I have fallen in love

Haven't felt this way since ETH was first released. Finally a fair and truly decentralized system has been introduced and biz continues to chase LINK tops. Such a fucking shame.

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based and sage

Nu biz disgusts me. A year ago this thread would be 300 replies long with loads of technical discussion. Fuck satsgang for what they turned this place into.

Same. I think an underrated aspect of Idena is that gives blockchain an interactiveness its been lacking.

SELL me this coin

Why should I buy this coin, Ranjeet?

whats the marketcap?

In a trading perspective, why should I buy it?
I know it's a microcap, not even on CMC but I have also seen micro caps considered already "cheap" then going in the LTC markets in some exchanges...

Attached: dna.jpg (518x483, 44.47K)

the flip challenge shit is worse than captcha

new blockchain platform built from the ground up, it’s not PoW or PoS, it’s completely different. sub 3m mcap (rioda.org/idena), not even on cmc, staking/UBI. Read more on the main site, I’m not gonna spoonfeed you faggots

it’s only worse when it’s slavs or chinks making them kek, hopefully we’ll be sharded away from those faggots eventually

ok i will
where to buy though

Idena isn't a trade or a simple microcap flip. It's the biggest idea in crypto I've seen since mimblewimble was introduced and that doesn't even compare desu. This will be a top 50 project sooner rather than later imo. It's too unique and big of an idea not to be.

1.7 mil

Part of the charm imo


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I pray to sminem you’re not a pajeet, the last thing we fucking need are curryfags hopping aboard

150k DNA volume in 24 hours and it’s never been above 20k before this, people are accumulating and fast. and the insane thing is that despite 170% gains already, this rocket ship has barely begun boarding. what a time to be alive frens

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woah woah wait a second wait a second
its just the captcha? am i missing something

>Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the blockchain. It does not collect or store personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-hard Turing test at the same time for everyone around the globe.

>The Idena blockchain is driven by proof-of-person consensus: Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity, one single person with equal voting power.

theyre just completing a... captcha? *bre

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I read something in the website, 6:50 AM here, tomorrow I'll read better.
I'll keep an eye on it, but definitely not going to rush on an illiquid shitcoin, in a third world exchange where even the ETH/BTC pair is fucked up.

What is the max supply?
Also, does qtrade require KYC?

Attached: qtrade.jpg (1288x617, 44.15K)

I like that its different, but how the hell is their proof of face thing or whatever they call it going to work with staking? Like what's the incentive

Based. This isn't stopping anytime soon. Just Chad anons getting in first. Rest of biz will fomo in at $10 million marketcap.

It's not a captcha. It's flips and they're fairly challenging.

what will it be used for

qTrade was literally made for cyberpunk coins by 2 based oldfags of the crypto space. its basically brand new at this point, hence why people aren’t trading eth/btc and instead trading high risk high reward shitcoins (all of the top 5 coins on there are arguably good short to potentially term buys, recommend looking into them). max supply is on coingecko,
mcap is on rioda.org/idena
for a low IQ faggot that wanted me to spoonfeed in the first place you can make like a tree and fuck off
you earn dna tendies from completing validations at the given time in the client. doing validations involve solving autistic flips. you make 3 flips over a period of 10 days. on validation day, you solve 25 (I believe?) flips. and after validation day, you can stake and make free dna. more info about staking on the site or just ask the tg for specifics, a couple guys practically live in there and answer questions

This project is retarded. Chinese and Indians are not as valuable as westerners. Only 3rd worlders will mint. Quick p&d if your into that. I'm not.

not eveeyone can be crypto expert i am just asking questions like you asked pls bless me with knowledge my liege

Pajeet whats this?

Guys, could someone help me out with a code please?

This is some of the laziest "fud" I've ever seen. I'll keep enjoying my mining rewards. Less faggots in the better I guess.

Go to the discord or telegram and start actively participating in the community. No one wants give an invite over to some random pajeet.

This is kind of what I was getting at but in nicer words than this user The inherent problem is that everyone can do it, unlike proof of work or proof of stake, so your hard earned tendies will have decreased in value because everyone is getting tendies. So you just need a continuous stream of outside people buying more tendies with nuggies in order to maintain the price of the tendies.

They are trying to monetize the flips. More people mining means more eyes for potential advertisers and an increase in value for DNA.

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Ok maybe tell what this is?

cool, keep losing money faggot not everyone deserves to make it

I'm up 3x on this in just a few days. Suck my dick.

literally all questions/FUD can be answered on the main site under the FAQ. seriously. the very first thread where this was shilled (which got over 200 replies), OP was answering fud by posting screencaps from the FAQ kek

i have turned to stone.

fellow /comfy/ fren

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>already over 700k burned because rajesh can't keep up with validating his node/keeping his mining node online

Be prepared Yas Forums, this project needs you to be engaged. One of the first crypto projects of it's kind. Penalties are pretty harsh.

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Could you give quick shilldown sir?

no, the thread has ok research material and I pointed to the faq where most of your questions can be answered. a couple anons have done an excellent job spoonfeeding in a couple of threads over the past week, I’m not one of them. most of these threads have died out before this price range because of systematic FUD to accumulate and for good reason, we’re almost at 3x kek

For some reason the idena threads have been quite decent.

probably because there are only whites, slavs, and chinks in this. numerous russians have appeared in these threads and chinks have somehow found it and are in the tg as well. but not a single fucking shitskin pajeet is to be seen yet. the quality of posting is that much higher due to just that alone in my opinion

I love this project sirs, thanks for shill. Packing my retIrement bags.

Sir you got an invite code for me?

Do not buy this. Mine it for free.

>implying Yas Forums is patient enough to acquire an invite code


PS. buy RSR and LINK

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>not owning link and idena
you can keep your other shitcoins



>install client
>download node
>get an invite code
>get through the validation process next wednesday
>start mining

2k sats frens
low volume but still
a man can dream

sir invite pls

Sir give me invite

By literally doing what you are supposed to do in Idena.


Too late now. Also i thought this was a meme so i skipped the previous threads. Are you guys serious? Please, for the love of god no meme answers



based this, RSR is very good coin sirs, please to be buying for gols investment



I'll trust you and will avoid *wink*
Seriously guys I'm losing my mind. Is this legit. I'm about to go to bed and don;t have a day off until next tuesday, so my time will be limited. I'll do as much research as I can but I'm a fucking retards and have fallen for enough scams at this point. The posts itt so far give me a sense that you guys are not trying to fuck with me. Please for Christ's sake how do i get better recognizing scams? I have a gut feeling this could be decent but I should get a transplant idk. I don;t want to be spoonfed but some of the posts here are too suspicious for it to be some shit like 99.99% of the shit that is shilled by the literal diarrhea that shill them. Maybe I need to be spoonfed at this point idk, I'm losing my fucking mind along with my money.

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