What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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explain whats happened now

Unironically, women and niggers.

Yas Forums version: Money, ambivalence for change, american NPCs are content with the status quo and resentful of change

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his fan base is mostly made up of europoors and 15 year olds who don't know how the world actually works

what the fuck, kek trumps gonna win this so easily now

why would any europoor defend bernie when we're suffering the destruction of adquisitive power by socialism

>inb4 trump switches to the left

Millennials didn't show up to vote cause they were complacent in Sanders lead. Now youll see a bigger turnout as a result of this. For example I just registered to vote in Florida where before super Tuesday I thought he had it in the bag and wasn't planning on voting. The race will get tighter

It's usually an europoor defending how great his policies are

The democrats would rather a republican be in charge than someone who even talks about structural change. Pretty straightforward.


Free salt for 4 more years.

Sanders looks like Beavis (or Butt-Head? I don't remember precisely)

Literally who is voting for Biden lol

long time democratic voter here, and i'm voting for trump after this bullshit.

niggers aparently

Look at Biden: naturally friendly smile; nice teeth; inviting expression; good wide forehead.
Sanders on the other hand: hunching over; forced smile; mangled commie dentist level teeth; bizarre asymmetrical balding pattern; bulbous hooked nose and little beady rat eyes.

Honestly the biggest surprise is 14.1% of the people choosing to vote Sanders. Must be they’ve never seen him.

I'm also 100% voting for Trump unless Bernie's the nominee. I will gladly vote against the fucking Democratic Party, I do not give a single shit.

You probably won't get to vote (voter suppression). Sorry.

could you explain why the dems hate sanders so much?

he talks about helping the working class and the democratic party are more interested in pretending to help the working class. Kinda like the republican party.

He never had a chance, the stock market would have gone down by 50-60% if he became president, there is no way that would be allowed

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1) his appearance. A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president

2) His plan was free everything, paid by the government. Smart Democrats want something less radical. Sadly something like Warren or Biden

Just FYI slim chance Trump won't be reelected. If economy is strong during elections he is 100% to win.

>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president

you guys know what this means right? a centrist dem candidate equals a trump win most likely if the markets recover and a tiny chance of trump losing if they don't.

murricans gonna have an absolute brainlet for a president that makes george w bush look like a super genius again.

>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president.

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the kikes pulled everything together
the niggers are bunch of dumb fucks who are easily manipulated into any voting against their own interests

niggers overwhelmingly voted for Biden, what has Biden done good for niggers?

that being said, no one had a chance against Trump unless the economy collapses

>>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president

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Boomers and niggers. It's awful

>no one had a chance against Trump unless the economy collapses
true but even then a populist had a good chance only
which would basically be the same shit different flavor as trump

>Smart Democrats want something less radical

goddamn this is so funny to hear. Some serious Dunning–Kruger effect shit. I see the blue checkmarks and imbeciles on twitter saying stuff like this, as if voting for a man who literally has dementia is the Smart Democrat's™ Choice, tip top lol.

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>his appearance. A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president
nigger have you seen trump

The things Bernie is offering to make free are already free for niggers, so they have no incentive to vote for him. Niggers are the Democratic parties best herd of mindless voters anyone could ask for because they spent the last 30 years dedicating themselves to niggers and niggers only.

Don't worry, he'll get a second chance when Biden is on the verge of death and has to drop out. Too bad Hillary will swoop in and take the nomination from him again.

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>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president

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>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president.

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not sure what you're talking about, all I see is a gigachad


>A guy who looks like him will never be elected American president.

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>dude we should run Hillary against Drumpft again lol, this time we'll win though
>dude we need a woman or a nigger to be president lol at least Biden was best buds with Obama
>dude Smart Democrats don't want drastic change, we want the same shit that nobody else wants and nobody else voted for and made Hilary lose

how are democrats so fucking retarded, makes me kek so hard

People are idiots. Bernie is a chance for redemption and honestly fuck billionaires it’s true. I pay 40% tax why the fuck don’t they. It’s absolute bullshit. Whatever it’s over for Bernie now

>I pay 40% tax
cuck if true

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biden owns his hair, sanders tries a pathetic combover
Either embrace it or effectively hide the balding like trump with his transplant. Leaving it like that just looks sad

made me chuckle

This. Sanders is such an utterly repulsive, sniveling, slimy, spineless, rat faced jew that only the most filthy and ideological strung out drug addicted college lefties can tolerate him. He has no mass appeal at all, regardless of how much his shitty 'grassroots' campaigners try to tell you otherwise.

