Is it too late for a ticket to the moon? I can drop $20k right fucking now on LINK

Is it too late for a ticket to the moon? I can drop $20k right fucking now on LINK.

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>Imagine paying 20k usd for less than 5k link

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Buying the top

It's not late

Gotta start somewhere

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You won't get a ticket for the first mission. A second or third, though.

If LINK does what it's meant to, then your 20k will be worth 500k in a decade. If it doesn't it'll be worth nil. There's nothing in between.


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Isn’t suppose to capture some of the derivatives market. I am willing to late that long.

I bought in with almost all of my remaining savings after university and managed to grab 2600 linkies at an average of 60c each. If you put 20k in now your gains will still be bigger than mine.

you're unironically dumb money

Are you fucking retarded??
You are implying that it will only do 25x within the next decade and that 100$ is the top.
You are one of those retards, which have zero imagination! $100 will be in within 2 years. Then from there another 10x to $1000 EOY
>muh I don't believe that is possible
Fuck off with your little brain

I probably started buying this way earlier than you did

you sure about that?

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Don't fall for the stupid shit ChainLink cultists here on Yas Forums say. Think about it reasonably: you're considering buying a coin that's nearly at its ATH. Yeah, it might go up further, but the risk-reward ratio here is awful. Not worth it at all. If you want to get in on LINK for long-term holding, wait for a better opportunity.

these are link fudders in 2020.

No part of my post is FUD.



link's big gains are over, as it's 40x ico.

buy in at $1 if you see it again, but even then, unless you have $100K in link right now, you're not going to make it.

get a low-cap like VRA and pray.

Everyone posting negative are the ones who shorted. They are fucking scared of another pump. Don't listen to them OP
Good for you faggot you beat me by a couple months



>Yeah, it might go up further, but the risk-reward ratio here is awful.
Look at OP's picrelated. You're missing the point. There is a non-zero chance link breaks $5 and then never goes below it again. The rational decision is to start DCAing right now so at least he has a ticket on the rocket if it leaves early.

Unless bitcoin tanks, LINK will probably hold above $4.25. If it breaks above $5 you won't get a better entry than $4.50. Wait to see the weekly close and check twitter trading fags like chainlink junk and mike shill for good entry. I doubt we get back into the $2 range but anything is possible.

Look, either you believe that LINK is going to triple digits or you don't. If it's the latter, then you will evaluate this as a coin at ath and sweat it out if it goes back down to $2 for a couple months and then sell off at $5.50 for a small profit. If it's the former, however, then even at the current price, LINK is a 20x at minimum. Is it worth it to you to spend 5k today and get 100k in a year or two? If so, execute your buy now. There was a time when it looked like LINK would never stay above $1. Now some people are feeling it won't stay above $5. Maybe not right away, but maybe the floor is just going to keep raising up.

Buying 4000 LINK today beats buying 2000 LINK in a month with the same money. And if the price goes down, all you have to do is nothing.


Never too late

Honestly I read all the breadcrumbs and took a deep dive. Im holding this for long (5-10) years. I think 3 digits is a conservative investment. Just pushed market buy.

Estimate not investment.

>is it too late?
yes retard. we all bought at 17-32 cents.
that means $100 used to get you 500+ link
now $100 gets you 20 link

lmfao are you really about to go all in at the top of this frog meme scam?

Welcome aboard, marine.

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>t. Bullet sweating bobo

im just busting your balls, nigga

ive been buying every 2 weeks since i bought on etherdelta right after ICO
my most recent buy was at 4.26, and my next one will be next friday no matter the price

we're all gonna make it

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Let's get this Federal Reserve Notes, homie.

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Marketcap is still $1 680 047 961 USD

in bullrun, x10 or even x50 is still very likely

we're going to 10x without a bullrun

respect. you have the faith

Im a company man, when I read what LINK does I believe. I live a decent life, but I wanna escape the rat race and sit on a lake reading books for the rest of my life with a few kids.

I’m 25, my peers all think about having fun, they waste their lives renting apartments but won’t take ang risk, my older coworkers always bitch about no money but still buy starbucks everyday.

I tried getting more people to invest money with me, but they said it too risky, but they go to the casino and gamble.

dont think $16 080 047 961 USD is possible without crypto bull market.

We might do x2 , x3 for sure, but we need some super catalyst to go higher. No idea whats gonna happen with stocks crashing.

Maybe, imo we should already be #3.

