Do you ever feel overwhelmed and burnt out by the amount of time and research you put into crypto...

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and burnt out by the amount of time and research you put into crypto? Like I spend hours every day looking up shit and lurking this board but I still feel like I don’t know shit.

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To be honest most of this stuff doesn't even make sense to me.

research, and also Yas Forums, are not the same thing

bought long ago, so far ahead nothing matters, dont read anything, only post memes

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I'm just here to funpost and shitpost and i'm all out of fun

Depends. The archives have always been a treasure trove.

To be honest most of this stuff doesn't even make sense*

It's almost become a study of sociology for me - what makes different kinds of people gravitate to different projects, or susceptible to different kinds of scams.

I bought link at 0.30 and I have done ZERO research on link. All I know it solves the oracle problem or whatever.

The only reason I hodl is because LINK has the funniest memes and I figure the 150+ iq autists that make these memes have done their due diligence in researching link.

There is a reason that LINK is being memes so heavily. It is related to why Yas Forums memed trump into the presidency.

The memes guide me, buying chainlink and holding to me is as meditation is to a buddist.

Praise KEK

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I'm a mid tier trader and it took me years to avoid the noise. Zoom out, even on news. Go contrarian to the mainstream news. Notice trends but be wary, sell into the shilling. Research LINK all you want but just realize none of it matters...if it's being shilled here, it's near the short term top.


>Inversion narrative

The vast majority of crypto startups are outright scams. This has been proven. I'm hoping DeFi and smart contracts will play out differently than the ICO bubble

These were the responses I was hoping for. I’ve only put in a few months and I’m not dumb but it’s been difficult for me to grasp the big picture and how everything fits together.

>everything fits together
Not sure it does.

Lets make this easy for OP.
Step 1. Go to
Step 2. Filter non mineable
Step 3. Filter market cap $1,000,000,000 +
Step 4. Buy only those coins that remain.

kek good one

Also, 99.999999% of the crypto space is garbage with little to no real value proposition.

Even easier:
Go to Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index
Copy their rebalancing strat

I have no idea what crypto does but I’m all in on Chainlink cause of the memes

I didn't even use the word "invest".

That’s odd, I read invest, not one person in the thread even mentioned the word. Weird.

I wouldnt say overwhelmed but I do get massively burned out alot. sometimes I have to take long ass breaks and thats bad for me when I come back and gotta get recaught up on all the changes.

Memetics and memeology. I see frogs. I buy.

I don't spend that much time on it anymore. I got my 10k stink stack and everything else I ever had is just dust now. I check Delta every few days and if I see big green dildos or big red dildos I come back to Yas Forums to harvest the latest crop of pink wojacks and TONIGHTs.

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This thread has me concerned. So you're telling me, if we post enough frogs, that's a buy signal?
What if like... 15 people decide to FUD, and you guys with 'no idea lol' are going to lose real money. Holy shit,

Pee pee poo poo

it worked when we fudded rsr lmao

That wasn’t FUD. If you buy a premined shitcoin with 100b tokens and 6% circ supply you are a nitwit.

True, ok.

Sir, pls, pee poo over there

Lol this is not a board to learn. It's to shit post.
If you want to learn something useful, you need to learn TA. I would shill a person, but I don't like doing that.

>Spends countless hours studying which worthless useless shitcoin to buy
>Still broke and living like a hobo
>Still broke even if it moons because only could afford to buy like 40 bucks worth

Also, you're most likely better off going all in btc. Alts are for short term trades. Maybe mid term. They usually dump fucking hard. Not worth holding usually. Btc is safer

Research is completely pointless. Crypto is all trash just like the meme SV startups that are popping up like mushrooms. Whales and exchanges control the crypto space. You are at their mercy.

No OP.
This guy is fucking with you.
Always do the opposite of what Yas Forums says.

not buying your bags pajeet

>I wouldnt say overwhelmed but I do get massively burned out alot. sometimes I have to take long ass breaks and thats bad for me when I come back and gotta get recaught up on all the changes.

how about doing research and sharing the results with some frens? by doing that other frens will also share their researches with you and you will benefit much more than researching everything on your own.You can't possibly do everything by yourself and get good results.

Do you use discord? If so join my group. Id is: TcbT8yY . We are mostly traders but we also share interesting projects here and there. See you there maybe?

Are you retarded...? Did you just call btc an indian shitcoin when it's literally the main one?

How new are you?

>Yessss!!!! Got to ask how new someone was!!! xD TAKE THAT!!!!

Dude, you didnt address what I said. How the fuck is btc a shitcoin? You use words you dont even understand

Crypto is a 10,000 piece puzzle and only like 3 pieces actually fit together

ID's friend, I'm not who you replied to. I'm always and forever 52% or above in BTC.

Also kindly note, I didn't ask how new you are, despite the irony bubbling beneath the surface

what does this even mean

BGCI is the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index
It's an index for 6 coins.

End of every month they rebalance. See the PDF "Fact Sheet" for their rebalancing on Feb 29.

>Bitcoin - 30.00%
>Ethereum - 30.00%
>XRP - 18.58%
>Bitcoin Cash - 9.34%
>Litecoin - 6.63%
>EOS - 5.45%

I have a few friends I talk crypto with so its not just me working solo. Tell me more about your discord

what does these % mean, im literal retard

that's the % of your portfolio that those assets should occupy
>if you have $100, $30 will be invested in BTC

$1000 EOY

ah, and how often this changes?

idk, probably every month

Last day of every month they release a PDF with the rebalancing (the changes) in the portfolio.

If you're interested in indices, then have a look at SwissBorg's SB5 Index, or "F5 Crypto" the best performing index last year.

it's all a fucking scam you idiot. 99% of crypto is a scam.

>he didnt buy link below 1$

>Printing free money
>"no thx"

takes +- 2.5 years...then you know wtf is up

>cultist thinks everything is about scamstink

How have the returns performed using their strat?

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what's to know? buy low caps before they're up 200%+ (SUTER) , dump half high, and the other half higher if it continues. repeat.

>but I still feel like I don’t know shit.
thats because you're dumb

>150 iq autists
totally organic and not glowniggers pushing something

Meme magic right? Praise KEK the frog God?

I've got unironically a PhD in economics.

The only white paper I ever read was that of VeChain, right after it was published. Immediately after reading the monetizing chapter I sold all of them and bought link with that.

Granted, if I had paid any attention, I'd probably own more link and zero jnt, but it is what it is.

I did until I found pnk. DYOR and thank me later.


damn nigger i was thinking about making a thread about this just this week. i got into crypto last may and ive legit been putting in 1-3 hours a day literally everyday into reading whitepapers, news, TA on youtube, investipedia, looking at charts, Yas Forums, community shits for things, podcasts etc. i keep telling myself ill cut back and eventually drop all this when i make it but its sort of hard when your hobby/interest is literally making you money