Been holding strong for almost 3 years now. Haven't sold a single fucking link. However...

Been holding strong for almost 3 years now. Haven't sold a single fucking link. However, today is the first time my hands are feeling a bit shaky. If Chainlink is going to help build Baseline Protocol, where the fuck does the LINK token actually fall into play? The company itself, Chainlink, may be doing great things, but what the fuck does that have to do with link? Maybe I'm just a brainlet. Help me out bros, what the hell is going on and what does the announcement today mean?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> what is a decentralized oracle network and why is this important for this project
> can this network run without collateral and trust? Why not just use a centralized oracle?

Look man I think you’re a smooth brain and won’t explain shit to you

But go dig the answer to those questions up and maybe we will see you on the yacht

Otherwise doesn’t matter if you own 100k link - you don’t understand the value of what you have, will capitulate early, and a 100 stack linker will eventually have what you’ve made.

you held through the sibos toilet fud and an integration with two of the largest companies in the world has you shaking? fucking sell already you loser

Bitcoin QR Code Maker Tool and API:

Attached: 1582352759788.png (622x600, 80.04K)

There isn't a single person here that cares about you your pussy bitching after you outed yourself as a retard in the first sentence

That fud was retarded and baseless. I'm not even trying to fud, i just want to know the implications of this announcement. This current situation is a lot more technical then the sibos toilet fud.

Ah man it must suck to be low iq and not understand basic reading

Are you a drive through worker

Gravelcoin, 700,000 and now you're feeling shaky?

>Are you a drive through worker
yes actually

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Baseline has its own github and protocol development team that doesn't use coins or tokens - which companies are deciding to go with.

That is alarming because that means "oracle tokens" may not be needed or never had been needed on any type of platform.

but then what is the incentive of running a node for a decentralized oracle? This is why i'm so fucking shaky today man

Lol fuck man
I was there a few years back
Your brain is very malleable.

Study a field like web development and change your life. I swear I did it, and it feels like my brain can bench press 350lbs compared to before at 50lbs...

Sorry for being a dick (not really)

Go to teamtreehouse and start the front end web development track, then full stack JavaScript.

Thank me in one year when you have hustled your ass off and are making 65k starting

Just kidding faggot I'm a senior in school for Comp Sci. I fully understand how the chainlink network works, and if you think this announcement today isn't' at least worth some concern, then idk what to tell you. Btw web dev is literally the pajeet fucking street-shitter tier of developers.

No retard, Chainlink will at most have an adapter to connect to the baseline protocol. The network that is Chainlink is still CHAINLINK and resides in their own git repo.

You realize oracle node operators are needed for this to work? You realize nobody is going to guarantee your fucking multi million dollar automations triggered by data if they aren’t being paid? Or have collateral at stake for fucking you?

The way I see it, EY will sell their tech as just like a tool for companies to use.

For example: What is the incentive to pay for electricity to run computers in a company?

It is the advantage / tool necessary to run the company

No extra incentive really required, so they just have to pay the outright fee , possible license fee to EY

>> can this network run without collateral and trust? Why not just use a centralized oracle?
Yes, link is currently operating with 21 kyc centralized nodes

No they are only consulting Chainlink, Baseline protocol stands on it its own.

Look at the repo and roadmap

> still pushing this FUD
Ngmi bro. Not everyone does

Wrong repo

>Yes, link is currently operating with 21 kyc centralized nodes
Then please tell me which part of this statement is wrong?

Its the correct repo.

Linked on the site and in the Forbes article:

So what are your actions going to be with this information user

Checked. CL is getting great exposure and the team doing great work. But it's all getting a bit confusing how the token gets into play.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. We could definitely use some clarification.

Pray CL gets picked up by other companies, maybe some "format war" happens and CL platform / token will win out over Baseline.

They are building out the first economically secured blockchain middleware solution for the biggest publicly traded software companies in the world, what the fuck is so hard to understand about that?

Based and small-world pilled

Nice fud
> You can set up a node to run on a test network or the Ethereum mainnet right now. The node will not be able to participate in fulfilling service agreement requests yet, but will in the near future. However, it can be used to fulfill requests sent to your oracle contract address and you can add external adapters to it for extending its functionality.

Not wrong, but very misleading user.

That's great for the tech, but what does that do for the token hodler?

how do you think those corporations will access the blockchains

fucking kek

They can build the pyramids, but if it doesn't use the LINK token, then my bags are worthless. Do you understand that user?

>i've been holding since 1994 and this is the first time i've been tempted to sell
then sell you hopeless faggot, we don't need you.

If you follow all of Sergery's speech and fire chats then you know he's already changed the direction the project is heading a few times already. What was in the white paper is a vision. At this point whether token is needed or not is unclear. The limited defi market using CL right now operates just fine with (less) centralized KYC nodes. The system works. The connection works. The idea works. But no collateral, no staking (yet) so so far token not needed.

