/smg/ stock market general

lol at bearposters edition

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Accumulate REFR

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Bears bought the rope

>$REFR From the summary in an industry publication regarding the glass market.

"...The global market for smart glass market is segmented based on the parameters such as technology, application, and geography. Based on technology, Suspended Particle Device segment dominates the smart glass market heavily, and is expected to dominate the market in the forecast period from 2019 - 2027. On the basis of application, commercial segment led the market in 2018 with a maximum market share and is expected to continue its dominance during the forecast period. Key players operating in the market are introducing attractive solutions and are partnering with the small as well as large companies which are helping them to gain customer traction. ..."

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Went all in on SPXS and SQQQ calls just now.
Seeing all you "return to normal" bulls.
It's over for you guys.

We gap down tomorrow.

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Invest in Chinese energy index funds.

After hours will be a massacre.


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you have 5 minutes to dip

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End of the road, buyers

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>But the volume was too low

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That's for taping the buy button down. Now you cant stop it from going up.

post positions and body fag

Is smg retarded? Holy shit. I might as well go to wsb

Aaaaand we're back!
Just like that, we will never fall under 27,000 again!

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Ignore technicals and get burned. It's not my fault you're too low-IQ to understand how this shit works.

Still going short, holding overnight.

Just dump please. These yum china puts are tearing me apart.

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If S&P finishes above 3090 we are going up tomorrow


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No Panic, I No panic

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4 fucking percent


care to explain why? to me it looks like they are just another research lab that burns money every quarter.


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Lmao dying

So is everything back to normal now? Is it all over?

When will you dumb stupid bear posters realize that stonks only go up

Just getting started



the stupid bear that went all in on puts taped his buy button down. Now he's just buying everything and making the prices go higher. He really fucked this one up.look at his image like lmao. stupid bear, he probably licks the hand rails in the subway.

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Bulls are in their last effort. Next stop is $284

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Yeah this dumb flu scare is over

Yes, things are priced in for now.


Reminder, you could have gotten in at the lows

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The market will continue to go up for at least two weeks, unless there's a mass outbreak in the USA. If that happens, next support for SPX is $2728

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bears BTFO. long term investors still sitting BASED

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about a milly $$ worth of retardation here fren

I know that feel. This is why I finally set up monthly deposits into mutual funds, then I can trade the rest however I want. I do think this shit is going to crater though, the market is not feeling good. Lots of fear, and it’s only the beginning.

I should clarify, that it will go down regardless, 2weeks being the minimum unless there's some breakthrough on a cure/vaccine.

Bears delirious from Corona virus.

what would a rate cut to zero look like? what effect would it have on the economy?

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WTF is wrong with tesla, only stock to not go up today, why am I such a retard?

20 vehicles with SPD expected in the next 18 months mostly coming in 2020. This includes the 5 MB's, 4 McLarens and 2 Rivians that we know about (the Rivians haven't been confirmed by Research Frontiers, although we suspect for sure). So 9 more, some of which possibly won't make it.

2. After 2020, the number of models just keeps going up.

3. Company is very upbeat and moving forward quickly, in an expansive way. Post Gauzy RFI, vs Hitachi alone RFI, are totally different companies in terms of the outlook. The past is now the past.

Thinking of larping as a suicidal bear


>imagine thinking we are not heading towards a depression
holy shit bulls are gonna get slaughtered. there will soon be dozens of thousands of coronavirus cases in the US, it will completely btfo the economic activity. This virus will be the catalyst to the next 1929 style depression.

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>factories full steam ahead
>supply line restored
>conferences restarted
>sickness cured
>crush debt alleviated
Yesssss everything is fiiiiiiine!

Stop struggling, youre only making this worse

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The bears will never learn
been investing since 2016 in a solid 3 sortino portfolio
from the peak to the bottom was only down -3% on the week and was still up +85% overall
>"it's over sell everything"
lmao these bears are really something.

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i hurt myself today

Who cares we will transform into bears later when it happens. The point is to make money!

he managed the push the dow up 200 points, based bobo. he'll never be forgetted until we forget about him.

Bearbros what happened? Where the fuck is our dip?


Don't need to when there's real one's itt.

Getting some coronas to celebrate.

To see if I still feel

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i can't wait to take your money

>AMD closed above 50
Gather around, this is it. The bull will carry us to profit

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First reminder that if you haven't read those pages you will never make it. NEVER


the silly bear in this image, he left his buy button taped down for the whole last half hour.

S-surely there will be major selling going into the weekend.


>green eod
okay, im going then, bye

me while reading this post

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What indicators do you see there being a depression in the next TWO WEEKS? It will go down, Corona is definitely serious, but an economic depression, so imminently? Get real.

