Idena general

Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the blockchain. It does not collect or store personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-hard Turing test at the same time for everyone around the globe.

The Idena blockchain is driven by proof-of-person consensus: Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity, one single person with equal voting power.


Trade DNA on qTrade. Max $4k/day withdrawals w/o KYC:


>mobile client
>onchain advertising
>smart contracts

Attached: D48A540A-D12D-4A61-AFDB-951D297ED3E8.jpg (997x1038, 299.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Is there any incentive to send someone an invitation (more participants = more competitors)?

You get 900 total DNA if the person validates on the first, second and third validation cycle. After that your receive nothing. You receive nothing if they invite someone new.

Also I'm pretty sure 900 DNA is what the reward is right now. Will go down when more people start getting invited

thanks, so idk why i cant get a fucking invite for 2 days

Be patient, /biz DNA friendos will get verified this epoch or the one after. I can guarantee you that I will rather give my Yas Forumsbros an invite than give rajesh or ping lao one. They fuck up our flips

Post a temp email address here and I'll send you one.

[email protected]



Attached: 05.jpg (1000x800, 64.89K)

thanks a lot

enjoy your trojans and viruses

can a biz bro send me an invite?
[email protected]

I market buy 10k everytime you fags say this shit.

idena malware confirmed, check recent telegram messages

I'm buying some more but my eth is stuck. feelsbadman
tx succes but not showing in qtrade

Why u do this? ETH liquidity on QTRADE is shit.

because i'm a retard and had some in a left over wallet. I'll send it around, thanks user



what's the point of this and what does it solve? also why the fuck is the roadmap just basic buzzwords which should be a given anyways?

Literally a Pyramid scheme lol. What's the average IQ of Yas Forums and why is it in single digits?

>You get 900 total DNA if the person validates on the first, second and third validation cycle. After that your receive nothing. You receive nothing if they invite someone new.


The roadmap in OP is from here:

so what problem does it solve, what does it better than ETH 1.0 or ETH 2.0?

Bro it isn’t ETH or anything, its something completely new

what is it

Its a human centric blockchain, whereas ethereum and all other blockchains have machines as nodes. This makes it completely decentralized and open for new governance systems.

the whole point of blockchain was to go away from human-centered trust. is this brainletism trying to bring it back to the blockchain?

Attached: f02e10fa563f7d62143353e6168cae35.jpg (736x667, 62.62K)

if identity is not bound to any real world person (according to onepager) how do you prevent identity fraud? also, what is this "common sense" test to verify?

The point is to minimize trust. Humans are still behind all the mining rigs, PoS validators and so on. Idena has a new way to do sybil control.

>also, what is this "common sense" test to verify?
The flips. You make a short story with 4 pictures that is related to two randomly chosen words. Other participants pick the one that makes the most sense. The most popular choice is deemed to be the correct answer.

>how do you prevent identity fraud
You can kill your identity.

identity is tied to your address.
Good luck stealing someone else's private key faggot

jesus.. the shills dont even try to shill properly these days...

the tests are called "flips"
it's basically AI resistant captchas

ok thanks. may look into it. still skeptical though.

What the fuck is this? An actual discussion? Get off my Yas Forums

ai has a long way to go yet and we have not seen the end of it. how can you build a whole trust system based on captchas? captchas are good at stopping spam. what about monetary crimes? dont you think the hackers will step up the effort to break those captchas?

Reminder when a new coin starts being shilled intensely like this, buy it then sell it in 1 week and even you can make money off scammers before they dump. Scamcoins pretty much never dump in the 1st week of shilling on Yas Forums.

>ai has a long way to go yet and we have not seen the end of it
I agree

>monetary crimes
idk if you're trolling or if you're this big of a newfag
it's a blockchain. Hackers can't steal your money if they don't get you private key somehow

You can read more about how flips enter the equation and why they are considered safe in this medium post

Simplifying, it would require an AI very good at doing something AIs have always been very bad at OR an AI as intelligent as the average human (this can happen but we simply don't know if and when) to "break" the flips.



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fucking qtrade reee

Can someone send me an invite? Been trying for days.

Temp email-

[email protected]

It's great.

It is. I want to buy more without shifting price too much

How do i buy this without pushing up price too much?

submit a limit order and hope to god someone sells you a little profits from their bag. it’s how I got in a week ago

Why would someone who isn't a speculator buy the token sirs

pic related is the end game

But any scenario where there is incentive to have attention from verified users could be a use-case i guess, it's a lot to think about and far away.

Attached: economics.png (494x515, 60.18K)

One of the best token use cases I've seen in a long time

Can you send me an invite please
[email protected]

Explain to me how this works. Using people to maintain transactional consensys seems really stupid. How are these individuals supposed to know which transactions are valid to include in a block? With Bitcoin you know which are valid because you have nodes with the rulesets checking transactions and header hashes going back since inception. Are people expected to know every validation rule and apply it to every transaction? Explain this.

What are you talking about mate? Of course the consensus rules are written in the code and the node handles that. Idena uses BFT consensus.

Im asking you to explain how consensus is achieved and validated on this blockchain. Answer the question with detail.

no it just means that chinks cant set up 50000 miners in a factory hall. Instead every person = 1 miner. You don't have to manually validate other people's transactions

No you don’t. It’s on one exchange and I can see the entire trading history. You ain’t buying 10k at a time. Cringe.

The game theory behind Bitcoin mining works. Explain the game theory behind Idena.

Plz delet.
Why the fuck are you shilling this already??

It's proof of work! Yeah, exactly like your beloved bitcoin! But you need to be validated to mine or you would buy 1000 miners and control 99% of the network
idena's vision is a fairer system

Lurk more newfag

It's too late user. You should've loaded up already

If its proof of work why the fuck would you need to be “validated” to mine? I have lurked and not a sole can explain this consensus mechanism. So you are telling me that every 24 hours someone has to solve a quiz in order to continue using their miners. What kind of mining gpu, cpu, asic? Hashing algortithm?

If you're interested, please read the FAQ

Attached: sole.png (360x203, 31.68K)

If your going to shill this shit 24/7 explain it.

Fuck what the fuck, delete this thread
This is still too early to be given here in a /general/ format

We contain ourselves to this general thread. Feel free to hide all the other threads

I’ve been trying to get an invite. Any help Frens?

[email protected]

Most people got 10k+ bags already