Hi frens it’s me again

My dad is on his last breaths right now and will likely pass on today or early tomorrow morning. If you could say one final prayer for his soul I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again to all frens that sent prayers in the last two threads. God bless you all. And thanks janny for having a heart and not deleting the last two threads.

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s-son b-buy nulink *flatline*

Been wondering how you’ve been getting on user. I’ve been through similar as I’m sure others on the board have. Praying once more for you and your dad. Godspeed friend.

Good luck, you will meet again one day. Keep your head up.

May he rest in the eternal freedom and piece user, I wish you all the best.

Prayers to you, your family, and your father, user. May he rest in peace.

May he guide you from beyond and promptly reincarnate if he wishes so you can meet again

Praying brother. May you both find peace.

i hope your dad bought some nice and fat nulink stack

All the best for you and your dad.
He will find peace and will take care of you from above.
Keep your head up and stay strong. You got this, fren!

pajeet shit id as usual

it's like the anti-1488
also kys


Thanks I’ve hit the acceptance stage a while ago so it’s getting easier. Next couple days might be rough but life goes on.
Thanks frens I love you all
I got the airdrop for free but please consider kys

Thanks in advance to anyone sending prayers, I’m going to the hospital now to be there for his last moments and more importantly to support my mom through this though time love you all.

Don't worry you see him again.

Sorry user. Tl him that it's ok for him to go and that you'll be strong for your family in his stead. Tell him thank you and that you'll ways live him.

Glad you checked in again user, it's (((that user))) again. You and your family have been in my prayers, I was just wondering how you were doing earlier today.

I'm sorry you're going through this, but I hope you've been able to cherish your last few days with your dad. He's fortunate to have a son like you, and moreso during his twilight weeks. You're a good son. You'll find peace, God bless and be with you.

when my dad died i was not so glib about it. i was mostly angry.

gob bless you and your family user god speed and Christ's peace be with you

user, i am sorry to here that. god bless you and your dad and your family.

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Prayers fren

Your measure of sadness and loss now is also a measure of what he was to you and the role he played in your life. Be thankful for him. Some fathers are worthless or worse, but yours was obviously not.

It’s going to be rough, but you’ll see him again. Cherish the time you have left with him, and may god rest his soul.

I put myself in your shoes everytime I read one of your threads. My close family has seen its share of death. My father worked my whole childhood, to the point he didn’t really get to raise me- I just wanted to be like him. We don’t even have a strong relationship but I shed a little tear fren, putting myself in your shoes and thinking of losing him. Again, I’ve lost more than most, but my father will crush me on psychological levels I’m not sure I’m ready for and I’m not even close to him. Fuck this site and all the sludge on it, but god bless your father user. Stay strong, hold link, succeed for him.

Thanks for the perspective.

Truly a christian board. Good luck OP

Everyone press P to pray for user & his father.

Mandatory kys faggot

Godspeed son

Praying for your father and also for you user. take care.

My condolences in you and your family’s condition.

I will pray for you, brother.

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Praying for you and the rest of your family. It's going to be rough OP, but keep your faith and fight through the emotional storm. You're going to make it brother

be strong fren, prayers

I don’t think we die. Doctors give you some drug that fakes your death and you are taken away to be a battery or something

I will he’s been in a coma for a month so I’m not sure he understands anything we say to him unfortunately
Thank for for the kind words (((user))) I appreciate it and anytime pol makes me have anti Semitic thoughts I’ll remember you, truthfully I live in an area with lots of Jews and Ive met many great ones in my life and some that fit the memes too tho Kek
What can I be angry about? When it’s your time to go, you must go. Sad yes, angry no. We all cope differently tho
And also with you
Thanks frens
He was a good man and will be missed I’m lucky to have had him in my life as long as I did
Thank you and you’re right he’ll be waiting for us all
You’re welcome do me a personal favour and call or go visit your father some time this week, I’m sure he’d like that. Cherish the time you have left with him
Christian site shout out to the (((anons))) and the anonhamads too, id side by a god fearing man over an atheist any day.
Op is always a faggot even today thanks
Thanks lads praying for you all as well.
I think You need the doctors to give you some drugs t b h. Thanks I guess

Thanks again to all frens, I’m at the hospital now, there’s an iPod here in the room with Spotify on it, playing some orthodox hymns for his last breaths, played some classic rock(his fav) for him earlier

Fuck off Pajeet

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*tips fedora*

>My dad is on his last breaths right now and will likely pass on today or early tomorrow morning
I can't care less, get the fuck out of my board

godspeed and travel well. until you meet with him again, user, all the best.

user, i suggest that you read some philosophy to help you through this time. i recommend The Enchironan of Epictetus. i hope you can find some peace during this ordeal.

