

This user fucks

Ubt and link

What do you think of the amazon QLDB DAML integration? Will they be using LINK even if they have centralized database? Is there any need for LINK in that scenario? Smart contracts being run on a centralized database, why need decentralized oracles?

Look at the comments. Coindesk is completely corrupt

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>According to Baseline, this can be done without a token
that statement doesn't invalidate chainlink tokenomics since baseline isn't performing the same function as chainlink
namely, Baseline isn't looking to be a decentralized oracle, but is serving another purpose:
>It's a USD ramp.

for further reading:
ConsenSys’ John Wolpert, who was also on the founding team of Hyperledger Fabric, explained what Baseline is and isn’t: “This is not a platform. It’s not a product. It’s not a coin, a token. It is a way of using the main net (public Ethereum) that will be acceptable, we think, to very conservative corporate CSOs (chief security officers), CIO, CTOs, where they can finally say, yep, it’s okay to use the main net in this way.”

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Buy ubt.

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I didn’t know there could be something worse than “journalism” until I read “crypto journalism”

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>What do you think of the amazon QLDB DAML integration?
haven't looked into that actually
AWS has been relatively quiet
what really interests me is how three major tech giants (Amazon, Microsoft, Oracle) engaged in corporate war to win the JEDI DOD contract.

Microsoft ended up winning the $10 billion bid:

but I believe that Oracle tried getting an edge with the chainlink integration and even filed for an appeal over the RFP process:

in the longterm, I understand that all systems that want to use oracles (including Amazon) will eventually go with chainlink as the standard

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anybody have a chance to review the newest paper by the Cornell and IC3 team?

consensus algorithms are fascinating to me due to their quantum-like nature

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>I believe that Oracle tried getting an edge with the chainlink integration and even filed for an appeal over the RFP process

"In December, Oracle sued the government for $10 billion, at the time focusing mostly on a perceived conflict of interest involving a former Amazon employee named Deap Ubhi. He worked for Amazon prior to joining the DOD, where he worked on a committee of people writing the RFP requirements, and then returned to Amazon later. The DOD investigated this issue twice, and found no evidence he violated federal conflict of interest of laws."

even the appearance of a potential conflict of interest should be enough to disqualify you from being on the RFP committee

then again it's government so criminality is an inherent part of the process mainly due to the fact that they control the issuance of "currency"

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The abstraction of state machine replication has been investigated in cryptography and distributed systems literature for the past three decades. At a high level, the goal of a state machine replication protocol is for a set of nodes to agree on an ever-growing, linearly ordered log of messages (transactions).

Two properties need to be satisfied by such a protocol: (1) Consistency - all honest nodes
must have the same view of the agreed upon log — that is, they must output messages in the same order; and (2) Liveness - messages submitted by clients are added to the log within a reasonable amount of time. In this paper, we will use the terms state machine replication and consensus2 interchangeably.

Unfortunately, neither consistency nor liveness says anything about the actual ordering of transactions in the final log. A protocol that ensures that all nodes agree on the same ordering is deemed consistent regardless of how the ordering is generated. This leaves room for the definition to be satisfied even if an adversary directly chooses the actual transaction ordering, which is discomforting
considering that the ordering is often easy to manipulate [10]. Moreover, in all existing protocols that rely on a designated “leader” node (e.g., [16, 35, 45]), which includes most used in practice, an adversarial leader may choose to propose transactions in any order.
In this paper, we formulate a new property for byzantine consensus which we call order-fairness.

Intuitively, order-fairness denotes the notion that if a large number of nodes receive a transaction tx1 before another one tx2, then this should somehow be reflected in the final ordering.

Ari and his ace-team of crack cryptographers hitting another one out of the park
good work gentlemen

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some more good news:

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I wanna ask you something unrelated to the thread 42.
What's even the point? If this shit is half of what I think it is I'm already targeted to die if not by some chink virus from decentralized assassinations. Is this some mark of the beast or age of aquarius soul freeing type shit? Did I even pick this investment or did it pick me? I'm starting to think time really is not linear and since then I've been having the most bizarre dejavus were I have whole conversations with the same person (strangers) at the same place in different times. I'm about to off myself unironically and maybe I already did.

