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We're gonna dump lads

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>bought calls yesterday morning

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Wait until about 6-630 EST to make a judgement on if we are going to dump or not. Seemingly most traders start then and the market can change dramatically. It's still too early.

didn't we already dump though?

the only thing that keeps me from feeling like that about my life is having a nice job that pays pretty well
maybe it is slave mentality I dunno

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>The belly of the dragon will drip water

Viral pnuemonia outbreak drowns people in lung butter and fever

>The bear will leave his cave forever

You figure it out when this bond dragon takes off and the waterfall starts.

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the bear is so cute

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>didn’t sell the bell
Why do people do this to themselves? Do you really enjoy being up all night worried if you’ll be able to take a profit

Fed pump isn't over so have fun.

Every day my account says -3 or -4% but its value stays the same. Even brokers don't know whats going on.

futures are red, should I be worried? I was expecting a boom

Sell everything. It’s game over. A piece of paper trash caught corona and is spreading it everywhere. The news isn’t reporting it cuz it’s a conspiracy!

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Under everyone here commenting on the fed pump yet we have failed for multiple days now to break above the piercing candle fakout on the day the fed announced an emergency cut.

This candle failure so fast,so pitiful of an attempt took about five minutes to break down and lead to the selloff,and here we are again,at the same level failing,only this time with 10 year yields even lower.

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Why on earth did you expect a boom during a developing viral epidemic

I don't get it, you guys are so retarded, did you actually think it was going to go up and stay that way and everything was going to go back to normal just because biden is a few presidency points ahead of bernie?

Frens, we are absolutely fucked. So many old fuckers are going to die. I looked up “death stocks” all of them are up and lots of insider buys on all of the stocks.

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Futures don't mean shit in this market. Also, why the fuck you expecting a boom? We're about to fucking crash and burn dude. Friday is going to be a massive dump, way too risky to hold anything over the weekend when corona is about to explode in the US. I keep telling you retards that Seattle is essentially shut down, don't listen to whatever bullshit the media is slinging.Same thing is going to happen in all the other big cities.

The broker weirdness over the last week is definitely a strong bear signal. Something is fishy with the liquidity at several retail brokers.

then what was yesterday all about? green across the board

The software companies might even be more productive with a home office break.
They spend way too much time in meetings that should have been an email.

Nothing goes up or down in a straight line. After a 10% drop, a little rally is expected.
This is going to be a pandemic that will fuel the pop of this retarded bubble market

Just niggers born without arseholes

Last week we had +2% green futures and had a -5% day. This is the most volatile market in a decade, nobody knows what the fuck is going to happen, but we are probably heading down.

Generally productivity goes down when people work from home. Thats why I prefer to work at the office. Plus its way easier to get peoples attention and collaborate when they are sitting nearby.

can someone explain the correlation between futures and how it might be predictive for how the day pans out

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/smg/ was singing a very different tune yesterday, I am hodling for now, Trump and the Fed will fix it
he can't afford a crash, it would mean the end of his presidency

they tell you the future

what's this pattern called again?

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Presidents get reelected in crises

Trying to understand options assignment
Person A: writes options, then sells
B: buys, sells
C: buys, sells
Y: buys, sells
Z: buys and exersices ITM

Who gets assigned?

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>Generally productivity goes down when people work from home.

>Plus its way easier to get peoples attention
That's a net negative with work that requires focus for long periods of time.

Right now, they don't mean shit. Normally you could expect green futures = green open. Not anymore.

How can they fix it? They will force people to work? They will tell the virus to go away? The only solution is printing money and going in the hyperinflation highway, or something else which I'm not aware of

Biden, or better Bernie not winning big super Tuesday, plus leftover pump from the fed.

$20k bet, rolling with a post here.
even bear
odds bull

Not necessarily. This could be a great excuse to let the market pop like it was gonna anyway. China would be blamed.

all the intermediaries are out of the picture, only person A and person Z are involved in the contract at the time of expiry.
So the original option writer (A) is the one who is assigned to fill the contract

*at the time of exercise

in a few minutes DAX is open, and then we'll see

Why didn’t you bastards tell me the company TMO just bought makes coronavirus test kits?
You charted the notes and not the yield? Why? Who the hell does it that way? What’s wrong with you?!