>dax futures freefalling after us close

would be pretty hard because I am 40% bonds 10% precious metals and I hedge when conditions are oversold

user we all make it if we keep trying but the feels never go away.

meant for

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Ding ding ding! How did everyone do today? I'm up 3.77%, a lil slower than the ess and pee but wooo this is too fast. Got a little worried this morning and closed yesterday's butterfree early, still got +20% kekkies. Still lovely, none deployed 2day tho. Green across the board, some stuff like SVXY, GLD, bowling ball taking it's time.

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>being a bear
It's pathetic really. Made $2,200 today from averaging down and buying calls on $spy. Who knew making money was this easy?

It did just about fuck all for 2008-2015

What a day. How's my buy it the dip team doing today?

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We have a green ending!

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I already said, coming tonight after hours if not during this session. Gap down in the morning.

Things are insanely overbought, it will not end well. Algos can detect this shit, they will sell off, and these low-volume session gains will be completely erased. Literally one single dip is all it will take to shatter this thing. Bulls are bragging about the weakest growth I've ever seen.

I'll make back my money tomorrow!

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I'm so glad I got AMD. Seriously, at this point I'd have an affair with Mama Su she truly is amazing.

Up 3.66%. Did nothing buy holding my MSFT.

We'd need to sell for you to do that, big brain.

im ready bears

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Think I cracked the code bros. It alternates red or green every day. Expect red tomorrow cap it.

amrn's fate is in this JILF's hands. Warm, supple putty in her hands.

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Down 4%. Still up 9% over the last month, but I'd really like to see Altria flop tomorrow.

So glad I dumped all my puts and bought calls today. We are all going to make it!

Up 7% today. Only another 4% until I'm out of the hole created by last week. Managed to average down and get some calls in that are returning big now that people realize the sky isn't falling.

based dipbuyerchad

i made 5 buckaroons

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Yas Forums feels so bipolar

Forgot my image

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Based brokenigga

>green today
>cant trade because filed ACATS against robinhood

The next 5-7 business days will be weird

explain to me why AMRN should be worth more than it is now.. please. thank you.

CAMPBELL Soup SUPER breakout

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Im up 10% today on TQQQ


do i buy now?

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I'm up around 3%.

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Down about $200 trying to catch SQQQ midday. It’s ok, I’ll hold it for a while.

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I'd seriously laugh hard if the market just grab walks like this for a month or so. It would be so hilarious but stressful.

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Yes, definitely buy at this point, I need /smg/ to go in hard so the bogs will get off their ass.

Camp bell :O
I still don't have any after all this time kekkies

Why would you buy SPY Calls AND hold shares? Do you not hedge at all for downside risk?

muh TMV my nigga. Fucking going to get rich off of these rising bond yields.

richfags rate me

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I think most of us realize it isn't that extreme but it's just more fun to blow every move out of proportion

Enjoy your bulltrap, kiddos. Check out that big ass candle, lol.

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Hot take: 1k point movements will be the norm for the foreseeable future

Literally just straddle and strangle your way to being a millionaire


Zoom out

Yeah this honestly, it's no fun unless I make everything an extreme desu.

doing TA on robinhood mobile. lmao my fucking sides

You can't strangle when options premiums get IV crushed in a market that is lowering in volatility

American bond yields don't stay in the 1s.... you're literally a shill and or tranny if you think they can stay this low for long.

Down 1.5% for the day but still above where I bought in. Still waiting for PSK.TO to climb up to 13.50

>Downside risk
I'm holding spy for a stable stock that pays divies. I'm in the call because I knew after dropping like 15% in one week that the comeback was gonna be crazy and I wanted to capitalize on it. I'm up 140% day to day on that call and we're not even back around 340 where we initially were. It's gonna pay big. And if it doesn't that's fine too. Only cost me about a grand.

options are so expensive holy shit
people are expecting 20-30% fluctuations all over this month

newbie option traders are going to get wiped out

Hey guys, just had probably my best day on the market ever.

Up 4% :^)

I guess not user

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This is why you should be selling naked puts.

The gap between bid and ask has been insane, too.

I fucking warned you retards.

The house of cards collapses after hours.

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Baggy if you think FED dropping rates will do anything but drop bond yields you are fucked

>Desperate bear noises

TA on RH¿


we got too cocky bullbros
this is the end

Pick one or the other, otherwise you have to hedge. You are going to eat shit on two fronts if SPY goes down

Everyone ignoring upcoming PLUG earnings

I am up 2.5% today but I was also up 1.3% yesterday steady and slow

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Volatility is high across the board. Look to US Tech, Foreign Index's or Defensives for cheap premiums relative to the rest of the market

I had a one night stand with a chick that looked almost exactly like that.

Oh no, that small percentage.

We bat market now

That's not even all that slow. If you grew 2% literally every day you'd have doubled your investment in less than two months


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Tomorrow morning:
>gap down
>panic selling
>oil continues to stumble
>another freefall period until losses from today are erased, maybe more

Screencap it.

My brokerage does not allow me to sell naked options. Probably because they don't want to eat the shit of traders that do not know better

>looked almost exactly like that.
Yeah, that didn't happen.

