What's the problem with it?

What's the problem with it?

Attached: Brave_Bat1.jpg (750x422, 19.82K)

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i don't really give a shit about the brave rewards, but the browser itself is alright. it feels like a less clunky chrome.

It is a token designed to be exchanged as a tip, I can never see this going above $1 because of that.

I meant why is the price staying low?

this... average user doesn't give a shit

Why? Even as a tip, adoption should rise the price, no?
What are they waiting to pay youtubers to promote the fuck out of it?

why would you buy something that you can earn for free while doing shit on the internet?

I agree... came for the tokens, but actually stayed because the browser uses like 10% less RAM than Chrome. Also the guy working on it developed javascript and they already have all the inbuilt adblockers and suck, really enjoying Brave

oh, well with BAT I assume there is little demand for it seeing as I can sit in front of my computer doing normal browsing and get it for free.

People don't think it's necessary and some consider it a security.

It will probably keep this perception until it can develop some real utility online. BAT from Ads is neat but it probably could have been done with some other shitcoin. Give Brave users some bigger incentive to use BAT on the browser. BAT needs to be fully integrated into the browser in a more useful way. I'm talking paywalls, micropayments, etc. That shit is Web 3.0 and would put Brave on an entirely different PLANE than Chrome or Firefox. Give BAT some reason to be worth something to Brave users and cryptocurrency speculators, and the price will skyrocket from speculation.

Attached: BAT.png (301x285, 19.71K)

Aren't the advertisers supposed to buy it to pay users to watch their ads, who will then get to support whatever cause they want?
There already are platforms doing that such as utip, and they are quite popular. BAT just makes the whole thing more organic, you don't even have to get out of your way to see ads, it's all organic.


>Give BAT some reason to be worth something to Brave users and cryptocurrency speculators, and the price will skyrocket from speculation
Do you think they'll be able to pull this up? For now it just seems like they're waiting a lot of opportunities

Advertisers pay brave in fiat to run ads on their platform. Brave takes 75% of that and buys tokens to distribute to users who get ads

Here we go, so there is a buying pressure. Wouldn't massive adoption drive the price up massively then?

Anti-lgbt creator
Never >$1 per the whitepaper
Browser plugin token

I have a feeling they're going to announce a group of subscription options at once.

>make vaporfunk and city pop playlist videos
>can’t make money off YouTube directly so use Rewards instead
>make decent cash from it

I don’t really use my refl link lmao

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Right now their priority is the ad model and user acquisition. By focusing on adding new ad types,improving the ad model, and on boarding new users through occasional new features they get closer to profitability. Paywalls,dVPN services, browser mining, token swaps, etc are all value adds, but they are not the bread and butter. Added utility will come, but their core focus is building the best browser, and building a good ad system.

They are trying to bring this token to the masses and make it a web standard. In two years I think it will surpass bitcoin as the most used cryptocurrency, Thats what people need to be ready for.

Well, most market analysts agree that BAT IS SHIT

I think if certain things go the Brave team's way, they could. But I'm guessing it will take a long time. I hope they don't run out of funding.

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Problem is we need other features like the paywall subscriptions coming. Other problem is we have no braps in here

>literally doesn't understand that it's a unit of account to measure attention.
>will never make it.

Did you just link your channel to the rewards program? What do

I hope they start selling Jennie's bottled braps to stay afloat

>using KYC uphold to use as wallet

their biggest fuck up

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A friend turned me on to brave and BAT

Swiping ads literally not worth 2 bucks a month

Go Alask Kik how not using KYC for a similar venture went.

bottlepay.li shut down for not enforcing KYC
trylolli is also now enforcing KYC

There are a lot of crypto businesses that are going to be scrambling to stay compliant. Brave did their due diligence and they are 2-3 years ahead of the rest of the market. They are creating a wide gap between themselves and the rest of the crypto market.

>Go Alask Kik


>Brave did their due diligence and they are 2-3 years ahead of the rest of the market.

by by being compliant to the feds?

fuck that

Coinbase integration should be coming this year.

