PNK literally sounds like one of the stupidest things ive ever heard, serious question why do you actually believe this will go anywhere? Am I not getting something?

Attached: PNK.png (200x200, 32.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Get fucked nopnk faggot

Attached: 1583358627658.jpg (2013x1134, 224.34K)

>it's a fud before the pump episode

Thanks, just bought 100k

No you niggers, i'm actually wondering. Don't hit me with that DYOR shit either i know at least half of you are only in it from the memes but when i looked it up it sounded like one of the stupidest most contrived ideas of all time. So why do you buy it? Why do you expect it to go up?

Paypal/escrow for smart contracts. Need it if you ever want to use smart contracts for real world purchases online

It has an actual functioning usecase, that by itself sets it apart from 99% of the other coins out there.

Kek has spoken.


Because the project has good tech and the use case of bringing human decisions on the chain is good
They literally took the first example of a smart contract for escrow and made an actual platform with all the necessary bells and whistles around it
Smart contracts unironically become an actual thing with Kleros. There is a lot of money in legal tech too, so this isn’t a meme use case
On top of that, here are some meme reasons
+vitalik shilling
+this is actually a relatively old project (1-2 years in)
+big whale wallets bought into it
+meme adoption is an actual thing that builds a cult like following which doesn’t sell as easily, i.e. price rallies don’t get stopped as easily

Fuck me these edits just keep getting better

The use case, from what i've seen, is getting a bunch of randomized "jurors" with no experience in whatever dispute is being handled to solve what could otherwise be actual legal disputes?
This video is pretty much where i got my knowledge, I didn't read any whitepaper so I can't claim to know much but that's my understanding.

>+meme adoption is an actual thing that builds a cult like following which doesn’t sell as easily, i.e. price rallies don’t get stopped as easily
This is the one thing that has me interested rn, pinkies have a strong community and good memes and that gives me reason to believe there's something worth looking at here

Tell that to vitalik

He also endorsed omisego and kyber, and hates chainlink. If you made trades based on what came out of his mouth you'd be broke.

You forgot the main reason
Kek be with u

The random jurors is just what’s happening now. You can certainly create courts that only let authorized users in so it a case is not being handled by literal pajeets. In fact, you could create a decentralized list of trusted authorities, and only have a court pick jurors from this list.
Kleros is a platform for a decentralized community to make collective decisions. It is not necessarily all for everyone, you can slice and dice your communities.
It is completely feasible to have courts that require staking of both large amounts of PNK and another token that would represent a certificate in that matter. If you vote wrong, you’ll lose both the pnk and that token, or something like that. There’s a lot of room for development and exploration of proper controls and guidelines. Their smart contract library is pretty good
t. Dev


OMG still has a market cap of 125 million whereas PNK’s market cap is only 12 million. If PNK even gets half as successful as OMG I’ll be a very happy man

>Am i not getting something?
A lot of paid streetshitters making sure that there's enough liquidity to close the pnd scam

>still spoonfeeding faggots

This is how you kill a coin before it starts

stop replying to these newfags please I want more for me these people dont deserve pnk

It’s actually brilliant.
Not every smart contract will be black and white. The more complex they become the more nuance there will be. PNK is the answer to that nuance.

>duh it's dumb but me not say why
Fuck off retard.

just ignore he just wants to be spoonfed. fudding is the best way to get that.

It's schellingcoin. It literally solves the oracle problem.

Smart contracts are valuable because they provide a trust-minimized environment to conduct business deals quickly and securely.
However, on their own they really only minimize trust in a relatively minor part of the process. Think of the stages in a typical business deal:

0. An agreement on the terms of the deal is reached between two parties.
1. (a) Party 1 claims to have fulfilled their side of the deal, or (b) argues that the agreed upon terms are no longer binding.
2. (a) If 1(a), party 2 either accepts that the deal is satisfactory resolved, or (b) disputes this.
3. (a) If 2(a), party 2 fulfills their side of the bargin. (b) If 1(b) or 2(b), they enter a dispute resolution process that may ultimately culminate in legal proceedings or lead to the deal being called off.

