Lol Harmony imploding

not a fake tweet from Gizem. Looks like she regrets leaving Harvard Business School for the scam known as Harmony One.

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why do women do this

why did harmony one do this you mean numale white knight queer

more like jizm cock

no, why do they post deliberately opaque things on social media when it’s obvious what they’re actually talking about

>Harvard business school
Honestly, college is a meme. There are people that trade and make olin one day/week/month than the most "prestigious" employee.

Idk her, but I assume she's pretty rich as is, no?

i bet she has nice feet

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Damn this is actually real. Harmonizers about to neck. Glad I sold this piece of shit last year

Holy shit
F to the holders

Gizem feet

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It’s definitely real. I’m sure she’ll delete the tweet soon.

She's losing it

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the second tweet is based

is it her or is Harmony driving her to insanity?

Reply with "Ayak fotosu atar mısınız Gizem hanım"

Working at a company that is failing is a lot like going insane, except the insanity and delusion is around you.

>aoc supporter
Can tell she's a retard and the team would be better of without her

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who is this dirty turkroach


So hawt

aoc has rockin tits though


it’s over

Chainlink is a scam

Holy based

You fucking whore delete this instantly!

Gizem out the door

She left Harmony back in September. Nice fud.

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she did, which argues even more that Harmony is a real shit show


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No fuck you Harmony is just fine fuck off delete thread

No. She was still posting recently about staking on Harmony

gizzzzzzzzzzzzmeeeeeeeeeen nnnnnnnnnnnnnnooooo

I post about staking on Harmony. Just found out I work there, thanks!

can't think of anything more wasteful than hiring a woman at a startup company

Turkroach or not, she brapp my face for as long as she likes

white knighting wont get your dick sucked numale dead end

Dont tell me you believe in trump lmfao. That retard actually said we should nuke hurricanes

he was just being creative

Fancy way of saying "he was just being retarded".

at least he's not a nigger or a woman

He's still retarded

we had a nigger president for 8 years. retard is a step in the right direction.

If she drops a hard r and feet pics I'll let her be a brand ambassador like that french manlet. Email me [email protected].

where you political queers belong. this is business and finance not butthurt faggots

she is probably shorting it. no wait.. no, because no one will even lend it to you in the first place! ahahah

Dude, I can clearly see your ass as sore just because I pointed out his stupidity.

This is what happens when you attack a cult. Duckign sheep LMFAO
62% of trumps supporters would support him no matter what. That's hilarious. He's basically a religion.

How is that user white knighting you absolute retard learn some reading comprehension.

actually bernie supporter but aoc is in over her head


i got a $30k bonus but i was supposed to get a $50k bonus. probably will quit in the next couple of months after some options vest. it hurts bros

again mister n0t mY PrEsiDeNT

same fate as zilliqa and emotiq
it's one of their primal fundamental instincts. to betray the ones they see no opportunistic value in anymore. and to submit to the stronger ones.

Lmao i forgot about emotiq. Did that ever even launch?

I think they sell ass cream in walmart

and get yourself some icey hot while at it the buttgape must be killing you

open staking is live on test net. Main net open staking will happen in Q1. Get in before its too late.

staking doesn’t matter when the token is worthless and losing sat value every month.

oh look its retarded

Another /biz gem shitcoin.

Go to walmart and buy your cream already, redneck.

Please post the very best pics of this turkish delight.

Why would you buy this (still) bloated marketcap shitcoin when UND exists?

stop being a bitch made faggot and replying already queer. you lost take your L stick it up your ass and walk the fuck away looking at the ground like you do irl

Sergey hire this girl immediately she's based and also hot

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Her latest haircut is not doing her any favors.

Footfags are cancer

You don't have to be a trump supporter to think AOC is a dipshit.

she's a woman bro her politicals are literally completely irrelevant unless she's on the insane end of leftism

No Harmony is beyond fucked

>There are people that trade and make olin one day/week/month than the most "prestigious" employee.
Any extremely small amount of people can earn what she can earn with an MBA from Harvard day trading, and for every one of them, there are 10,000 people getting BTFO. What you don't understand is how important pedigree is in corporate finance. She'll be on the fast track to a senior executive position if she's not incompetent.

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