Register to become a Verified Publisher

Comparing Kik and Brave is pretty bollocks, lad.

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Coinbase is literally hardcore KYC that doesn't make anything better

Of course, but it's a much better option overall, especially for more normies to opt in rewards. A lot of people don't trust Uphold or aren't familiar with it. On top of the fact it would make transfers much easier even though I never had issues with Uphold. No other option has been discussed for release as far as I know.


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Must...resist...COOOOOOOOMMMMM have to make it at least 2 weeks in nofap

Would be easy to replace with a browser plug in

Getting verified as a publisher doesn't take long and it may be automated. I linked a yt channel with no vids to launder grant tokens I got on the mobile app and it got approved.

lmao what an out of touch boomer you are.

>Browse net for money
>Browse net for free

Hmmm, which shall I choose...

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Have you been able to cash them out?

You'll make it, lad.

There's several thousand popup/script blockers yet Brave has 12 million users and growing. There's also a lot more coming to Brave than just the browser and ad services themselves.

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How about not get involved with KYC period that's literally the reason people are getting into crypto is because of decentralization

Fuck supporting crypto's who go on with that shit

yes, exactly by being compliant with the feds

>tfw can't post my X-rated brappers so we have to keep it PG-13

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Give it up. The Feds will never let value circulate freely because they wouldn't have control over it and no way of tax it.

also you post better braps than the SKY-brapper poster. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise brother

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That is why I'm not on board with brave because they give everything up to the feds so easily.

That's why I only support actual privacy shitcoins that just say fuck you to the fed

brb spend millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours to create a web browser and token for 13,000 NEETs who dress up as guy fawkes and circle jerk to ancap literature.

Solid business model. Just keep holding out. That "institutional money" will be here to buy your bags any moment now. Your new society is almost here.

I get it lad, but for the route Brave wanted to take its pretty much a given. KYC is pretty much everywhere now and it's not going to get any better. Tons of coins and tokens are centralized as well. LINK is epitome of centralization, and ETH is pretty centralized in a way too. List goes on.

Don't think you could really pull off what Brave is doing without KYC to a certain extent. The ad campaign and publisher model would require it to some degree. Either way, a much better KYC option is coming. If you're so worried about it just download Brave and keep your rewards in browser until/if other options that suit your needs arrive. At least by then you'd have a good amount.

Much appreciated, lad. SKYjeets have some pretty good 1s I've seen, but I just share my stash for the lads and its kinda become my autistic thing for these threads lol.

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I didn’t make it

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>a bunch of high IQ posts mixed with Fud
yeh this sure feels like link 2.0

Fud has been picking up a lot lately which is extremely bullish

>company reward points
>people are buying it

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token is capped at $1 max

i have a bunch of BAT in my account from using Brave and never donating to any sites, how do cash them out?

>company chuck e cheese tokens
>company sells 700k of them at a time when price go up



It's really interesting to hear Brendan talk about the early internet protocols that Mark Andreessen had come up with for NetScape. One of them was a payment layer but he never turned it on because overall it wouldn't have worked. This is Brave realizing that vision, which makes sense because he worked there.

>oh boo hoo I have to live in reality
ok kiddo

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Bredan is complicit for working with uphold.

Uphold is the problem. Not the KYC, but the fact its handles the custodial for Brave Rewards/Brave ads/ the UGP. As long as they have enough on their exchange to cycle all of the aforementioned around they will never need to take from the rest of the circulating supply. If you want BAT to moon, buy your BAT exclusively from Uphold and take it off their exchange.

Verifying your wallet via Uphold is the only option right now. You can't cash out on mobile yet.

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Into the trash.

having actually used brave browser,
it works sometimes and doesn't other times.
chrome uptime beats brave for my use case

>literally giving you (albeit small) money to browse the internet, something your already doing while google collects and tracks data about you

Tough choice.

no its not :^)