What are you entrepreneurial schemes, Yas Forums...

What are you entrepreneurial schemes, Yas Forums? I already have enough in crypto and I've got like 20 grand in cash that I want to start something with. Is dropshipping still a thing?

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Thank you Lady Skelly

Im a girl btw haha that's me im 19 :^)

define enough in crypto

n95 masks. prices are going to keep going up, 30 million americans projected to be infected by end of march

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Just buy more linkies, you're not going to get a better ROI on a quirky female business

What are your skills/strengths/interests? You don't need to go full common core on liking shit but a slight passion will help get you over the profit gap, especially true for boring stuff like dropshipping.

fuck off

dang that's a lot of americans

I will pay 10 link to bareback that little boy-err "girl" hole of yours. Plz respond.

haha anonkun please dont punish me ;^)

you can have my holes for 1000 stinkies and a nice seafood dinner

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You dress like a nip qt

Post naked body


Show tits or get the fuck out.

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Ayo gurl you know dem rulez timestamp

>enough in crypto

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show feet

tits with timestamps are the rules and have been since Yas Forums first came about. so tits with timestamp or get out

You know the rules

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yes, timestamp like her

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answer my question and maybe ill show my girls

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nope she has to show tits stop trying to change the rules like a numale

I'll give ya financial advice then, are you located on europe or the US?

heh fine you can also post your pantied ass but i'll answer
I plan on buying the building down the road from where I live and opening a gas station. (cabin town and nearest gas station is about 30mins away) and also starting and operating my own video game company to make and produce games and help others get their games out there thru my company.

people are retarded the cdc out a report that using these masks are pointless.


gas stations have super low margins dumb dumb why do you think pajeet is the only one who buys them

>no timestamp
some fags are easily rused

You niggers are retarded, no way this faggot with that bone structure and muscle is a female. OP if you want me to answer your question, i will need camel toe/vageen with time stamp.

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considering its the only one for 30mins it'll do just fine and I have enough money that I can afford some losses initially you dumb tart. dont get mouthy cuz a couple of eternal virgins on here havent seen tits before you cocky brat. probably why you get pump and dumped so often

If you live in the right area you can make a ton of money with pet /animal services. You can open a store front for grooming or even a dog walking service. People spend so much money on their dogs it's ridiculous.

Now post tits and timestamp.


everytime i see a moron in the nyc subway wearing one..

0.2 % mortality rate. people freaking out over this shit seriously.

Yas Forums biz has really fucked a lot of you people up if you think every girl here is a fucking dude.

so sad

Are you near Wisconsin?

how much can you make from selling those?

Give me some other animal services ideas user

sounds like an incel who's about to lose money

uh oh whats behind there?

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tits or get the fuck out

Well, i did like 10k from selling shirts with images like pic related,some edy anime shit and that's it i sold most of them to edgy niggers and spics. Profited from having a cheap supplier over in china and reselling the shirts at 20-25$ each. You must know that you need a market for it but you can easily sell those if you get a cheap supplier in china and if you buy big quantities.

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I still don’t believe

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Sell your pussy/bussy. Now show em bitch.

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I heard dropshipping is a meme these days, can't say I'm an expert on that though. I'm personally working on a dapp mmorpg as a side project with some frens

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lol believe whatever you want but I could afford you 100 times over with my investments while you're here begging these virgins to give you attention and ideas if you were actually legit and not a larp.

Also no timestamp so this is obviously a larp by some virginal smelly neckbeard in his moomy and duhdys basement. Post proof or fuck off larper

selling to weebs hmmm. idk anything about anime or where to market it though. couldnt you just do something like t spring? they're definitely cheaper than 20-25

youd do anything to kith my booty

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I'm the lead merchandsing data scientist for a big US retailer. I'm in charge of $20B of merch, but all I do is work. Come be my live-in gf. You don't have to do shit or pay for shit ever again.

Whats your stack

again post timestamps to prove you're legit and not a smelly virginal neckbeard larping in his parents basement. You wont since you cant actually do that fake

Im in a position to give you some good advice but first of all we need a timestamp

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Tee hee tee hee,show you tits

That elbow.

Make enough money off low caps like SUTER to make it, then just fall into something. 3 year goal.

itt: people who cant image search

Fake pic

embarrassing tbqhfl

Animal service ,make a website and cater to rich people picking up dogshit in there yards

>idk anything about anime or where to market it though
You can lurk over at /w/ then if you find anything that will go well on a tshit you print that shit and sell it.

>they're definitely cheaper than 20-25
No they aren't, they are the same price, thing is most normies/weebs overpay for shit you can literally 3x your money by buying 1000 tshirts with 5 different images printed on them but as i said you need to find a market for it, i already knew people who would like these kinds of tshirts and sold my shit to them, then the word spreaded and ez moneyz.

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fug ;_;

stop helping this fat virginal neckbeard user its not an actual live girl they refuse to post a timestamp pic proving it .. I get you're a virgin and desperate to talk to a girl but this isnt one

your FAT u need to lose weight

It's not the time to get into dropshipping lol (corona).

Start freelancing. Doing that you'll learn how to sell. Once you learn how to sell and build that skillset you'll be able to take that to anything that comes up.

put all that 20 grand on to CENNZ, i highly doubt you have "enough"

>I get you're a virgin and desperate to talk to a girl but this isnt one
A man can only dream

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i can see your penis

a man's butt.

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