
Due to the train blockade and the fear of corona virus.
Drugstores across canada are out of hand sanitizer.

Those 60 ml bottle that wear sold 2$ at the the dollar store are now being sold for 20$ each on kijiji, in Montréal.

Why couldn't I think of that.

I could have made a fortune with that bbublee.

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until someone straight up robs you because price gouging is not cool.

Not worth the risk

i told you faggots this in the beginning of february and you called me a retard. whos laughing now? i made threads saying to stockpile for resale in a month or two, poeple called me a retard. guess whos shit is mooning while your faggot fake coins and stocks are crashing

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oh and price gouging on fake digital memecoins is cool?

>wear sold
On dit "were" sold
Pauvre BS

You are an utter fucking faggot parasite. The rope is coming for you.

get fucked faggot. as if this is any different than selling your worthless pump and dump stocks or crypto. youre just jelly you werent smart enough to figure this out yourself back in january

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Hand sanitizer is anti-bacterial and Corona is a virus so Purell does jack shit against it

getting almost a 10x return on investment on some masks

exactly. all the more reason to profit off idiots

Not only are you a faggot, but a retard too. Do you know who masks are for? SICK PEOPLE. So while you're hoarding masks you can't use, the sick person who can't afford one is now seezing directly onto your Starbucks muffin. Congratulations.

I always underestimate human stupidity


>Hand sanitizer is anti-bacterial and Corona is a virus so Purell does jack shit against it
it also works against viruses you fucking retard

All I can think is somehow you faggot leafs probably deserve this.

dunning-kruger effect right here people: a low IQ moron who isn't aware he's the retard

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> New China out of basic things
A fucking leaf hahahaha

Please call your priest and enjoy the discussion on morals and your faggot ideas.

Bad karma.
You will get what you deserve.

I hope you dont put return address on your packages

What are you not understanding about this? By hoarding masks you are materially increasing YOUR OWN risk of catching the virus. The masks you are hoarding would be used by the sick people AROUND YOU hahahaha

noone is betting their life on memecoins

completely fake and false.
we have ONE contained case


that's where you're wrong kiddo

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Didn’t you put a banana up your but for 100 linkies?

That's lay saying you are poor because I am rich. Retard logic

hate to this fren, but dose masks aint going to save u from the virus. The man just did what the market needed, he provided a service to the retards.

Have you made any profit so far?

I can't wait till the corona virus kills you!!! One less retard in the world!

I can't believe the government isn't handing these out (USA). What the fuck are our taxes for? Something as simple as sanitizer could save lives.

did you get bad karma selling your bitcoin to some chump before a dump?

it pays to follow Yas Forums and have intuition. i saw the future back in the middle of january when wuhan was getting fucked

Nobody needs hand santizers. The cheapest bar soap at the dollar store work just as well. It's mostly alcohol, anyway.

yes broke even last week from initial investment and all sales going forward are pure profit

mask purchased for $4.97 now selling for $20-$30

Wait I bought a few of those 30 packs from HD. I can get 600 for that box of n95s?

Zanzitizer isn't as effective as soap and water, whatsoever. It's almost pitiful. It also is toxic in a biochemical sense.

You can buy rubbing alcohol like I do for 90 cents and it lasts a long ass time....hand sanitizer is for people who waste money

robs you on ebay?

fake and gay or put note with time and /biz on it

Or you could make some bombass hand sanitizer by taking that cheap rubbing alcohol and pure tea tree oil and mixing it together in the right proportions. Kablam anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-septic. Sell it for 30 bucks a bottle at 50-100 ml and rake in the dough.

no the home depot brands arent worth as much 3M is the premium brand that everyone knows and trusts because a lot of it is made in USA. you can probably get double what you paid for the HD brand

Most I've sold for is a 20 pack for $200.

Lads I bought a pack of 5 on ebay for $30(AUD)

Sold out in every supermarket.

Saw a listing where a cunt was making the shit himself and selling on ebay for half the price of the branded shit. He was making a lot of sales and its apparently not hard to make

Nah, OI!
Seriously, the gas station put smokes up $8 for one night, then back down. I asked and they deny they did it.

Don't listen to these seething moralfag 85 iq retard. I bought ten cases of water every pay day since January & am gonna sell them for $10/bottle. Just got a panicked text from a buddy that the store is out of water. Soon friend, soon.

I was just gonna water down my current sanitizer & add a thickener, but this is even better

kek well water is a harder flip because its impractical to ship. 30 million people are going to be infected

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Our government hasn't exactly been noted for wise decisions/effective efficiency. Have you not noticed all of these years?

FUCK. THESE SJW FAGGOTS. TO HELL. gravy train is over, these pieces of shit just banned my account citing their policy which literally has no concrete rule. fucking arbitrary as fuck. instead of "you can only price this much maximum over average" or something, its just "price gouging is not allowed". who the fuck determines what price gouging is? fuck bezos communist faggot piece of shit im glad his whore took his 4 billion. faggot.


>We are contacting you because you have engaged in price gouging in violation of the Amazon Marketplace Fair Pricing Policy. We expect sellers to treat our customers fairly and not take advantage of events like the global health crisis arising from the COVID-19 coronavirus.

>As a result, your selling account has been suspended, and your listings have been removed from our site.

It’s their marketplace you fucking faggot. You hate on free enterprise by dissing their right to do with they want on their platform?

Entitled cunt.

And the bezos marriage and split worked out well for the both of them. They were both ivy leaguers and big time bankers, she wasn’t dead weight and he didn’t get hosed. Now he gets to jizz on the news lady while she reads him stories about how his company is conquering the world.

im writing my appeal on their form right now heres what i got:

the unbelievable SJWism and faggotry that goes into their appeal process is ridiculous. its like they want to you self flagellate and grovel, look at this shit

im going to end it with MAGA! TRUMP 2020, 2024, 2028, AND 2032, TRUMP FOR LIFE, DEPORT ALL ILLEGALS SEAL THE BORDERS ONLY TWO BATHROOMS FOR AMERICA, MEN AND WOMEN to trigger the cuck who reads this shit. anyone want me to add anything else?

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hoenstly i used to be pretty indifferent to amazon but at this point i hope a bunch o new laws get passed to fuck them over and bezos gets assraped in divorce court

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haha retard enjoy holding your dumbass masks at a loss kek

yea? and? they act holier than thou with this faggotry citing their policies as if they were law, yet their policies are totally blank in definitive structure. they are literally saying "look at our policy" and their policy literally says "dont do stuff but we wont tell you what that stuff is we want to leave everything ambiguous so we can arbitrarily decide stuff depending on our SJW mission of the day and need to virtue signal for the public"

fuck i knew i should have sold them sooner. i was going to start selling middle feb but was biding my time hoping prices would go up as the infections picked up numbers and it spread

lol based jeff should pay 40 grand to some gypsies to drag you out of your mums house and beat you up

doesnt matter because people keep buying it. imagine trying to rationalise pleb fear and missing out on opportunity. moron lmao

ignore the retard he doesnt understand what the masks are for. most of the ones im selling have a valve which means the exhalation all gets vented through a hole unfiltered. lol at that idiot giving those masks to infected people. the fact is n95 and higher respirators work extremely well at prevention, hence why all healthcare staff wear them when dealing with infected

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Imagine not even attempting to profit from people's paranoia and insecurities. How's it feel to be the lower species and not have what it takes in this generation to truly make it? False morality and pride are detrimental to success. You fucking slimey invertebrate get to stay poor and in debt while the smart anons will always be thinking of ways to capitalize.

Serves you right parasite