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This. Swift prison planet is not a meme. Chainlink being both the nervous system of the new AI god king AND one token = 1 human life is not a meme. Industrial society and its consequences are not a meme. But what can we do? This is the only play.

Sounds interesting but schizo

And further, baseline is just a protocol- ie, follow these steps and you’ll be compliant. Just because there’s no baseline token doesn’t negate the use of Link while utilizing the ChainLink decentralized oracle network

>What's even the point?
>If this shit is half of what I think it is I'm already targeted to die if not by some chink virus from decentralized assassinations
I don't want to frighten people too much, but chainlink is only a small part of what's happening
I'm not afraid of what the future holds for us, I'm actually really optimistic
have faith brother, God is more involved than people realize

>Is this some mark of the beast or age of aquarius soul freeing type shit?
it's admittedly a mixed bag

>Did I even pick this investment or did it pick me?
it's simultaneously both and neither

>I'm starting to think time really is not linear
it most definitely isn't
I suspect time is more granular at the smallest scales and time can be severely distorted by gravity/light dilation
recently read an interesting article talking about this:

>I've been having the most bizarre dejavus were I have whole conversations with the same person (strangers) at the same place in different times
I have mental "conversations" with historical figures all the time, Carl Yung did something similar

>I'm about to off myself unironically
that is the most severe mistake a human being can make
when you really think about it, suicide is the enemy (took that line from the show Hannibal)
clip related:

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Think about the consequences of immutable automatic contracts. Something the law can’t interfere with by design. Think about the consequences of the emerging IOT space interacting with these contacts. Think about the industrial revolution and the damage it did to society a la Oliver Twist tier poverty. We’ve invested in something that makes the above possible.

>Swift prison planet is not a meme

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for the interested anons who didn't read the threads:

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>haha. We have no mothers.
>The chosen are disabused of the notion of a NURTURING OTHER, who sacrifices all for the innocent being.
>TEACH your children the ways of nature...they will learn one way or another anyway.

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We love you, 42. Thank you for all the crumbs :3

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hope you guys find them helpful and useful references for further reading and study

I love you as well and really appreciate all the kind words and well wishes, we're definitely all in this together

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So you take anonymous larps seriously?

read it for yourself
the LARP isn't what is interesting
it is the salient discussion and talking points, I naturally agree with almost all of what the LARPer brings up

here's another choice quote:

>YOU create your own reality...but you are HIGHLY suggestible.


>Childish in so many ways...and you adults are children who never grew reality...all busy telling each other the "beautiful lie".

we all swim in the same waters and you can't deny the level of delusion is increasing in the global psyche
if I had to asses the mental state of the modern human world, murderous and deranged would be the chief descriptors

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You and this larp are both trying very hard to be "edgy" and "deep." There are very few people with the capability to "revolutionize" their "reality." Reality isn't an illusion, reality is the status quo, whether you believe it or not. It is a set of trends that exist in the present. None of us has the ability the drastically alter those trends so we have the option to live within them or go against them and risk the consequences that entails.

All this nonsense is akin to saying "if everyone were peaceful, the world would be so much better!" It's just nonsense consideration of realities that don't exist.

>I'm starting to think time really is not linear
no one knows the hour of the day, you would be a fool not to know the sign of the time

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>the CIA connection
and he is not the only CIA connection.

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If you spent a summer picking beans in Guatemala you wouldn't be saying that.

42 I kind of like you but you seem just a tad too schizo. Why are you so christian instead of being open to the idea of a god but undefined religion and in the same time you are into science. Science is god. We all are. However, why are you so schizo?

