Why are women like this?

My GF was nagging me to sell LINK at $2.5 a few weeks ago saying it's better to have some profit than risk it coming down again. One of my friends says his wife is constantly telling him to sell his stack so they can buy a house. I have another one in the same situation and when I told him buying a house now was the same as buying BTC at $20k his reply was "yeah but fuck it...I need stability". What the hell is wrong with these people? How can people be so short sighted and cucked? Why can't women exercise delayed gratification? Who the hell do they think they are to constantly input doubt in their partners' investments? These chicks are the downfall of guys who aren't strong enough. They will succumb to the pressure, sell so they can buy whatever shiny new thing the woman wants thus appeasing her and after a few months they will be unhappy again, somehow blaming the guy for that situation. Point of it all: don't listen to women when it comes to investments/money. They have no foresight, are emotional and have no plan to make it on their own terms while bringing you down to their level. Don't be a cuck. Believe in yourself.

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Why do you talk to your GF (not wife of 3 decades or some shit) about your meme investments? Why does she know the dollar amount? Sounds like you doubt you as much as she does.

Read some Aristophanes. Women haven't changed at all

>>Sounds like you doubt you as much as she does.
If that was true I wouldn't be a top 200 LINK holder. I'm as iron handed as I can get. As for the rest, we've been together for over a decade. I still get mind blown over the fact she doesn't get it.

Kek. My husband says the same thing. “We need to sell some link to fix up the house.” Etc I won’t let him have access to our Coinbase or Binance accounts.

Femanon here obv. This isn’t a gender issue.

what a terrible larp.

"Femanon here obv"
"This isn't a gender issue (but let me reiterate, I AM A FEMALE,)"
Fuckin cunt kek

My gf puts 300$ into eth fortnightly because i told her to.

...as opposed to a gay man. Hence the announcement.

Everyday women wake up and think “how much can I get away with today”

Shut up candy no one asked you, filthy whore.

>woman said
>woman is nagging
They are just cucks.

Kek. Have sex incel.

Wow, holy shit good one. "Ur gay..."
Bitch shut the fuck up, kek.

men and women have opposite relationships with time

NEVER tell your woman details of your investments, especially if you have invested your own money instead of mutual funds. And having mutual funds for anything other than daily groceries or having been married for decades is cucked beyond belief.

Just cuz you got your dick-and-balls chopped off doesnt mean you are a woman, sweaty.

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>want to pay of 30 k student debt with some of my link

>Girlfriend doesn't want me to

What do?

Im a fucking virgin and I have zero experience with women but I think it's because women are inferior to men and need to be subjugated like the good old days

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Any1 need more proof chainlink is pushed by discord trannies?

I thought being incel was a curse but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, honestly. Now I understand the wizard meme. I literally have super powers.

Why the fuck do you care what she thinks, it's ur investments not her.

Nah. I can’t leave this place because I’m addicted to the memes. Unfortunately for both of us, no matter how much you try to insult me, I simply cannot go away or shut up about my Link stack.

Your problem is you told her.

Never tell anyone about crypto, and that's rule #1.

I have 6M UND, and when it crosses $1 I will simply sell half, pay taxes, and move to the woods of Serbia.

This. And you are not married. Buy while you still can.

Nah I’ve been here forever. I suspect there are more girls here than you think. They just don’t post as much or larp as men. Felt creepy saying “my wife” so I thought I’d explain myself.

And I’m serious, I literally cannot leave this place. I wish your insults could get me out of here but I’m stuck on biz for eternity. Sorry for both of us.

We get it, you're hardcore Yas Forums bitch, we get it ok, you talk about your link stacks to everyone, ok, cool, we got it

shut the fuck up whore

>move to the woods of Serbia
don't even know how to reply to this bait

I disagree. It actually cucks them to know you have so much but won't listen to a word they say. Cucks them even more knowing they can't do anything about YOUR money. Gives you the upper hand in everything.


Hey, femanon here as well. I told my husband to sell his Link stack to buy UND and threatened to withhold sex if he didn't.

How to invest as a female. And no one takes you seriously? Noooo, can't be!

“Sweaty”? Or did you mean “Sweetie”?

If you can't comprehend what user was saying, you might be the stupidest cunt here....

Redpill me on UND if you aren’t larping. I don’t know much about it.

>140 IQ sorry no. I have problems but a “stupid cunt” ain’t one of them.

You couldn't substitute OP's 'a' for an 'e.'
And you fucking mention your IQ? This has to be a LARP. I'm done.

DYOR femanonigger

>gf tells me she doesnt want me to sell my crypto
>she pays for stuff so I dont have to dip into it

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Goodnight Sweaty!

>Read some Aristophanes
what should I read from him?

cute :)


A fair point, actually. I personally wouldn't do it, since too much of a risk of constant nagging and begging which I can't stand, but a fair point still.

i agree in one thing, it´s not a gender issue. retards are everywhere. but in the most chase there are female.


I also fundamentally agree with the "don't tell anyone about crypto". All in all, it's the safest path but I'm flawed and like to hold this over her.

They always have to make clear that they are female, because otherwise people won't listen to them. Online your gender is hidden so therefore you argumentation has to be good for people to listen.

stop posting at the very least

This. I am disapointed in the rest of theae anons. How did it take so many replies? Are you all fucking newfags?

Tits or gtfo

>I also fundamentally agree with the "don't tell anyone about crypto".
This is the best route to take. Keep everything on a hush hush.

the most based post in this thread

I literally can’t. Thank you for the suggestion though. Failed New Years resolution.

never works.

>larp as men

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Agreed except when you are married you can’t really hide it. Also why I come here to talk about it anonymously.

Talking about crypto is the same as talking about how much money you have in a bank account, there's only few close people you talk about dollar values with. People are fucking weird about money.

Next time I will make sure I say “My hubby does the same thing!!!” Will that work better for you?

>talk about it anonymously.
>first thing she does it mention her gender and marital status

how did women fall so far behind on IQ throughout evolution?

gay marriage is legal now

Why? Interest on student loans is low as fuck.

It is??? Well then


>letting your wife know how big your stack is
