/smg/ stock market general

I hope you all understand that as humans, we can't let the insectoids get away with this mess. Humans of all nations will have to unite and make the Yellow pay. Pic related for every brave soldier when we are done.
Godspeed anons.

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get that chinky coofer outta my bread


Never invested before
Just put in 7000 dollars in a blind splurge
Will I regret it?


Can we keep the cringe to a minimum please? Yeah thanks

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might call SPY at 308 EOW

What do you all think about where energy is going in the future.

Exxon Mobil is crazy huge and working on carbon capture and such. If there is a big shift towards electric cars in the future following some big battery tech breakthrough how will they survive and continue to grow?

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Who here shorting tesla? It never fails.

I did this too, here's to us bro

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daily reminder that VTIQ is the next TSLA and they have billions of dollars in preorders for their trucks already


This. Xom is so cheap, do I buy?


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Before you make dumb decisions please notice that the market has been trending upwards this week

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yeah dude pandemics are a bull market

In the short term? maybe.
In the long term? no.

(((WHO))) corona update about to happen. Might shake things up.



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I couldn't take it anymore. All cash now

apparently degiro isn't allowed to store your money and instead funnels it into bonds, meh.
I already have an IBKR account, but the international wiring fees are really killing me. as an europoor I could only dream of having a good local broker that doesn't charge you 10€ for every order and not even offer real option trading.

Here comes the fall!

yeah because of rate cut, liquidity injection and biden nomination. im sure you'll get those every week though


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fuck yeah, here we go...

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>OTM calls for a friday in a bear market

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>2 Kings 2:23-24

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i dont understand politics that well, why would warren dropping out cause stocks to fall? it would just consolidate bidens position right? or does warren voters have a lot of crossover with sanders?

You better deliver user.

>Stock Market is going down and up by 1000 points every day

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That's good for the market no? She will hand her delgates to based old no Malarkey man?

>its going up



......just DCA into an index and don't worry about i

where can I day trade with sub 25k accounts? meaning platforms I can fund with a few grand, buy, sell and immediately rebuy? thanks

>52% of recent college graduates believe socialism is better than capitalism
Stock market won't exist in 20 years.

well that's a good thing. you want to be in bonds during a recession risk

Algos, stupidity, Fed interference, stupidity.

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I warned you all.

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nowhere. it's a federal rule.

Nowhere because its a fed regulation retard.

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>52% of recent college graduates are mentally retarded
> News at 11

will i be able to cash out my shorts afterwards or am i going to have to shoot people to get my returns?

>suck China's dick
>accept refugees
>still not a pandemic
>give us more gibs
It's like that every time. Pointless to watch it.

Will we be retesting last week's low tomorrow? Speak now.

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That's the cutest bear that there ever was

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Quit memeing and look at this question.

Is this what the rest of the cryptofaggot threads feel like? Endless memes?

Any good shorts not a premium rn?

I just made 18k selling weed stocks lmao feels good

The progressive vote is no longer split, and most people will now go to Bernie, creating further uncertainty.

Not quite. We will just skip right past it when monday opens though

I am aware of the rule, but I am looking for a platform that clears trades quickly so I wont need to use margin and thus not be subject to that rule. In the current year there is no reason for waiting a day or two for ACH is there?

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It's about time to rocket up. Bears gonna get fucked again. You better close those puts before you get liquidated. Don't say I didn't warn you.


god damn i hate SQQQ
shit just never works for me

No fed will pump again. Why do I think so? Because majority opinion is negative here. Powell reads these threads and does the opposite of what we think will happen. This post may compel him to not pump it, however, just to spite me, or he could pump it to "prove" me wrong and pretend he doesn't actually read these threads.

Tesla needs to come down about 75% to make sense, lmao.
Honestly who the fuck thought it would go higher after it did 3x in a month? Idiots

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this is exactly how i imagined it

Doing what?

You can only throw so much artificial good news at the market.

Depends on how rapidly they can shift their industry. Also, checked.