Smart contracts on their own only really reduce trust at 3(a). But this is the stage of the process where both sides already agree that the terms have been met. All you're doing is ensuring that a successful deal will be executed in a certain way, which has limited value.
Introducing a trust-minimizing oracle like Link, on the other hand, significantly reduces the amount of trust required between the two parties, at least for deals relying on publicly accessible information. It effectively allows you to get rid of trust in steps 1(a) and 2(a) for certain types of agreements. This enormously increases the utility of smart contracts.
There are two remaining spaces where trust remains to be reduced however.
The first is for when steps 1(a) and 2(a) rely on human judgment. For example, if we have rain-fall insurance, we don't need human judgment. We can tell our oracles to pull data from a set of given APIs, and if the data matches certain specifications, the contract will be executed. However, if our contract is a commission for architectural plans, we do need human judgment. A computer cannot determine if an uploaded PDF fits the given specifications—in fact (continued in next post)

Attached: judgepepe.png (864x618, 93.63K)

(continued) you need a trusted third party with some expertise to make that judgment. Most business transactions probably fall somewhere on this spectrum.
The second space is 3(b). If either party feels that the original terms have not been met, they can appeal to some trusted third party to reverse the contract. This is almost always a slow and expensive process and enforcement can be difficult to impossible, especially with international agreements or when there is a substantial difference between the resources of the two parties.
Kleros potentially resolves both remaining trust issues. The opportunity to appeal to a decentralized and impartial body opens up whole sectors of the economy to smart contracts, even if reliable third party data feeds are unavailable. More importantly, it provides an alternative to “code is law,” a philosophy that is perhaps appealing to idealistic programmers but not to established industries used to following actual laws. If the code executes in a way either party feels violates the original terms of the agreement, they can trigger an arbitration clause and appeal to actual human judgment.
And as a final note, online dispute resolution is a massive industry even without smart contracts, and solutions that both parties to a contract can trust are hard to find. Kleros could make major inroads there as a backend that most users wouldn’t even know they were interacting with.
Just wrote this up, so it’s a bit incoherent. If you disagree with anything or want further clarification, feel free to let me know.

Who wants some free PNK?

Would you give it to a 200k+ bag holder?


Thanks brother

pls sirs im poor, only 63k pnks in my wallet

do the needful...

Bless you fren


>not fud
>posts fud

Yes 0x7306636A5111c729B74c599d5FA175509D35D72f

Gib blease

yes pls 0 PNK here



Only giving away 1 Pnkies per sirs

Thank you Anons, this is good information that I will be saving and will be buying pinkies when I can

Yes yes. I’m an inarticulate little cock stroker but this is how I imagine myself describing nuPNK

What a subtle shill thread, congrats on that

Hell yeah, I’ll take some PNK bro. I always miss out on the free pinkes but I hoping this time I’m not too late.


it's not stupid in my opinion... immagine how much could companies like PayPal save on disputes

> imagine not trusting Vitalik in 2020.

You've already been proven wrong. Volume FUD? Check. Sale not selling out? Check. Will never moon? MEGA CHECK.

Attached: PNKvitaliksite.png (1894x858, 303.65K)

cant wait to spend my 100k pinkies on a brand new house

55 dubs on $1.00 pink


oops meant 77


gimme gimme pls

ding-dong diddly

All you have to do is a little DYOR. This is a gem. They were al over ethCC today. You see the pump. This isn’t some pajeet shit. Vitalik adores it. They have real use cases and working products.

It’s not all about legal disputes. Think about how much companies pay pajeets to decide on retail disputes for them. Kleros is plug and play. Devs will be able to work on their project while not having to deal with disputes and all the drama that comes with it. It will be up to jurors to decide. Jurors who will lose their money if they don’t make the right choice. Think about a world where everything is run blockchain tech.

Price prediction?

discord link for the pinkie holders -
discord gg/6Jhmnx6

why is this fucking pumping so much? i missed another shot didn't i.

$0.03 EOM
$3 EOY

DYOR for once rather than listening to biz. You don’t have much time unironically.

Let’s be realistic here. Hopefully 3c by end of month and hoping 25c by EOY. It hit ath in eth today too.

Bruh March just started, we’re definitely passing .30 by the end of it


We may pass it but another round of dumping will keep us below 0.04 by EOM.

The bull market will 100% prop this token up way more than 25c. Do you honestly believe we'll only see a 10x by EOY?

it'll at least hit 1 pinkie = 12 tuk tuks of land unironically

Only 2500 kind brother still accumulating

someone help this man out. he will only be able to afford 30,000 tuk tuks of land