
Hi. It's me. I hope you've enjoyed my posts. If you swung SUTER, I'd say you got lucky that it fell back a bit, but that's just me, and I hope you're re-entering your positions in this accumulation phase.

Ts*n*e*e is coming.

Attached: SUTER.jpg (1024x768, 26.09K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Keep pretending you know what you're talking about, it's cute. We're all watching SUTER, watching it fuckin CRAB

"its me"

start using a trip fag you could be anybody.
300k staking should be enough of this shitcoin right

I told you about the website before it happened.

I told you about KuCoin before it happened.

I'm telling you about the next development, Ts*n*e*e, before it's going to happen.


Attached: A7E6BBF4-AB94-4948-B246-1DF0602BAFAF.png (750x1334, 339.42K)

Alright, I'm gonna throw a few hunny at it.
Ily user

yep. 5x incoming.

Red pill and details on """"""Ts*n*e*e"""""

A few hundred? NGMI.

What are some good accumulation numbers

Target prices

Etc let’s get this thread interesting

Why not? if SUTER does what OP's been saying, a few hundred gonna make it. Don't put more in because OP's hopium is rubbing off on you. Put change in--if it makes a 100% gain, put 40% in repeat.
Unless you just wanted to type NGMI, like me

ya i love this project. it looks great. but im not putting more than a thousand into it.

Tsundere is coming?

Attached: 1569604787884.jpg (210x240, 13.58K)

JW, are you one of the guys who drew for the team for their mascot? Also why is volume so low today? Any breadcrumbs?

volume is low because the trading contest ended. thats why we've been in a crab market for a week or so

it might be testnet but just scrambled up

pic related. they plan on releasing the testnet anyday now

Attached: Screenshot (93).png (2256x1504, 275.34K)

250K suicide stack. Market buy or miss the board IMO. $2M cap is nothing.

actual market cap is tiny, circulating supply is low because everyone is staking, its like 800k based on whats actually circulating

not aiming for a suicide stack. if i want to hold on to my 100k the incentives from staking are big enough to give it massive value. and if i want to sell it'll boost my other favorite bags tremendously. but i think it is a revolutionary project and more power to you if you want to grab 250,000 of them.

i've already made a thousand this week so with rewards being paid and going towards delegation i should have 250k in no time if i just sit on my bag. its one of the best incentive plans in all of tokenomics. there are billions in supply and they plan on giving all or most of them away to node operators and delegators.

Thanks and it just stresses me out. There really is no talk about whats going on and I know in getting impatient. Wish there was a stronger community

Fuuuuuuuckin nice

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ya there really isnt much to update about. they have their concept. and they have the groundwork laid so they know that what they are doing is working. but you understand the little tid-bits of code that you are out there, then there really isnt much to look at. you can check out the suterusu youtube channel. its like some chinaman showing off code and explaining what their project is aiming at solving

Just want to buy my cousin a yacht fren. I don't even know when I should cash out desu. I'm sitting on a pretty nice sized bag and ik they plan on going live June-sept 2020 but don't they have something planned jun 2021 too?

ya june is when we are planning to execute the final phase of the pump and dump exit scam

uh...i mean...very good ting ting planned june time yes yes sirs

Attached: pepesuit.jpg (192x262, 9.63K)

chink niggers are still trying to scam this pajeet coin

You lost me and did not manage to shake me out of my 200k bag. Nice effort though.

That isn’t inside info

Attached: 20E38859-5A53-4698-BCCE-F43D6A32B461.jpg (1206x1860, 745.61K)

What isn't?

Op saying test net is coming

That doesn't say TESTNET.


nah brah.

Tsundere ?

could be test net instead of testnet. maybe thats how they do it in chiner maybe he turned the space into a *

It clearly begins with TS and ends with E, dummy.

i clearly asserted that the letters may be scrambled in this post maybe read the thread next time asstard

BZZZZ. If it was a scramble of test net, there's an extra letter.

Testnet tho

Holy fuck none of you can read.

Yeah I didn't read. I didn't even read the thread. I'm just here because I have bags of this and think it's undervalued.

I’ll take a lazy bag holder over an illiterate any day

Cant believe the prices are this low. People really havo no clue


I didn't read shit either but I unironically think SUTER will 100x

Could it reach $1? Of course it would. That max supply best be burned tho.

Early antshare investor here. Im getting the same feeling as i did back then. good luck frens.

just bought $500 worth to begin with. this is coming from someone who bought
- LINK at $0.50
- PNK at $0.80
- other shit i bought and sold for 2x-10x profits
i have a good feeling about this one.

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So what Would a positive test result be

I loaded up on this yesterday. Its gonna need a bit of patience but the potential gains here are crazy. Its down to 50% of its ATH too so its a pretty good time to buy in

Going back up

>PNK at $0.80

this shit needs a BTC trading pair though

oops, wrong unit. 0.8 cents. also checked.

give it time, we are ridiculously early.

Got 100K. Going to make it?

depends on who much is making it for you.
This coin has high potential and might be worth 1-10 in the next years

suteranon when will Ts*n*e*e come? Do i have to stay up late tonight?

If this is the guy then usually the shit he says comes true later the same day, but considering the chinks have gone to bed, it'll probably be either this morning or tomorrow.

what do you set your limit at?
Was thinking about 50% .9ct, 50% 1.1ct

Staked 50%, other 50% is at 1ct, hoping to flip a few more dips before I long.

you have 10 minutes. you've been warned

you are not funny
just leave already

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