Wait did people serious not put on yesterday’s close and sell at open? Bigly yikes

This. Prove us wrong Fedniggers. Don't pump the market and see what happens.

meant for

>Powell reads these threads and does the opposite of what we think will happen.
kek. me also think this though it may take weeks

All he has to do is push a button

push a button and create money magically out of thin air

clown world

Apparently Warren shat all over Bernie when she announced she was out.

It's time to buy calls. Who di load up on?

uh oh
gonna dig for a vid

I want to be a bear but I feel like this will be the case. At least until tomorrow. I'm not holding through the weekend. Gonna sell 50% - 75% and sit on the sidelines

I'm up $23, senpaitachi.

How do I double it?

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>everyone sold
what happened

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Where my bear niggas at? Plan on holding this for quite sometime and selling it once it crashes and stops crabbing

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Imagine not buying right now when everything is at a discount because a chink ate a pangolin who ate a bat who had a flu and you think that will crash the world economy.

> everyone
Is like 10% of the market. This is mostly low volume with Banks and Vanguard/Blackrock type niggers playing with themselves

buy vix puts with far out expiry

holy shit lmao.... game stock is about to do it... look at this fucking stock's share structure and price action lately. I can't wait till people are bitching at me cause they fomo'd in when I dump my bags.

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She’s that nerdy girl who’s legitimately smarter than everyone, but she’s not hot or good with people or a man, so her life is doomed to suffering. Such an awful phenotype, wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Doomed to die bitter no matter how far they get.

Post more hot asians.

So, question...
Do you guys honestly see this going down for the next few days again? This whole week has been up and down.
I'm in to what I am looking at for the long game but it's getting harder to not just say fuck it and buy everything at the prices they are at any given time.

MSFT going sicko mode right now

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le tumblr

Are you talking about gamestop? What do I do?

Here. Bought a 3/9 303 P. Just set an alert and not watching near as much. First ever options play.

Based Baccano poster. Can't lose cash if you can't die

sold stocks I bought about 4 years ago

this virus will slow down economic activity in all countries. we knew a recession was coming, but this virus will bring a depression.

stop posting Corona women , please , i beg you

this entire post is a bear signal

the indian WHO guy sounds different today, what is happening?

Made 5k so far today. When will you guys learn that Yas Forums is always right?

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Patience young one.

This bump was an artificial stopgap to ease Corona Chan fears.

Next week the true fear begins.

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what is happening is linked to coronavirus (and its effects). do you think the situation regarding this epidemic will get better or worse in the next days? Answer yourself

IF the state of emergency continues in California and across the coasts and if New York and New Jersey get the Virus then yes they will have to stop importing all the shit temporarily which will fuck up the economy to such a degree where they would just halt trading entirely until shit settles down

Any cheapies to pick up and hold?

I'm no expert, but keeping an eye on travel stock is seemingly obvious

why is this up? isn't this a practically dead market already?

750 point swing every single day without fail

This. Now a the time to go all in bears! Screen cap this

Don't listen to the bad man (he's a race mixer)


Constant short squeezes I think are the only thing keeping them alive stock-wise. They are doomed to fail eventually.

>Yas Forums full of people with diametrically opposed opinions
>Yas Forums is always right

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I bought some DAL
It might go down some more or it might not
Not risking it, it's already pretty cheap

This virus is a real threat to global health and economy. Is not some Yas Forums happeningfags hyping things up. If that isn't a sign that the stock market will tank i don't know what is.

>wants to use all of america's money to pay for south america's medical bills

We universally think that you're a faggot. Yas Forums is always right.

It's gonna crash soon like it always does. If not immediately then into the close. This is a bear market now.

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160 confirmed cases in the us. that's because no testing. virus is spreading. in a few weeks there will be thousands of cases in every city. consequences? quarantines. consequences? global gdp will plunge. 60% americans dont have 500$ savings for emergency cost. do you fucking understand what that means? the world is about to change. our system as we know it will unironically end.

FED is pumping the market

Judging from the different strains and RNA, it is a safe bet that the Coronavirus originates from the US of A
and has been the cause of the pneumonia spike.

There is nothing to fear when we are already at the epicenter and jackshit happened.

it crashed the world economy weeks ago, we are still falling. gravity is slow.

Just set my SPY calls gonna ride this pump today

amd is still a good buy