Just showed my chainlink profits to my best friend for the first time

>Just showed my chainlink profits to my best friend for the first time.
>He got mad at me for not telling him about Chainlink.
I am so sad bros, I'm not confident like you guys and I didn't want to tell him about link just for it to be a failure. Now he hates me told our friend group I am selfish.

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why r u gay

Tell him instead of bitching about it to buy some because this shit is a rocket that will fly past $100.

He will then make up some excuses, at which point you call him a pussy to cement that moment in his mind so he can't say 2 years down the road "bro you didn't tell me to buy!!!!" when link tokens are worth >$50

Well I didn't tell him to buy outright but a year and a half ago I did try and talk to him about chainlink. and I tried to subtlety shill it to him by explaining the fundamentals behind it.

He just said
>user seriously again with the internet funny money? haha didn't learn your lesson after buying bitcoin at 10k?

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I told my friends about LINK way back at ICO. They had 22k, 9k, 7k stacks respectively. They all sold below 30 cents to get into shitcoins and eventually lost everything. Now they are mad at me because I never sold. One begs me for 100 links now constantly and another wants 0.15 btc so he can "get back in the game".

fuck them

Then he tells your other friends you're selfish? Sounds a like a cunt desu

It's all futile isn't it, I want my friends to make it with me but it's like they don't have what it takes to make it.

I could literally lay out the road for them and they would stray off it like in the meme with jesus on the path.

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Fuck him then, be a man and tell him to stop crying, he had his chance.

The funny part is in 2017 while their shitcoins were mooning they were making fun of me because LINK was lagging behind. now they say if I don't share "my wealth" I will not feel satisfied. they also claim I got lucky by getting into LINK. seriously I like them but fuck them.

I also told them repeatedly to buy during the bear market and everything and they just don't listen. "I'm not paying 60 cents for something you paid 10 cents" was their motto. Now they are stuck holding idex shitcoins that dumped to hell.

whatever not everyone is supposed to make it.

Never, ever tell anyone about your link position.

I haven't told even my wife about my modest stack, and won't, probably not even when link price hits hundreds.

It's not even so michabout trust, but about modesty and being humble.

>1.4 MB image

you nigger

this is why i tell my friends and family when i buy into a new coin
i enjoy it because it helps cement my feeling of superiority when they listen to me, buy in, then sell early
it also helps prevent me from buying scams because i have to explain it to people and i would feel bad shilling them on a scam or anything i didn't fully understand

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Your job is to torment them about it every time they bring it up. Laugh in their faces and list off their scamcoins. Make them dread even having to mention crypto around you.

I know this feel user. It sucks. Nothing you can do now. Probably best to just move on and never look back. It will only get worse. The jealousy and hate will only grow. All the best.

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sorry to hear that user, my friend told me he was proud of me and hopes i make it :)

user this is an opportunity only for those who have the balls, brains, humility, and rational self interest to take it for themselves. you can’t force anyone to have what it takes and consequently have no responsibility beyond informing them. think back to the original fudshillers; they opened the door but it was you who put in the effort to see what it all meant with respect to your life.
I told a lot of people and spent a lot of time explaining things in great depth to those who were curious, but the only two who ended up buying were friends who actively pursue a future vision for themselves and welcome uncertainty in that process. everyone else made excuses to ignore what I had to say or not to buy. don’t feel bad, people are either ready to win or they aren’t and that’s all there is to it.

If you genuinely mean the things you said then you have nothing to feel bad about

You're retarded for telling them. I mentioned it once to a friend who likes memes mid 18. Wasn't interested. That's it for me mang. I never said anything about it again and probably never will. Dios mio man

Never tell your friends it fails either way.

I told my bros in January 2018 around $0.60, at march when it fell to 0.30 they barely would talk to me. By june at 0.18 some of them sold.

Now the ones that sold wont talk about it at all and hates crypto.

The one that didnt sold only bought 1k link and is mad at me for not making him buy more.

Im glad I never told them my stack size

Shitty friends user. Find better ones, you can do better.

I told few friends, none of them bought.
Dont feel sad, he probably wouldn't have bought either.

