What is your favorite philosopy, Yas Forums?

What is your favorite philosopy, Yas Forums?

Let's start with a great one, which we should all become familiar with: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism

Attached: Marcus-Aurelius.jpg (1052x578, 115.2K)

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This is one of my favorite philosophers

Student of: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bertrand_Russell

Neo-Platonist esoteric traditionalism refined by the works of Kant

his concept of language games is one of the most important thing you could spend your time thinking about wrt designing your life and how you will relate to everything. i constantly go back to it, it’s on the same level of importance as ‘as above, so below.’
however, wittgenstein is disappointing to me for the fact that he vehemently believed that existence precedes essence. it’s such an unhelpful, counterproductive thing to believe I can’t believe an accomplished white man like Ludwig would let himself adamantly defend it

I'm still centuries behind as I'm still reading Greeks and romans. How the hell do I reach there? Just reading their wikepedia pages made me feel more of a brainlet than I already am

Stoicism is also hyper-accessible meme pleb philosophy, which isn't even taken as a philosophy as such. What people refer to when they speak of Stoicism is an ethical stance severed from its genuine metaphysical and ontological framework, and watered down into some 21st century self-help guru's platitudal, empty ramblings, the reading of which people substitute for genuine self-betterment.

Even more repugnant is that nobody affiliated with Stoicism in a modern sense actually takes the natural ethical ideals of Stoicism as their own ideals. They instead envisage some 'practical stoicism' which can help them to achieve their own pathetic ends, at which point the doctrine doesn't even bear any remote relation to actual Stoicism any more than it does to am equal bastardization of the writings of literally any other ethical philosopher or religion ever.

And in its essence, metaphysical and ontological, Stoicism is a meme. Pure and simple.

Nice try kiddo.
Russell was a gigacuck btw

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I haven't read Derrida
Give me a quick rundown on his retorts to Russell et al

Words don't stand for things they stand in for them

harry potter

Stoicism is a mistake. Read Aristotle's Ethics.

Unironically this guy. Diogenes was truly the first autist chad, and showed the world how much of a bitch Plato was.

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Again, a mistake.

Aristotle specifically refutes Diogenes' view in the Ethics. Stoics/Cynics realize that humans are applying their emotions/desires in a wrong way, but they make the wrong conclusion that therefore it is better not to feel/desire at all. Aristotle refutes this and says there is actually a correct way to act on desires and emotions: by expressing them through the golden mean, through virtue.

Aristotle was a bitch and it shows. Also, Diogenes being my favorite philosopher doesn't mean I agree with what he said. Enjoyment and agreement are two very different things.

Also, Diogenes never said that humans should not feel/desire anything. Him jerking it in public shows pretty clearly that he still fulfilled his desires.

Stoics also never said that you should never feel/desire. Most agreed that you can never actually overcome feelings and desires, but that you can control your reaction to those feelings and desires.

Ah, the edgy autistic Yas Forumstard's 'philosopher' of choice


I literally never said I subscribe to his ideas, and I never will.

I just wanna coom

Aristotle taught Alexander the great who was a role model for every fucking conqueror that came after him throughout history.
Diogenes trolled some Athenian citizens. And yeah he wanked in public but he also spouted nonsense about not a single human being good enough. Pretty obvious who was the coping bitch.

yeah and that's a mistake.
Those desires are there for a reason and should be channeled properly into achieving greatness. Not stifled.
Who did Diogenes ever teach that amounted to greatness? He contributed nothing to the world. And Aurelius was an emperor who failed to fulfill the one main duty an emperor should fulfill. Raising a good heir. He was the last, weak link in a line of 5 good emperors.

You sound like a coping bitch my friend.
Aristotle is the most normie dormie shit


>so simple yet so poorly understood
>requires at least a modicum of self awareness
>potentially most life changing if properly internalised

Stoicism is the Reddit of philosophy

>See japan

What is the Yas Forums?

did philosophy at varsity, read the classics almost all of Plato, Russel's epistemology, Derrida, Foucault etc but nothing explains the human condition like the bibel

Pre-Rome German barbarianism

> Blocks your path
> Allow me to introduce myself
Thomas Aquinas, the guy who combined the Hellenic and Roman philosophical traditions (Plato, Aristotle, as well as stoicism) with the living transcendental reality of Christ.

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What about Japan

You're never going to make it user.

Augustine got my back

nice counter argument, stick to hipster bs philosophers then, I suppose it pleases you.

>great one
"Lol just accept your lot in life"... you must be euro because that is the most unamerican thing

Wow, i read your rage comment and then I instantly forgot it. Thanks for making such a needed post. Your opinion is discarded.

How does he reconcile unconditional love with Hellenic traditions? Jesus is just another flavor of stoicism.
He preached sympathy in a time where we had deviated from that mean. But unconditional love is too far off the mark of the mean. Good that cannot defend itself from evil is not the greatest possible good. That's why not a single christian is able to practice what they actually preach.

Absolutely based

I think you're too closely equating the Stoic and the Christian. It's much more apt to call (early) Christianity a post-Judaic transfiguration of Platonism

He preached a lot of abstinence in addition.
Anyway the key message of that philosophy is unconditional love, which is impractical if not impossible. Even as something to strive for it does not hold up, since a great good should be able to sustain itself.

It ultimately depends on what you mean by love. Its sole authoritative text being almost wholly allegorical, Christianity can never really be definitive on this.
It can range from a definitive emotion or sentiment (one of the many human emotions or sentiments), to a supra-emotional disposition or imperative that states that you ought to act so as to improve the being of all living things.
The former is impossible, but when it becomes contingent upon its satisfaction of the latter (which is still wholly Christian), the doctrine is no less unreachable than the ideals of any other ethical doctrine. (That is, entirely unreachable, because they're Ideal).


>Bust of Sergey Nazarov 120 A.D.

literally a salad of words

You are the fag of Yas Forums


Go back to >>/lit/ faggots

Hardcore neo-biblical post modernist truth conspiracy.

The natural intellect of this board is too low to talk about philosophy. Also, everyone is too uneducated.

This is my philosophy

>intellect of this board is too low
>also a namefag

On a lighter note. A philosopher I deeply respect is Jiddu Krishnamurti
Following philosophies is for plebs though. Make your own.

Judaisim didn't exist back then

Replying just to tell someone he has a name.
This proves it further.

>Judaism didn't exist before Christianity
based retard

>Following philosophies is for plebs though. Make your own.
based retard

Combine the best of the West and the least of the East, roll your Own and life is fucking on.

You will always be grasping at straws.
Criticizing and opinionating.
Never seeing the sign that hangs on both sides.

Isn't that what you are doing right now?

Mine is seeking the one and only objective truth because true subjectivity is merely an illusion therefore trying to eliminate all bias that stems from the ego.

Are you trying to eliminate your personality faggot?

'Subjectivity is an illusion' is one of the biggest bugbears of the modern mind. Everything is an illusion unless correctly understood, the phenomenon of subjectivity is no different. It's just as real as the One, being a part thereof. It's a particular function, very real, of an essence, also very real.

There is only nihilism.

Shut the fuck up, doomer.