When your mom opens her legs.

Yea, it works, that's why centralized oracles were at the heart of that recent defi hack?

Hi OP. The fact of the matter is pretty much nobody on this board understands what chainlink does or how it will be used. They'll just spout the buzz words they heard from other anons like oracle node and smart contracts and pretend they know what they're talking about. In reality they're are all bunch of desperate 12 year old's and some adults that dream of getting rich. They place their faith in a particular coin the same way religious people place their faith in jesus. If you notice not a single person ever provides an answer to a legitimate question in these threads.

The spoonfeeding continues:

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I can answer questions for you user.

please xplain how today's news affect CL token (not the company) either positively or negatively.

how is this claim any different from the claim that the token is not needed because it runs on the eth blockchain?
centralization is a buzzword, the end goal is a network with distributed ownership. a token is a stake in the network at large

Doesn't affect the token at all, there is still a need for a stake-based method to get off-chain data from multiple sources. Whether it's to Eth, or the next DLT/Smart Contract product that. What in today's news has you confused?

>Been holding strong for almost 3 years now. Haven't sold a single fucking link. However, today is the first time my hands are feeling a bit shaky. If Chainlink is going to help build Baseline Protocol, where the fuck does the LINK token actually fall into play? The company itself, Chainlink, may be doing great things, but what the fuck does that have to do with link? Maybe I'm just a brainlet. Help me out bros, what the hell is going on and what does the announcement today mean?

>"We'll be building enterprise oracle solutions to make Ethereum mainnet compatible for enterprise usage."

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Nice bait, well done.

>please spoonfeed me because i just want other people to tell me everything i need to know and i'm too stupid and lazy to read anything myself
fuck off back to plebbit and buy vechain

Holy shit what a fucking brainlet. Building oracle solutions for enterprises = creating demand for Chainlink oracle networks = creating a higher demand for LINK

nig i've been reading this shit for 3 years now. We're looking for some insight, and maybe some even smarter anons can come around and help us out. If you think this user is a retarded spoon fed brainlet, then you're an absolute fucking retard. The man is bringing up genuine talking points and asking legit questions, and you're over here acting like he's trying to steal all your fucking linkies.

Protip: you’re a brainlet and chainlink is another ICO scam KYS

I cannot buy a share of the company. The company's rise to fame, enterprise adaptation is all great, but I can only buy, hodl and someday sell link the token. OP's question was how the token play into the scenario?

I'm in it for the $. Y'all may be in it for the tech. If the tech flourishes but the token price doesn't, would you be OK with that?

It's all just bait dude. These constant "i'm thinking of selling after 3 years" threads, nulink, kleros shills, OGN shills. They're all the same morons who got liquidated or swung poorly or never bought in to begin with and now they are losing their minds that we were and continue to be right. It's crab in a bucket shit. They KNOW they have been left behind and they want to drag others with them. Pure resentment and malice.

I sold my LINK. DO NOT be delusional. Nothing goes up forever. There will be a healthy correction.

He literally asked how today's news affects LINK. And you think that's a "genuine question" and not just a spoonfeeding request? You can fuck off too.

fuck off. i've been ballz deep since before alpha node was even deployed. Sergey is doing great work, and the tech get great exposure, but that doesn't mean token will be used in news like today's announcement.

post sell order pls sir

jobs priced in LINK
node operators paid in LINK
more demand
more jobs
more LINK
staking when it happens limits supply
limited supply plus demand means price go up
the announcement, beyond reputational, will drive more demand if the oracle network is part of the baseline protocol

So far in this thread no one has explained how the Link token is related to todays news.

I guarantee my stack is larger than yours.

This. This is what I'm concerned about.

Nice bait. Come back when you actually have a question that doesn't involve the dollar value of Link.

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Do they use the Link token in the microsoft/consensys project yes or no ?

> chainlink token is used in the chainlink network as a trust magnifier
> token is the currency in the network
> predictions are rewarded with tokens
> the more chainlink a node owns the more valuable is its information since a better prediction gets higher token rewards
> of course you could let chainlink build own trust networks for baseline with another token
> however no one would run a node since it's not profitable
> so oracle networks will run on chainlink
does that answer your questions?

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all you Timo homo's altered ego.... answer the fcking question. How does the link token relate to today's news? Don't tell me it's bullish for the company, and great for the industry.

They use the Link token in the Link network. The press release I read today didn't go into any more detail about integration, mainly because it was a press release.

This is all stuff I've known. I want to know how today's announcement relates to LINK token itself. If the token isn't being used by the project they announced, then what the fuck are we doing here

Nice coordinated shill effort btw. I'm high and enjoy arguing with people on 4 chan. Any more questions?

Dude I can't even coordinate how to cook nuggets properly in an already preheated oven.

Wolpert knows more than we do and he specifically hyped it. I wouldn't worry

So link is in a consulting role, but we don't know jack shit about the token's role in the protocol