Crypto Ruined Real Life for me

Just interacting with normies. Holy shit are they autistic

How much they just dont know about anything. They just sit there withering away hoping to see if something in their life will work out.

All they do is churn out the same words they read on social media "but it has no intrinsic value" "omg thats racist"

Zombies all of them. No brains, just consume.

The more research I do in general whether its corona, coins, stocks, makes me realize everyone out there is plugged into some kinda of matrix and they don't want to leave it. Everyone literally lives on just blurbs of things they hear, how fucking moronic.

See long time friends become lame people who just want to sit around all day and play old video games instead of working towards anything really.

Just sad, because I used to be them. Now what, whats the end game of this world. More money, love.

Once you know, you can never go back. Only a few select people I know are aware of this as well.

Weird world huh. Though i figured it out mostly. It seems most people lose the spark around 25/26/27/28. If you can't find a spark again something to get you going, youll eventually wither away.

Find your 2nd spark. Your 3rd spark. Keep trucking Yas Forums, all of us will make it out of this box soon.



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I’m 24 and I feel as though the spark only really hit me when I turned 23. I feel like an idiot saying this but I feel like I know the true meaning of being “woke”. It’s not that shit Kanye is talking about, it’s this.
Fuck normies

Society has made slaves of men. It's our job to free them. If that means we have to ascend, that is simply God's will in motion.

I would love to be someone who is ok with 40 years of 9-5 in exchange for no useful net gain in wealth.

It's not that I think I'm entitled to financial freedom or happiness or anything, it's that why persist in wageslavery when I'm just gonna die anyway.
It's not even a choice at this point; I am gonna spiral into madness, drug abuse and suicide if I do not obtain enough resource to support my existence without pic relating.
I have to invent all these copes to not neck up when the reality is there's probably no negative consequence to ending this shit

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Just be a goddamn welfare neet

Nothing OP said is original. Its not even based on recent developments in philosophy. OP is a parroting zombie repeating some ideas he got from t.v.

The real red pill is that no one cares about anything or anyone but themselves and at the end of the day you are responsible for your own happiness and success. I'm a 28 year old boomer and have really only started seeing this during he last 2 years.

Stop giving a shit about others and focus on yourself. If you want to be admired or validated, lead by example.

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that's even worse, at least the wageslave isn't a parasite. I would never want to take another wageslaves money just to perpetuate my existence

But OP isn't wrong regardless

What are you me I feel the exact same way but I'm 26

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If my spark for crypto hadn’t been re-ignited last summer I probably would’ve already put a .45 through my brainstem. How the fuck do normies do it? How do they spend decades on the hamster wheel of wageslavery and consumption without burning out?

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blissful ignorance

Some people don't have the willpower to handle freedom.

>What are you me I feel the exact same way but I'm 26

It gets better friendo. You become a more streamlined and efficient person after you realize all of this and come to terms with it fully. Keep swimming.

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it's not this.
All the older wagies I know have this insane anger in them

Some people don't have the willpower to handle slavery.

This is why I'm literally all in low caps like SUTER. Worst case : I literally stay poor, but I've been poor all my life. Best case, flip 20x's until I make it.

Most survive by being almost brain dead from birth, giving as little a fuck about their job as possible, and getting away with it because of/milking it through their disability (woman, nigger, boomer).

Can't burn out if you spend 8 hours a day chit-chatting or shopping on amazon, pausing just briefly to complain to your BFF manager how the weird white guy that's "always pretending to work" looked at you and now you feel sexually harassed so you may need next Friday off.

It’s easier to go autopilot, manual mode is exhausting and depressing

Plz sirs buy suterusu

I've become disillusioned with the idea of a 'great awakening' of the normies. I simply view them as a different caste of human.

I work in marketing. They are literally my/our cash cow. I sort of like it this way, separate castes and all. This is the way it was always meant to be. You've simply been blinded by the light is all.

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Move close to work, I live 1 mile from work, it's based. Considering the size of my link stack though, I probably won't be making that commute much longer.

I'd recommend everyone here to read Ego and It's Own by Stirner. Sure it's a /lit/ meme and the general message is kind of obvious. But still it puts into words something that was right here in each and every one of us and if you actually do read it and internalize that knowledge it will change your every interaction/decision from that point on.

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Find the others fren.

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the pic represents waging not just commuting.
I have a few options left that will take another 5 years to properly try but after that who knows

Lol ngmi

Just go to a casino. You have like a 40% chance of not losing & you'll get free drinks from scantally clad waitresses.

i feel so good and hopeful for the future.

i have hope for link

i bleive in link

i have 14k link and zero in my bank account

>I've become disillusioned with the idea of a 'great awakening' of the normies. I simply view them as a different caste of human.
>I sort of like it this way, separate castes and all. This is the way it was always meant to be. You've simply been blinded by the light is all.

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thank you, I'm really looking forward to reading it.

Self-hating artists who can’t bare the pain of their self-awareness will clown on you while clowning themselves for it, but this is unironically a good realization. Normies are people who hate learning things that won’t bring them to some imagined whole value of social conformity. Their motivations and insights go no deeper.

I too have figured learned a lot through crypto and not just about crypto. The redpill is really powerful. Though now I do feel nervous about tripping up what I say to normies and then they think I'm psycho or something.