I could very easily larp as some character at the apex of the pyramid of every conspiracy and act very smart and cite quotes from literature and academia that are obscure to most people and get people to think a certain way. The fact is, however, that there are very few people who can change the "zeitgeist" or whatever you want to call the status quo of humanity.

This current financial system has allowed people of meek stature to live lives more comfortable than any time in history without having to be intelligent in violence and social influence. It is easier than ever to focus on things that interest you and live a comfortable life without having to constantly worry about human-imposed disaster occurring to you and your family as long as you pay your taxes. Whether you accept that as your reality or not, I can assure you that if you stop paying your taxes, there will be a group of people with a substantial resource benefit to you that will make it a goal to punish you.

Thank you for proving my can only introduce false realities like my picking beans in a Guatemalan summer to make an argument.

A guatemalan bean picker doesn't have the power to alter the world in any way. He would easily be killed by opposition.

Science isn't god. Science is attempts to explain observational phenomena. Science isn't some magical thing, it's literally just humans collecting data and trying to deduce why things happen how they do.

>Why are you so christian
a lot of people have an issue of contention related to my talking about Jesus and God specifically

>Science is god. We all are
that's what they said at the beginning of the 20th century, look at the results
they said God died
instead humanity died by the millions
in the 20th century, nation-states held their citizens hostage and murdered civilians by the untold millions
we are still dealing with the fallout, women were given (((rights))) and now we are living in a rotting society where we have material abundance and yet no one is having children (that is a big red flag that something is wrong with humanity's psyche)
Going back to the topic of God and Jesus specifically and science:
I come from a very heavy and formal background in science, namely physics, and after learning everything I could about fundamental physics and undergoing what I can only describe as enlightenment I "know" that God is real.

By "knowing" I mean "gnosis"

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It's not a "false reality", you lazy nigger. You could fly down there tomorrow and be the change you want to see in the world, but you won't. That's on you.

Furthermore, a Guatemalan bean picker would do anything he could if he could give himself and his family the life that I live. The goal of many international committees is to bring these people out of poverty and to allow them to live a life similar to ours. The more comfortable we get, the more complacent we get and start to complain about how difficult our lives are. Some people are born into luckier situations than others and nothing will ever change that. That is reality.

Again, you're creating a false reality. I have no desire, incentive, or potential even to go help guatemalan bean pickers. I have no idea what point you are even trying to make.

>Science is god
science is a methodology, nothing more, nothing less

if you want to understand my thinking on the matter, every time the word "secular" is used, replace it with "satanic".

>However, why are you so schizo?
pic related
it's ironic because one of the symptoms of insanity is that the insane are deathly afraid of being labelled "crazy"
I'm not afraid of being labelled "crazy" since I understand that I'm surrounded by delusional people.
The question for you is, why are you so afraid of being called crazy and why do you let that prevent you from actually thinking for yourself?

You boys on Yas Forums are victims of your education and upbringing, you still have a classroom in your head where you are ostracized for not "fitting in". Move on already and grow up.

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>42 I kind of like you but you seem just a tad too schizo
that's okay, give it some time and let the ideas settle in your mind
you'll begin to "see"

>The fact is, however, that there are very few people who can change the "zeitgeist" or whatever you want to call the status quo of humanity.
doesn't stop me from trying

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Acually really big for whole industry but shitcoin peddlers onn bit and plebit in disbelief and confused waht shitcoin to buy and why nothing pumps from this

BASED "buy my shitcoin" RETARD

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For someone like you who believes in LARPS on anonymous image boards and thinks there are powerful people who deliberately put out information and mold society to fit their desire I want to ask:

What makes you believe that the bible and the story of Christianity and Jesus aren't completely made up ideas to keep people much easier to manage and to suppress the animalistic instincts of humans? Jesus was a Jew, so why do you trust him more than anyone else instead of considering the strong liklihood that he larped as God's Son in order to give the goys a code of "morals" to follow that would ultimately make them much easier to manage like cattle? Also, what famous historical physical (or other science) experiments have you personally recreated so that you can observe for yourself that the majority of what you've learned isn't nonsense? How do you decided where to draw the line?