Anyhow yes I bought the pump it was a fomo panic buy and I’m super embarrassed but that’s not even the worst part... the worst part is pic related

Shit. Would’ve thought those would be in the bay. That is Bretty big.

>dividend ETFs or growth ETFs
For me, it’s dividend growth ETFs.

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I refuse to believe Trump would allow the market to pop in his first term, not if there was anything at all he can do about it

If that's the case letting the corona virus get big and he comes in to tell everyone a plan to save them might be what the market needed.

Uhhh I’m not sure he’s as competant as you seem to think he is. I’m long and getting longer but... I think trump is kind of a fuck up and is fucking this up. He’s just really really good at managing perceptions and controlling/pandering to his base.

Anyone delusional enough to be bullish is simply beyond my reasoning. We're at best crabbing down another 5%, that is the absolute ideal scenario. More likely, we lose 10% next week. I don't understand how people don't realize how much downside still exists in the market. AAPL, one of the first to come out and say this going to make us miss our numbers for next quarter and potentially the entire year, and it's still up over $100 for the year. There are 0 fundamentals left in the valuation, the market will eventually rationalize and it gon be bad.

The best thing about the volatile crab is all the people trading on TA will follow moving averages downwards without realizing they're in a bear market. Sad!

That's how it is when you're in the bubble territory, most people are delusional. Exactly the way it was in the BTC bubble

I think it’s more about quality and TINA. Apple is not going anywhere now, especially now that it’s a company of major importance to the two biggest economies in the world, ChiMerica. Apple is a company you can stick your money in and count on it not going out of business, and likely growing. You cant put it in a cd, bonds have shit yield. So you buy what you know, what you use every day.

You know who was buying Apple hand over fist when it dipped? I bet Tim Apple himself was doing big buybacks.

>I/we have no position in Apple outside of VTSAX and VIG, if it’s even in VIG

Do you not know how to take a screenshot?

>president can force people to go to work, make cargo ships arrive faster, and cure unknown diseases
Anyone how just stops and thinks for a second can easily realize: President can't do shit and its not his fault. How he handles after the cards have fallen is the real test. My guess is he will give tax incentives for stock investing (economy) and health insurance (healthcare). We will certainly hear his plans soon though.

Not how ta works.

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Might be a ripperoni there bud.

This. I think he may be willing to get QE a little out of control just so he can secure a second election.

Covered puts before earnings.

You seem to be confused between writing a option and selling a option. The person who writes the option is responsible if the owner of that option wants to exercise. Everyone else is just trading the contract like a hot potato until the expire data. You should go to investopedia and look this shit up.


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it's all about TINA at this point
TINA is everywhere, TINA is everything

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No im new to technology


Kek not health insurance but there is talk of them covering coronavirus treatment. But Barons says... well See pic related

Tina is my private dancer, dancing for money, does what I want her to do!

God I want to gob this girl so bad but guild girl is the best.

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Fuck You
I want a nice job that pays well
The only thing that’s make it better is a fat 401k company match and maybe discounted company stock

I wonder what kind of derivatives DB is holding on their balance sheet.

Futures crashing


>I want to gob this girl so bad
is this some hot new zoomer slang that I've never heard before?

if it makes you feel any better, my base salary isn't that high... still just below 6 figures.
AND I had to put pinto beans in my white chicken chili just now (instead of garbanzo beans, because I bought the wrong kind of beans at the grocery store).
So my chili is going to be at least 15% below optimal in terms of deliciousness. There are some things that money can't buy....

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I have elevated the head end of my bed four inches and am about to sleep at a slight downward angle. Supposed to be helpful for breathing. Feels odd laying like this but comfortable. I will provide breaking action news updates about the outcome tomorrow.


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what if you slide off...
which direction(north/south/east/west) does your head point when you sleep?



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>is this some hot new zoomer slang that I've never heard before?
Maybe it's in the same vein as 'i fuck with...' meaning 'i like/enjoy'. Zoomer speak is weird and scary.