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They're supposedly wanting for bank of america to make the announcement.

Charts are primed for another record moonshot. Hope this retarded board went balls deep.
Link will crash hard, xrp is about to take #2

Jesus i feel so sorry for xrp bagholders

Fake and gay

Hey now, don’t forget that there is a possibility xrp will use link as an Oracle. It really depends on the direction they want to take with the revival of Codius.

this project is dead, really, just give up

topKEK they don't know yet.. they will fomo in @ 27 cents if they are lucky and break free from their delusions

XRP is literally more alive than any other crypto project in existence

they make lifelong wealth decisions based on tranny psyops and frog pictures

>Did Ripple just meet with U.S Treasury today?

No. And I say this as someone who would directly profit from the answer being 'yes'.

doesnt smell like a coordinated discord tranny thread to me.

Im out..

gonna need evidence backing that up

>ill take my tiny $1000 investment else where UwU

good. dont let the door hit your ass on the way out

Yas Forums is the evidence. There would be a dozen threads, minimum; XRP holders are the best advocates on Yas Forums, next to LINKers.

Less than a 2000 people post actively on Yas Forums believe it or not.

Many more lurk, and more to the point Yas Forums is as fine a news aggregator as exists. If Ripple fucking met with the Treasury department and there was actionable evidence for it, all of the people who normally lurk and hold XRP would be posting their smug pepes and there would be a great bashing of the nocoiner scum that spent the last several years mocking the project.

holy fuck, youre delusional as shit. just leave, i dont feel like arguing with a fucking schizo

>Let me post a picture of a tweet wondering whether Ripple met with the US Treasury
>"This probably didn't happen"

this is 4chin. all these assholes just troll when you use real info. this is a troll board. they don't want anyone to make it.

xrp will fucking rocket. enough said.

those guys just want a sex change and mlp toys. they're not going to make it

Let's just assume if you don't like XRP, you're not in America?

This guy gets it.

XRP team literally been chillin in washington doing "who knows what" and biz ignores it kek

Ripple is primed for the moonshot and you will all be lucky to fomo in under 30 cents once it starts.

This isn't true. I read about big XRP news every other weekday and almost never hear a peep about it on Yas Forums. New partners come on constantly and they are almost never mentioned here.

solid logic thread. watch it magically get removed from the catalog now

cheers you guys, we're going to make it.

so much delusion it shouldn't even be possible Dunning and Kruger would be dumbstruck

Worked at BOA on regulatory stress testing apps. There is no way in fucking hell regulators will allow banks to hold any significant amount of cryptocurrencies. Banks get roasted for holding too many toxic assets (subprime loans, etc) and even high concentration of assets in certain regions, industries, etc. Someone Garlinhouse retard has convinced even bigger retards that banks will hold XRP to provide liquidity by freeing nostro/vostro accounts. People still falling for this scam

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what the fuck kind of logic is this
>i worked as a cashier for McDonalds and confirm the CEO is not planning on using AI for accounting tools
And you call us delusional?

XRP is a tool you fucking moron. Its not an investment like a bank loan.
Why do you fudsters keep spamming our threads with your absolute retarded bullshit?

based af

fucking basedpill



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>bank of america will be buying my xrp heavy bags

imagine a coin being hated and feared so much. just went all-in ngl

Everyone time to point and laugh at cripple tards

You could have bought link

What a failure hahahaha

Enjoy your derisking


enjoy staying in a coin that just 20x'd, ignoring all risk reward basics of investing. have fun stagnating or dumping the next months, stupid brainlet.
imagine ignoring the basics and not buying a top3 coin that has bottomed out

uh so what is it gonna like go back to its ATH? Who fucking cares about this? XRP token literally does nothing but provide liquidity for the scam team.
That 20x has been steady and spread out, based off fundamental growth, and it really hasn't even gotten started. I would be happy to hold XRP if the token had any intrinsic utility, but it doesn't. Shitcoins moon because of retards(xrp), big whoop.

>That 20x has been steady and spread out, based off fundamental growth, and it really hasn't even gotten started.
yea right. have fun holding a stable coin (at best) from now on, link is exhausted

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You have to 20x before you can 100x dumbass.

If you truly see value in XRP and can't extrapolate your analysis to see the value in Link then you are likely very dull, it is just a fact at this point. Even now, Link has much more upside potential that XRP.

my sides

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Why would I want to buy a top 3 scamcoin that has bottomed out when I Can buy link?

No contest, why risk like that?