Never tell anyone you hold chainlink. I know it seems evil to sit and watch the people you care about suffer while you get rich but you have to treat wealth like the One Ring in LOTR. It corrupts literally everyone who possesses it other than the absolute strongest-willed men. If people know you are wealthy they will resent you. If you give them money they will ask for more and more and then resent you for not giving it to them. They will spend it on bullshit and then come crying. Your friends will be jealous of you and every new friend you make will just be a gold digger. Literally no one knows that I hold LINK. It’s not easy; I often come close to telling my best friends so that we can all make it together. But the reality is I know they couldn’t handle the wealth and it would destroy our friendships. Same with family.

Jesus christ

>not calling him a cunt to his face and cutting off contact
Pussy you’re gonna end up caving before link peaks

Bask in your glory, user.

I shilled my poorfag friend pretty hard on link. It could genuinely change his life but he acted like I was trying to scam him. Pretty sad really. He said
>so me buying this helps you out somehow?
>nigger you are plankton, literally nothing in this market
2nd time I told him to buy, I’m like
>this is the last time I’m telling you to buy. I know you won’t do it but you have no right to be pissed at me when I’m rich.

Redpilled on human psychology, this is the sad truth
You can share a bit of wealth here and there with your closest family but Never disclose your full holdings to anyone except Yas Forums

I haven't even told my own family about my crypto.
The only way they'll eve find out is when I die and they read my will containing instructions on how to get to my stacks.

Not your real friend. Any true friend would be happy for your success. Keep holding.

Wtf so you did tell him. Hes no friend. Biz bros would never do that to you


Based user.

When I make it I plan to help my dad start his own landscaping business. That way he can indirectly benefit from my gains but also stand on his own two feet.

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Fuck him, friends don't listen. I shilled from 20 to 60 cents and back down for two years, nobody bought until it ran up last summer. One friend started buying then and has averaged $3 on 3500 linkies. He's proud that he's turned $10k into $10k. He got mad at me when I reminded him that at 20 cents and $10k his stack would be 50,000 links. Shoot the messenger, I suppose.

>I'm not confident like you guys and I didn't want to tell him about link just for it to be a failure.

Then ask him what would he have done if you told him to buy BTC back in 2018, just before everything came crashing down. This is money we're dealing with, he's only seeing AFTER the fact the "risk" you took (it's not a risk if you understand the project) of it not going anywhere for years. If he really thinks it's that easy, tell him to go buy Link.

>it also helps prevent me from buying scams because i have to explain it to people and i would feel bad shilling them on a scam or anything i didn't fully understand

Huh, this is a brilliant idea. I am only in Link but if I look for another crypto, I'll do this to help better my own understanding.

You violated Crypto number one

>circa 2018 summer
>little drunk on whisky
>group of friends and their girlfriends
>friend ask about crypto because i told him before
>all eyes on me
>going full pic related weaponised autism in front of 6 normie friends
>im talking about maersk usecase breadcrumb,smartcontracts usecases irl, swift,banking,2017 will happen again but only for chosen ones
>i say dont put your whole networth in it, just put like 300$ (equivalent of half of the minimal pay in my country)
>excuses start to fall
>"oh user, i have to do window and exhaust in my old shitty car, that will cost twice as that"
>"oh user we are saving to go skiing"
>literally looking at them as I saw and touch God's hand, but nobody witness that so everyone thinks im bullshitting

Story no.2
>circa 2019 past google pump
>im talking about everything we know, oracle,google, clouds in general
>very smart friend, doing good in his field
>link around 3$ at the time
>i say "there will be a option to buy lower this year probably, get your money ready and come to me next weekend for full presentation"
>never called, spending money on drugs,alcohol and clubbing
>few months later called, asking "hows your crypto doing"
>i stopped talking, changed the subject, the wisdom from me is 1 chance only

Story no.3
>circa october 2019
>2 lower IQ friends (most likely double digits)
>very interested in what i do in crypto
>explained crypto,chainlink,showed them what binance is for more than a hour because we drank at my house
>"yeah we will definetely throw some money at it"
>never called

Friends call from time to time. I never say the real thing, changing subjects to things that they will understand.