I saw a photoshop of trump with a bald head and goatee, and he would look way more badass that way. Although i agree, anything is better than the sanders combover.

Scandinavian taxes, they get a lot of free shit so it works out though, also it helps wealth equality or something

He cucked on immigration, he cucked on race, he's a cuck all round refusing to fight back when Hillary stole 2016 from him.

Also his wife cheated on him with the local motorcycle riding badass in town while he was running for mayor

>Although i agree, anything is better than the sanders combover.

>thinking your country is run by a haircut
>criticizing literally anyone's hair after 4 years of that stray cat strapped to Trump's head in denial of his progressive balding
what the fuck is political dialogue in 2020?
>ANYTHING is better than having THIS guy's haircut in power.

Same reason Repubs hated candidate Trump, he was an outsider. The only difference is that Trump had a spine and said he wouldn't support a Republican nominee if he lost the convention and instead run as an independant. Bernie cucked and backed Hillary

tax payer funded everything for people who don't work isn't particularly appealing to the tax payers, hard to believe i know. literally the people supporting bernie are the leeches of society in one way or another, or white guilt cucks who want to give away their wealth and willingly be castrated.

1) major increase in taxes
2) he's a communist
3) even if he offers free shit, blacks won't vote for him because they already get free shit and are afraid they'll get less free shit

the thing is, a lot of people are open to the idea of free healthcare and whatnot, but they want the borders closed as well. giving away shit and letting the entire third world in will fuck us. if he said he wanted to close the borders and deport all the illegals and then AFTER give us healthcare, a lot more people would be open to the idea.

Why does he appeal to only the lowest common denominator?

>tax payer funded everything for people who don't work isn't particularly appealing to the tax payers
nononono but reddit said he would win this time

>if he said he wanted to close the borders and deport all the illegals and then AFTER give us healthcare, a lot more people would be open to the idea.
It would be interesting to see a dem candidate try this and see if it worked with voters. Unfortunately being dem means being open borders, no exceptions

Biden "won" a bunch of states in the south due to the negro vote, despite that vote being worth fuckall in a general because those states have been red for decades. Also the fact that millennials and progressives are young retards who don't even vote in big elections let alone smaller ones like candidate primaries, which old establishment boomers show up to in droves.

Trump has a very small chance of winning. The stock market was his best bet, and that's going to tank over the next few months. Biden is a safe candidate and he'll probably beat Trump.

so much for the woke generation

Biden is an albatross, he’s been in politics for decades and has acted like a retard the entire time. His record is a joke. get the Clarence Thomas hearings on the airwaves and watch his black support evaporate

>being this delusional
All Trump needs to do is run videos of Biden's early onset dementia and its all over for Biden.

1 - candidates dropping out and endorsing joe
2 - the corona virus instinctively driving people towards biden because his black friend "fixed" the last crisis
3- failing to appeal to white working class voters, partially due to his views on immigration
4 - using words like "socialism" and "revolution" rather than taking the andrew yang approach of trying to sell left wing ideas to republican voters

Can’t wait for Trump to literally walk all over Biden in the debates, but I would have actually enjoyed watching Trump and Bernie go at it more.

the market is already bouncing back, dumbshit. better yet, Trump is gonna take credit for the work he puts forth to help bring an end to the coronavirus shit, has Pence on it and everything. if you want to debate whether he is actually the one making a difference that's fine, but it doesn't matter because that's how he'll play it and his supporters will all eat it up. the market will be making all-time highs again by end of summer early fall, i guarantee it, and he will still use it to his advantage. "all this bad shit happened but through all of the things i've done, america is doing better than ever and we have returned to reaching new ATH's! MAGA!"

give up, shlomo. you are already dead.

Not being delusional at all. Understand how the Electoral College works. Demographics have changed enough in just four years that it will be difficult for Trump to win the swing states that he won in 2016.

We haven't hit peak corona virus yet, schizo. The market is going to tank much, much more.

It's a miracle they haven't yet, that entire case was a travesty by today's standards. I would not be surprised if it's brought up this year because Kavanaugh will be a talking point.

god, you really want to die, huh? it's like you're jerking off over this stuff even though it's ultimately not gonna be a big deal in any 1st world country with modern medical technology.

Trump himself shows signs of senility, I doubt that would work in his favor

Nice rebuttal. A vaccine is about a year away. The amount of confirmed cases are going to skyrocket in the coming week.