The UK sends its love

Sorry fren, we love you both.

I shall pray for him fren
Keep being strong
If you can be with when it happens
At that precise moment you will feel bad and get so sad be prepared for that by telling yourself that you took care of him until his last breath

>user, i suggest that you read some philosoph

You’re in my thoughts user. Link confirmed 1000 eoy

God bless you and your dad user

Look at all these idiots falling for a basic larp

God speed user and best wishes for your father's passing. Dad passed in 2018. Cancer got him a few years into his retirement. He was a dedicated man of the system and that was his fate. I miss him even of we weren't that close. When I make it I'll get a few classic cars and a workshop dedicated to him because that's where he spent most of his time. I don't want to miss watching my kids grow up and then pass a few years into my retirement.

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I was raised by my granny all alone for over 24 years. Mom and dad got a huge argument when I was just 2 years old. Dad left home and never came back, mom died in an accident. These events just happened in one day.

You're lucky fren, you had your dad with you. I pray for his soul.

We are with you in spirit user. If you are willing to share your fathers first name with us, we would like to include him in our prayer intentions today. May you and your family find solace in these times. God Bless you.

Stay strong bro,its a tough thing but just remember all the good times

Based. Also do my eyes deceive me or is there a cup and handle on the 6 month chart?

Ignore the shills and incels. Make sure to do an update on how everything works out, spend as much time as you possibly can thinking about all the memories good and bad.

You cared enough to comment ITT
Thanks fren
Reading the bible thanks tho
Thanks bruv
Thank you love you too
We did all we could my mom saved him temporarily or he woulda died at home if the ambulance never came last month
Thanks link will hit 1000 eoy one of these years
God bless you too fren
Why would I larp about something so serious you soulless nigger? Pic related.
I truly hope you make it fren, that sounds nice. God bless
That must have been a rough upbringing but grandmas truly are the best, I love mine so much
Thanks fren, I don’t mind. He preferred to be called my his middle name so Chris.
I do and will always cherish them, thanks
I don’t know desu I haven’t looked at charts for the past month, as they say trading should be an emotionless thing so I’m not in the right mindset to trade now
Thanks I don’t mind them that’s just part of Yas Forums I guess. This will be the last thread very likely he’s pretty much already gone, just waiting for those last breaths to be taken. I may post a memorial thread here every year on this day since you frens were here for me through this all.

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Good luck user. I wish your father the best. We are always with you. Stay strong fren. Comeback anytime you need to vent. Godspeed!

Chili Cheese Fries rock.

Why is the bed controller on the floor?

Lost my father-in-law from pancreatic cancer a few weeks back. He was my only friend, excluding my wife. The pain will be there, but you will also find a kind of peace with it. All will be okay. You're in my prayers, user.


Sad to hear. Hope you can spend some time with him even if it is just in silence!
And realize how final life is. Lets make something out of it beyond just shitposting it away all day. Uhm, talking to myself here a bit too...

Sorry mate

I remember your threads

He was a good father to have raised a grateful son - make him proud

Thank man unironically love all my biz bros I hope we all make it
I don’t know I’m not a nurse
Sorry to hear user may god bless his soul, you’re absolutely right there is a bit of peace in it all. My dad was sick for many years, he broke his back skiing as a young lad which led to an unhealthy lifestyle as he wasnt really able to work out, for the past few years he’s been taking lots of different pills and meds just to live, without modern medicine I would have lost him a long time ago so I’m thankful for the times we had and I know he’s going to a better place where he won’t hurt anymore

my dad's currently recovering in the hospital from a bone marrow transplant. i'm worried his immune system won't come back in time to fight a possible infection. good luck OP hope you have a good life