This is like talking to a wall in most cases, and i'm thankful for every user out here, good or bad, shiller or fudder that was here with me from early 2018 to here.

From the bottom of my heart, thanks for guiding and letting me understand what is Chainlink.

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someone give me the cliffnotes on this shit

buy link. wait for 4th industrial revolution. sell link. retire. or instead of selling, stake it and retire.

oh god pls be true

Story no.4
>circa 2018 around april-may
>drinking beers with friend physical worker, kid on a way
>dude im thinking about future of my kid, i want him to have a better life and i was thinking about investing
>going full laid out crypto talk, btc,eth,chainlink explanation and how this will affect real world
>"we will talk sober, thanks for explanation, i think i will throw money at it"
>i say "invest only what you can lose" added talk about investing, basics, angel investor etc
>never called
>2 kids now
>working same fuckin job that he worked before
>didn't see him for 2 years now

Story no.5
>circa 2018 summer
>drinking with 2 friends
>one physical worker, one smart managment dude in corpo
>same shit, explaining everything, arguing with smarter friend about use cases (he works in finance)
>he starts understanding it
>1000 or even 10000$ would be nothing for him to throw at Chainlink
>we takled like 2 hours about finance, usecases,future etc
>"yeah we have to meet sober"
>never called about it, never mentioned it, never invested
>10000$ was like 5% of his total networth at the time

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this, give each of them a nickname based off the shitcoins they dumped their money in

>they would stray off it like in the meme with jesus on the path.

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Here's my take on friends/family and crypto:

You don't tell anyone shit, and when you make it you buy your immediate family and closest friends a bunch of things they want/need.
If they don't want to accept it out of pride, tell them some bs about owing them some money years ago, and instead of repaying them you invested it and you're now giving them their gains.

Lmao and here I am buying at sub $4 because I still consider it a steal.

where were you in 2018

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>he acted like I was trying to scam him
>so me buying this helps you out somehow?

lmao this is just precious

been in since 17 and the only person i was able to convince to buy link was my gf of 7 years. strangely enough she did some weird past life reading on us through some school of metaphysics and apparently she was my daughter in a past life. i was a rich dude in france named andre or some shit. it also said that the main purpose of our relationship in this lifetime was so i could set her up financially for life. i dont really know what to think of all of it. u guys ever heard of the sexy son hypothesis?

I was working as a wage-slave at a “prestigous” company and had no free time to research.

your post is cancer, I hope your satanic gj gets all your money and fucks your father and best friend

she's a schizo
better late than never i guess

Why do you call them friends user?

Yeah sucks, but i’m confident i’ll retire earlier than my other peers or i’ll have a really good head start.

>user going out of his way to provide his friends financial well-being.
Bless you user.

We need more suckers like you and your friend so that I can keep shorting link. The clueless retards like you keep pumping that shitcoin up, only for it to fall back the very next week.
Link has no intrinsic value whatsoever, biggest scam out there. Only thing keeping it above 1$ is the cult following and the collective autism of this board

nothing is guaranteed, don't overextend
i literally spilled all the beans to 10+ normies, NONE ZERO NADA NULL invested. not even 100$ which is basically a night-out to clubbing with taxis here. i would just rather talk with anons on Yas Forums, don't care anymore, cutting all crypto/investing/business talks out of my real life. pointless

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also switched IP so that's me

We've all made the mistake of telling friends about our crypto profit. It's a lesson we all had to learn.

Nope nothing is guranteed, but I understand the importance of chainlink on a technical level. Would never consider selling until industrial and institutional adoption, which is 4/5 years out in my mind. So long term thinking these prices are still a steal as I work a good job.

He's just jealous. My best bud from childhood was like this. I literally couldn't celebrate the tiniest victory around him without him turning into a surly faggot about it. Eventually I called him on his bullshit and had to start distancing myself.

You did nothing wrong, OP. If Chainlink ate dick he'd never let you live down getting him to invest in it. Dont hide your light just because youre around dim bulbs. If someone wont celebrate your success with you they arent your real friend and you don't need em in your life anyway.

>literal MicroSoft partnership
>durr only you board autists care

Can somebody call the dopeman back. This fud been stepped on, he sellin us some mid.