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I think it might take years for crypto to be mainstream, but we’re seeing governments willing to accept it as a vehicle now. I think that going to be the catalyst. So much of the world wealth is locked behind institutional money. I feel like crypto today is what the dowjones was at 900 years ago.

anyone earlier in here??

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Link hasn't even pumped yet retard

if this is real, you really fucked up HOLY SHIT KEK

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I'm not sure what everyone is laughing at, I just see some accumulation of thousands of linkies.

Hey retard have you ever heard of stop loss?
Post your first link buy faggot nigger

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$50/link is still only the mcap of XRP, and XRP is a failed useless project with zero fundamental value.
$300/link is still only the mcap of ETH, and Chainlink is what actually brings value to ETH.
Yes, you are still early.
You’re not an “innovators” because you were too retarded to buy sub $1, but you’re still an early adopter, because link isn’t even seeing mass adoption yet.

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>XRP is a failed useless project with zero fundamental value.

those are some big words fudster. Mind explaining that besides

If you genuinely think this will ever go above $20 you're retarded. Buying this high is ridiculous. Everyone knows this, hence the laughter.

Why do you think there are so many pink wojaks when we drop from 4.80 to 4.50? Because we're overbought now.

>If you genuinely think this will ever go above $20 you're retarded.
>Everyone knows this
You and what army retard?

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Why is everyone laughing at this? This is fucking based

Don't listen to linkies they are fucking ruthless and don't give a fuck whether you gain or lose as long as they themselves have massive gains.
If you want a better bet, there are many better options than LINK. Legit projects that haven't yet taken off. NKN, 0xBTC, DERO. You will have to wait for gains. These picks are not for the impatient that want all now. Haters gonna call me pajeet or something. Look for yourself and see if they seem good or not if you're interested.

There is absolutely no value in the cryptoCURRENCY meme. Transferring value? Wtf, we can already do that. Yes it’s a bit slower and more expensive than cryptocurrencies but you’re just slightly improving on an already established technology. Nano, XRP, XLM, whatever other transfer of value shitcoin you’re into, it’s all the same. To think that digital currency will ever take off is extremely slow at this point. Reddit is still stuck in this mindset too. They (and you, and any XRP holder for that matter) still think “adoption” means grandma has a Nano wallet, or your local food truck accepts bitcoin... this is not what “adoption” will look like.

What adoption WILL look like is middleware such as the Chainlink network (and potentially others, i don’t think Chainlink will be the last moon mission) powering DLT based technologies which have the potential to refolutionise basically every industry and make many many paper pushing jobs obsolete. Chainlink, decentralisation and DLT has its value in trustlessness. The world has never seen trustless smart contracts before. It’s an entirely new thing and the potential is massive.

So yeah, tell me why I should buy your XRP bags again?

To add to this:
Yes, transfer of value is somewhat useful. But the only cryptoCURRENCY, with emphasis on the currency, that will take off, will be a stablecoin, and probably backed by government. There is no incentive for anyone to pay with bitcoin or nano since the price fluctuates too much.

Chainlink price fluctuations, on the other hand, are integral to ensuring that token price can rise to meet the demands of collateral needed across the network. Price rise is literally essential to the Chainlink network being successful, if and when adoption takes off, to the point that collateral needed exceeds link’s current mcap.

Agreed with the analysis chainlink may very well be the asset with the highest rate of return for the coming decade. Especially if they are capturing the derivatives market first.

My fucking god I can’t believe we’re gonna make it.

my first buy was at 62 cents, my lowest buy was at 24 cents you faggot KEK thanks for buying my 20x bags

You sound black, not a pajeet Lol

Link hasn’t taken off yet either

Derivatives market won’t be the first one to adopt this. They will wait for the start ups to experiment first, let 90% of them fail, then use the example of the 10% who succeed to profit.

If some startup can undercut basically any industry by using smartcontracts, they’ll either grow massively and the old companies will go out of business, they’ll get bought out and absorbed into the old businesses, or the old businesses will adapt and use their massive amounts of money to outcompete the newcomers. There is basically no scenario where smart contracts don’t take over.

One thing that really made me excited and see how successful link will be is that Sergey said in one of his presentations that banks spend literally millions on aggregation per day, they aggregate rates for their jew shit when they play with money. Chainlink aggregation costs literally pennies.

Yep this is definitely a long term by and hold, I can’t even fathom the real value of this thing post adoption.


Yep. That’s why faggots umming and ahhing over a few cents price difference buy in are ngmi. If you’re not thinking of the bigger picture, you’ll panic sell at the next dip.

You’ve gone quiet user. Did you finally realise you should sell your XRP bags at a loss and go all in on link?