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If spy goes down I buy it at a discount.
If spy goes up I close my contract and collect my profits to buy more spy.
Either way I win. What you're saying is only true if I intend to sell which I don't.

>Having sex
never gonna make it

Since China still wont be producing for a while, doesn't this mean we're going to see another dip?

I pulled my stocks when I noticed this corona shit and didn't lose anything. But now im afraid to jump in again. If China doesn't produce that means all quarterly results are going to be horrible right?

That sounds amazing. I need to DCA my 401k

Bond yields can start rising slowly, once the markets improve. I'd start slowly reallocating back into equities, unless they want to keep them low to spur a series of home loan refinancing, which can definitely boost the economy [expand the balance sheet].

Unless you can explain why this is all extrapolation.

Hope all my bobobros loaded PUTS today

This shit we are seeing is textbook dead cat bounce. With the number of corona cases that are just being uncovered in the US, the stock market should be tanking, but the bull-trap is still going hard, and SPY is probably going up a couple more points tomorrow as the boomers think the market is priced in. As soon as they stop wearing face masks and start coughing around in retirement homes, the amount of deaths and cases is going to skyrocket. Everyone knows this, and we should expect yet another sell-off on Friday as holding calls over the weekend is just too risky.

I feel so sorry for people like you. Don't say nobody warned you

Thats really not a hard thing to believe

It's already priced in, hence the drop. This is just adjustment to decide what the new normal should be.

whoa you might be the only one in the market who has thought of that. it's DEFINITELY NOT ALREADY PRICED IN

too diverse for portfolio size imo...

These gains make no sense, do these retarded investors know the implication of China standing still? Warren will endorse Bernie and tomorrow will be the day of the bear

no it did though, i bought her a drink and then we danced and then we ended up fucking. she came up with some bull shit excuse and left and i never got her number. it was the first time in my life i felt used.

The real winners here are those who bought weekly PUTs, 2 weeks ago, and then sold them a week ago as investors flocked for insurance to their positions. VIX will decline and all the options buyers will get black-schlonged.

>don’t pay attention to the fact oil made NO RECOVERY today


The market has been rising for all of 2019 and yields went nowhere but down in every country. Give me a break man

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>Thats really not a hard thing to believe
It is when it comes from a schizo faggot who constantly lies and thinks his 45 year old ugly chink girlfriend is fertile.

It's such a terrible idea, I have to imagine any brokerage that allowed it would need to vet its traders first.

What's gonna happen to tesla tomorrow?

I feel like buying Kraft Heinz.

>He's still shorting the federal government of the United States of America

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I've been saying it all day bro. Declining trend, all indices showing textbook bear flags and rising wedges, low volume session with price rise today. These are all sell signals to any algo or legit trader. Today was entirely propped up by amateur retail trading, hence the low volume, big overbuying in the last hour with no increase in volume. One dip is all it takes to shatter this low-volume growth.

That's because Russia is keeping production up despite decreasing prices.

Sorry my dude, I'm new to this.

Warned me about what? That I should sell my shit in a panic? I've got a ton of savings outside of this account and I'm ready to buy another dip. I hope it dips so I can get even more. But not before I sell these contacts for 3x profit.

>shouts at alexa to operate the computer
fucking kek

i ain't gonna tell you no

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I don't know if you'll read this, but congrats you fuck

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make me.

Italy is shutting down until April
Hundreds of cases in the US will be confirmed this weekend

>Stock prices "Return to normal"

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Bulls have the fucking blinders on today, they honestly think they can just look at the funny green numbers go up and say with 100% certainty that we're in a full-blown recovery.

My gf looks like her because she is norwegian, although my gf is thicker at 140lbs

that looks delicious man. will be boiling a steak later until well done and dipping in heinz ketchup, can't wait.

He was 100% right, and a rising wedge in a declining trend is a sell signal.

Not retail, buybacks, just look at AAPL and MSFT. Retail is just along for the ride

so you have no reason at all but yet you are buying it??? hhmmm interesting....

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Perhaps the real stocks are the friends we make along the way


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>He never bothered to research the Japanese asset price bubble
Go ahead and explain to me why we can expect %10 annualized returns for the next 30 years

>I'll sell before others do

>First California Death


Better hope this is a nothing burger, otherwise 500,000 Americans aren't going to live to see summer

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I surprisingly felt nothing after I lost 10% in a split second. anyone ever experienced this?

Who the fuck said anything about that? I said I'm holding my shit and when it goes down I average down. I'm not panic selling and it feels good.

Unless you get lucky and see huge price fluctuations. If it even remotely stabilizes, you get fucked

Yes, after I lost 20%, 10% felt like a breeze

I have no confidence in this market anymore. I squeeze played everything today and I am usually permabull.
Even after todays rally i am scared shitless so now I have created a scenario where I can embrace the volatity.
I am become chaos incarnate.

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It hurts less because you have been deflowered before