Scienci is god in the sense that science unravels reality, reality being god whther it was physical or a simulation or both. But I agree the word god is just a label, and that’s why I’m so curious to why a broad minded person like yourself would choose to assume certain narrow minded beliefs (such as only one religion existing). I agree on the not having kids part, our people should have more kids and focus on family. Society is tearing that down in many ways. Maybe this is the ”natural” development until birth becomes artificial and finally obsolete

If you think about it, I'll put it into typical Yas Forums speech for you: Jesus is the ultimate Jew that has duped goys for thousands of years to cuck themselves and be meek and submissive.

He fucked your wife and stole your life savings? Thou shalt not kill or steal goy! G-d wouldn't like that! Oy vey, we don't want to piss off G-d now do we?

>For someone like you who believes in LARPS on anonymous image boards and thinks there are powerful people who deliberately put out information and mold society to fit their desire I want to ask:
wonderful strawman you've constructed
here's what I actually said:
>read it for yourself
>the LARP isn't what is interesting
>it is the salient discussion and talking points

>What makes you believe that the bible and the story of Christianity and Jesus aren't completely made up ideas to keep people much easier to manage and to suppress the animalistic instincts of humans?
Jesus was real, try explaining what happened to Rome and how it became the Roman Catholic Empire
Jesus was wise knew people would corrupt his teachings which is why he used parables.

You want to know why Jesus was murdered?
He essentially said that you were a goy if you didn't follow his teachings. But the biggest reason that they became murderous was for the teaching in video related:

he essentially said you people "love" me in the same way you "love" fish.
and I know that you will all cannibalize me
so I am embarking on a new covenant with God the Father to end the sacrificial cycle once and for all. No longer will you be able to use scapegoats, since I voluntarily offer myself as the scapegoat.

The world was revolutionized beyond measure by Jesus' teachings. Which is why he is still an illegal figure today, and will remain so for the forseeable future.

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Christianity has nothing to do with the birth rate. There are plenty of places that have nothing to do with Jesus with high birth rates. Morals weren't created by monotheists. Also, morals change over time. You're watching societies go through rapid change and you are focusing on aspects of that which you consider to be negative.

>Christianity has nothing to do with the birth rate
all of the worlds prescriptive religions do not condone birth control
the point of marriage is to have children
if you're not cooming in your woman when you're having sex or if your woman is using contraception (birth control, etc.) then you're only engaging in mutual masturbation and not actually completing the act of sex.

People think the point of sex is to orgasm. That's how they keep the boys and the men in control. Chasing the next coom.

Tie my spark of light, that ISRAEL light, to a chromosome so I can exist in a constructed time zone at the eve of my creation when my father's Adam's (atoms) from his serpent (sperm) merge and take a bite out of my mom's egg (the forbidden apple) and my halo is formed for this energy transfer that fell down from the Kingdom of heaven, that ISRAEL and not of this Earth, to be transferred into a newly created 6-6-6 carbon vessel to grow on a branch (umbilical cord) on the tree of life (placenta), in the garden of eden (the womb), until I became full term and was kicked out to toil the soil naked
the apocalypse (the TRUTH)

Ti (Tie) me to mass
Tie me to mass
Time to mass

(Ti) x (me) = mass
Tie me to mass so I can exist in times construct
Tie my spark of light that is-real light to a chromosome so I can exist in a constructed time zone

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>he essentially said you people "love" me in the same way you "love" fish.
>and I know that you will all cannibalize me
>so I am embarking on a new covenant with God the Father to end the sacrificial cycle once and for all. No longer will you be able to use scapegoats, since I voluntarily offer myself as the scapegoat.

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For such a man of science, I find it funny that you think the word "atom" is related to Adam from Adam and Eve because they sound similar to you in English...