bait? tell me its bait
Math checks out. We could’ve been millionaires.
the real joke is the 500mill for nothing, wtf was he thinking
This has to be bait
wtf i'm acutally triggered af
Fucking 'Mericans just remember, they aren't white. It's not their fault.
this has to be a bait....
this has to be a bait.
I would've liked to get a dollar fiddy from Bloomberg though
Would've been a better use of everyone's time
Plus, if you take out children and old people on social security I bet it's up to a whole $2
it isn't fucking bait, it's fucking real
>bernie sanders' accountant
People are stupid.
>1 mill each....
He could've given every American $1.40 to buy a soda.
It's written by a woman, what do you think?
We should offer people $1 mil in bitcoin to leave the US for 4-5 years
Oh no no no. Who’s gunna tell her about how much Hillary spent
This is the definition of fuck you money. This man just spent a billion dollars to jack himself off.
> why are americans like this
>he doesn’t know
I know you guys are laughing, but faggots named after dog breeds too stupid to do math can still vote.
Thank god we got the electrical college then.
I don't get what we're laughing at
>I feel like a $1 million check would be life-changing for most people
does she say this in such a wishy-washy way in an attempt to be cute or is she delusional
haahhahahaha holy shit. That's an excellent tweet.
holy fuck, I just checked her (his? xe's?) twitter and it's locked, and she has included "BAD AT MATH" on her bio...
...it wasn't a shitpost tweet... these are the people telling us who we should vote for...
murrican edshucayshun
Literal trannies who didn't pass grade 5 maths voicing their political views on twitter. Fucking lol
The saga that has unfolded today 2/3
impressive math skills... 500m / 327m = 1m?
>he could afford it
I didn't know bloomberg was a trillionaire
He's the world's first 3 trillionaire actually
Next he's gonna buy apple
>washington post
He spent 500 million to derail Bernie. The DNC and their buddies will make that back for him in 6 months. You coinfags know shit about economics, and even less about politics. If you can't see that he was a DNC plant to fuck Bernie over again, you're an idiot.
impressive reading comprehension. Also this isnt a terrible idea. even if we only got 550,000 after taxes then that means the govt would have received nearly 220 million in tax revenue. That probably would be enough to fix health care AND medication.
Holy shit now that ive said it out loud it is actually enraging. We all could have been rich and the nation would be fixed. Why didnt he just do this we would have been probably more praised him than if he were president. There must be something more secret and beneficial to being president. That's why trump decided to do it to i bet. SICK Rich Evil PEOPLE
>wants people to pronounce their name correctly
>uses two different ways to pronounce the same syllable
why why are you dumb
>I-I-is she white?
Rivas suggests hispanic
He must be from Yas Forums
That might have unironically worked better lol.
>blue check
Nothing else to see
>t. w*men
People on Yas Forums vote too user
400 trillion dollars?
We all rich now
but who is the poor
link to tweet?
I don't want a googolplex money. I just want a nice piece of land, a nice wife, a couple o' kids and a peaceful life without niggers trannies feminists and violence and a job that is to work for something worthwhile.
Not sending their best, folks.
it wasnt so much that she accidentally said the wrong number (these things can happen) but her double down response after like the people telling her the maths was wrong had nothing to do with the point she was making.
absolute top kek
>these are the la creturas taking over the states
I could totally use a million bucks. This is bullshit!
it's not fair bros
>you will never be so rich you can give away $350 trillion dollars and never even notice