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>The redpill is really powerful.
Elaborate please?

lol stupid wagiecope
>waa waa i dont want to be a parasite! i want to be a host to millions of parasites waa waa

I swear I hate you faggots and your deliberately vague woe is me wokeness. Rehashing the same shit thats been said for the dawn of man as if its somehow makes you special or different. The world is exactly where it wants to be, accept this

>How do they spend decades on the hamster wheel of wageslavery and consumption without burning out?
They resort to alcoholism and many other addictions to cope. The neurotypicals go to clubs and pubs and other places where [ALCOHOL] is served, [CIGARETTES] are sold and maybe they can meet someone to have [SEX] and feel good for a little while. Dating is another good one, meeting a girl for a [COFFEE] date and maybe have [SEX] with.

Their brains go like "Dopamine, dopamine, dopamine. Work makes me feel horrible, I need my dopamine."

If you have literally nothing like that going on for you, no short or mid term gratification to look forward to you will most likely fail at life as there's no point.

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Alpha Slave selection.
People with certain traits are selected and compensated while others with the opposite traits are discarded. There is a great transfer of wealth from classical alpha men who are stuck in shit jobs to alpha slaves. This fucks women up too, because they are genetically attracted to classical alphas, but most of the money is in the hands of the alpha slaves. They usually choose alpha slaves, but end up being unhappy.

The only solution for your type is to do/build something on your own and not play this game. Eventually it will sort itself out, because modern society is a construct that is far from an evolutionary stable strategy. Until then, you have to survive.

Yet they are happier than most of us... makes you think

I've been this way for a while. I was talking to my high-tier normie friend on the phone the other day, and I'm officially at the point where I just fuck with them. So many holes in their logic, and if you play dumb and prod enough you can hear their brain go haywire. Luckily I have a few friends on the same page that I can relate too, just sad to see older friends devolve into unironic proles.
Checked and ascensionpilled

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>They just sit there withering away hoping to see if something in their life will work out.
not at all like us rampant crypto speculators

I was just on the phone with some girl and she was rambling on about stupid shit for like an hour. I haven't even fucked her yet but I'm about to throw in the towel on this, no pussy can possibly be worth dealing with that

Translation: my friends are all out busy enjoying their lives, meanwhile I'm a shut-in hermit autistically studying pajeet scamcoins and nothingburger 'happening' threads, and through some delusional backwards cope thinking I view myself as superior to everyone

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My crypto bags are up over $20k this week. How are you doing faggot?

>normies don't know about SUTER yet

imagine listening to girls you haven't fucked yet
you are doing it wrong my friend

LOL this is a lie. Dont let that fake smile fool you. They fucking hate what they are doing but there is something in the programming that prevents them from ever doing anything about it. They become apathetic. Their only other emotions are excitement when consooming and anger whenever something doesnt go their way or if you attempt to give them truth and the cognitive dissonance is too strong. Its a fucking joke.

I'm not a normie, user, but I'm literally withering away just like them. Fate doesn't care if you're conscious


you need to be 18+ to be on this board

Jews are right, goyim are cattle

I have a friend like you. We finished high school at the same time. I went to University, graduated and am now working in a well paid professional job. He is smart but always lacked motivation and got shit results in high school, didn't go to University and sat at home for the last 4 years. He got a labourer job but quit after 6 months. He's absolutely fucking miserable and on antidepressants and has been since he was 14 or so probably.

I'm not saying there isn't merit to checking out of this fucking rat race, I can understand how NEETs feel but he has missed out on so much

>Women aren't interested because his life is going nowhere
>Stunted social skills from never leaving the house
>No income so can't move out of parents so no personal space (this is the biggest one, living with my parents now would fucking kill me)

I sympathize with him but this mentality has derailed his life.

Intj life in a nutshell


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In my opinion, there are two reasons for this, and you have to really know someone or pay attention to figure out which one applies. The curse of intelligence leads to two possible outcomes: you see that the world is a miserable, dysfunctional nightmare but are able to will yourself forward and use all of your abilities to pursue a goal you think is important, or you see that the world is a miserable, dysfunctional nightmare and are overcome by this, unable to rally the motivation and overcome the forces arrayed against you to do something.

Smart people realize that even our "best" societies are built around the lowest common denominator. People are fucking idiots, everywhere, in every profession, and you're just lucky if you find one that isn't. Modern civilization has gone out of its way to accommodate these fucking idiots, and it's become the fuel that powers everything. Then on top of this, right beneath the brain-dead McDonald's surface level of society, there is endless suffering, misery, falsity, and injustice, so much that to even try and comprehend its' scale can drive someone fucking mad.
The curse of the high IQ is real, and living for yourself and getting money as OP's pathetic pseudo-intellectual pajeet post said, is a lie.

Real men are faced with a world so thoroughly corrupted that they have no idea how to fight back, if they even see the truth of it in the first place. It's deliberately designed this way.

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> muh normies are so stupid because they don't sit at home like me and circle jerk with other NEETs about internet shit coins


where do i begin if im a crypto noob?

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get me a milker and we talk

>most people lose the spark around 25/26/27/28
This is 100% true. I'm in my 30s and have to replace my friends every 5-6 years for younger ones.

Sound like some real quality relationships you have there.