Xrpeepeepoopoo hahaha what a scam. Enjoy your derisking you dumb nigger. Meanwhile I'll continue to enjoy my link gains. Yum

There is absolutely no value in the cryptoCURRENCY meme. Transferring value? Wtf, we can already do that. Yes it’s a bit slower and more expensive than cryptocurrencies but you’re just slightly improving on an already established technology. Nano, XRP, XLM, whatever other transfer of value shitcoin you’re into, it’s all the same. To think that digital currency will ever take off is extremely slow at this point. Reddit is still stuck in this mindset too. They (and you, and any XRP holder for that matter) still think “adoption” means grandma has a Nano wallet, or your local food truck accepts bitcoin... this is not what “adoption” will look like.

What adoption WILL look like is middleware such as the Chainlink network (and potentially others, i don’t think Chainlink will be the last moon mission) powering DLT based technologies which have the potential to refolutionise basically every industry and make many many paper pushing jobs obsolete. Chainlink, decentralisation and DLT has its value in trustlessness. The world has never seen trustless smart contracts before. It’s an entirely new thing and the potential is massive.

So yeah, tell me why I should buy your XRP bags again.

Yes, transfer of value is somewhat useful. But the only cryptoCURRENCY, with emphasis on the currency, that will take off, will be a stablecoin, and probably backed by government. There is no incentive for anyone to pay with bitcoin or nano since the price fluctuates too much.

Chainlink price fluctuations, on the other hand, are integral to ensuring that token price can rise to meet the demands of collateral needed across the network. Price rise is literally essential to the Chainlink network being successful, if and when adoption takes off, to the point that collateral needed exceeds link’s current mcap.

>Even now, Link has much more upside potential that XRP.

you are comparing a russian amateur startup with a fat greasy ceo with a jewish respected banker project with literal wall-street connections. meaning xrp's marketcap upside is up into the trillions while link is finished already

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What a scam. Get fucked Ripple tards. Your fail coin is going nowhere. Every time I see a thread like this I laugh because IT NEVER GOES ANYWHERE AND IT NEVER WILL


>you could have bought a coin with zero utility instead of a coin being adopted by hundreds of banks corporations and countries

if linkies at least had the brain to sell now after they got their moon, but they are married to their coin and dream about sucking greasy russian cock, so i have 0 sympathy for them.
they dont deserve to ride xrp to #1 spot and get rich, they rather contend with being stuck forever in link-dumpystablecoin from now on. hard months or years ahead of ya

24 cents, wow how successful

Get off our board, god I hate this xrp spam

This hahahaha. Dumb faggot linkies did a 20x while we dumped and they really think they'll keep going up? Hahahahahah. Fuckin dumbasses.

KEK what a fucking retard.

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>he thinks LINK is good at being middleware
read this thread

dont pretend LINK is some amazing technology that is groundbreaking. Its a piece of shit, thats mooning because of how retarded the crypto market is.
XRP actually improves things. If you think XRP is useless, then you literally never read about the function of an xrp token at all.

>buy your bags
no one cares. you probably have less than a 100k

i dated a tinder grill for a few months over winter and she worked for a different bank, at a corporate office and she'd been doing it ten years, a decent job. asked her if she ever heard of ANY type of crypto being involved, nothing, whatsoever. its a small sample size, but still. inb4 shes holding stacks not telling me about it, yea no.

why the fuck would some simple desk whore know about crypto integration for their company?
Unless shes the head of the R&D department, she wouldnt know anything.

Fuck you fudsters are borderline retarded

imagine thinking a girl has any fucking idea about anything relevant. most girls in jobs serve only for image purposes and don't do anything other than being the CEO's cumdumpster.
ask the CEO of her bank for relevant info

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>no one cares. you probably have less than a 100k
Kek I have 20k link bought at 40c average.

Tell me how the currency meme > smartcontracts. You can’t.

XrP is dead.

My sides are mooning

Keep the xrp threads rolling I love a good laugh

XRP adoption is growing every week. 4 cross-border payment companies signed on last week alone.

XRP isn't even started yet. It's going to be the standard when all other coins have died.

23 cents. Fuck off cause Korea made up all the volume and now dont touch it with a 10 ft pole

its 24 cents and knocking on 25 cents door. you can you start off with such a blatantly wrong statement. are you upset?

watch this and then get your life in order.

>a coin that just 20x'd
try 2000xd
this is still the absolute top if you zoom out

you're the hero of biz
thanks for the kek

>Coinone, a South Korean company, signed on three days ago to expand their use of XRP

The ignorance among the FUDsters is staggering in its depth and scope.

yeah, zoom out. and learn pattern recognition

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