If we combine our shares of SPCE, can we convince corporate leadership to stop fucking around and start launching people to moon (for virus free moon base)?
Aiden Evans
sleeper cab looks comfy
Robert Morales
im thinking we're back, futures only down 160 now from the 200 5-minutes ago. we're back.
Jackson Peterson
why was I so retarded that I couldn't wait till tomorrow to buy...
Good, good. Let the hate flow through you... Only the dark side can save her, your precious gains. And soon the bulls and their friends will feel the force of this fully operational cattle mutation.
Why do you care about anything but increasing your money?
Joseph Reyes
Quick rundown on oil if anyone is swing trading it or thinking about it on the long side:
Price action this week before OPEC comes to an official decision is meaningless. Everything hinges on OPEC doing a cut within expected range of 600k-1.5 million bps. Oil's hourly chart reflects this as it has found a holding range to wait for the news. Expect volatility if there are early leaks from the meetings. This isn't exactly a binary gamble. OPEC needs to decide on how much to cut and also for how long. Small cut with short duration is not good. Big cut with short duration is good enough for a spike but won't lead to sustained bullish trend (take profits fast). Big cut long duration is optimal but low percentage. No cut is very unlikely and obviously worst case scenario.
Price target on good news is around $55. Mediocre news $42.50. Terrible news $29. Good luck!
All girls I have spoken to have said investing is just gambling and get mad at me when I spend a day trying to learn and invest
Bentley Cooper
I am short on GUSH.
Thomas King
>96 yo boomer infected with corona >immunocompromised >health complications >>quarantine everything, declare state of emergency, cancel all public activities >tests come out negative for corona
Lmao zoomers hurrhurr it’s worse than they’re telling us!!!!!
how did that conversation go? you mean that you have had multiple conversations where you mention that you buy stocks and they get angry with you? or are you trying to sell them on some shitcoin?
Nathan Smith
Women are risk averse but also fomo buyers. It's a curious duality.
Jordan Johnson
They are not gonna cut very much. When corona subsides and consumption resumes it would cause a massive supply shock if they did. Since nobody knows exactly how long it's going to take for corona to subside, it's smarter to err on the side of oversupply rather than undersupply. All the analysts are saying this, I'm sorry you seem to be behind on things
Juan Ross
Women who say this will drive economy cars spending their spare income on two weeks of eight different types of class and bottom tier designer apparel
Sebastian Collins
should i hold stock in brown gravy if my gf weighs over a deuce/deuce and a half?