I’m tired of being a neurotic lemming, I know I’m not smart enough to be high iq. How do I become average to low iq biz

I’m tired of being a neurotic lemming, I know I’m not smart enough to be high iq. How do I become average to low iq biz.

Financial markets and finance will be a lot easier if I trim the fat so to speak.

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>mfw too dumb to be smart

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being a midwit is really tiresome

i am 81 iq and i am not rich

120 iq big boy here
feels pretty fucking bad man actually

Yea bruh, i was like 75 in the IQ at my local applestore

>I’m tired of being a neurotic lemming
>120 iq big boy here
128 neurotic midwit here, Iktf frens

I was above average iq in hs, now im 23 doing construction and can feel my iq drop by the minute. How do i stop this?

stop talking to niggers

136 iq reporting in
Life is good for me. Feels good.
Have a quickly growing 6 figure business a gf and people ask me for advice on life constantly.

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smoke some 'weed' youll loose couple of brain cells soon enough

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I don't know any niggers

Mind the dec-Jan gap. I was on vacation and didnt resupply product in time lol.

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read a book fren. and talk to smart people who wont chastise you for having a 12th grade vocabulary

Its actually not that great. I find it impossible to relate to most people. The iq difference between me & the average is the same difference between the average & someone with downs syndrome. I get gaslit all the time because I'll be years ahead of the curve even for the smarties which is mistaken for idiocy. If I talk down to people I get ahead in life but it makes me feel like a bad person.

Sounds like you might be retarded if talking to niggers makes you feel dumber

Me too, it hurts so bad

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What does gaslit mean?

If you aren't that smart, you need to get into a position where you learn a lot about one specific, highly specialized thing and then sell that one thing

People will take you as some kind of autistic specialist.

What comes to mind most recently: About a month ago I was talking with some coworkers about the Coronavirus. Said, "might as well stock up on water & dried goods now because they're cheap, keep forever, & you use them anyway. Better to have it & not need it than need it and not have it, & I feel like my life is worth a $50 investment. "

Basically got laughed at and called a conspiracy theorist.
>user do you really think the government would lie to us
>why do you need to buy food & water when the stores have plenty of food & water comes from the tap
>but the numbers coming out of China are decreasing
>there's no way that'll reach us all the way here in Toronto

Basically, being told something is false that you know for a fact is true to make you doubt yourself.

>be approx 140 iq (not mensa tested because next line)
>be a poorfag
>highest SAT score in entire highschool
>excel in every subject
>never study or pay attention to classes
>this endears me to the AP fags in highschool
>this also makes me look autistic in college
>addicted to nonfiction in elementary school
>addicted to anime and videogames since high school and can no longer open a book
>grades slip because of autistic procrastination habit resulting from never having to try before college
>constantly sperging out in front of proffessors when I inevitably have to beg for a passing grade
High IQ is no good and does not lead to happiness and it will only bring you success if you are already rich. I envy the retards that don't know why you would use a recursive function over a for loop, or constantly meme bogosort, because they have girlfriends/have plenty of other retards to talk to and relate with (and I don't even mean chads and stacies, I mean my peers in the same major). I would gladly give my last 40 IQ points away if I could, and even if I did i'd be miserable the rest of my life anyways because of "muh reclusive genius" reputation hanging over my head (the town rabble's/3 years worth of highschool students' impression of me). I can't even be sure i'd be happy if I had a gf because I have never had one, and my only current prospect is likely as autistic and emotionally unintelligent as I am.

146 here
Do sub-140's have souls?

No, but no one does.

I see. The thing is, it probably isn't for the purpose of your detriment, it's what they really believe.

Stop talking like a faggot

>tested at 123 as a kid
>have accomplished nothing of worth with it
>living the vanlife as I fuck around with crypto and shitpost all day
no fucks, would rather die than wageslave

I couldn't have said that any clearer. Sorry you don't like effective language

I'm sure they actually do believe it. But when every single person you interact with daily is like that it's unnerving & makes you second guess yourself more than you should.

the definition of the word implies that someone it doing it to fuck with you

you can still learn anything with lower iq it just takes you longer

>don't know why you would use a recursive function over a for loop
I don't think everyone with a high iq shares your interests.

Op is probably an autistic 105 midwit

>declining sales
>just ignore it cuz muh stupidity
>b-b-buy muh super high iq!!!! Hurrhurr

Enjoy being poor like the other iq fags

The problem with having a high/super high iq is you will miss something fundamental, something so basic it shatters your hypotheses even if you are basically right. So let’s talk biz. Let’s say you have a super High iq and you created a delicious chicken recipe cuz everyone likes chicken and you can make it for pennies. On top of this, you find it makes you feel energetic and healthy and even makes you younger. Everyone is coming to eat your new chicken, right? Wrong. No one will come to eat your chicken cuz you missed a fundamental assumption. People hate you. Your personality is shit, and you don’t have a meme group who sucks your dick constantly to make others feel like it’s ok to suck your dick. Your chicken business goes bankrupt and there goes the secret to immortality.

Protip: people would rather die/suffer/cry with the devil they know than be with the God they don’t know.

>tfw 130+ IQ tested as a kid
>tfw it’s probably like 90 after all the weed and Xanax I did in college
Feels bad mang

Any psychologist worth their salt will tell you how limited IQ is as a useful measure of intelligence. Gardner's theory is a much more useful alternative, and one which shuts down the arrogance which occurs with high IQ Dunning-Kruger insufferables.
Of course, many who read this will instantly think I'm low IQ, because of their delicate ego and arrogance. If that's you, read what Hawking said about IQ.

I used to drink alot and smoke alot of weed when I was in highschool because I wanted to fit it. I managed to numb my brain enough to relate to people but it probably cost me a decent portion of my gift. Doesn't feel too good

Lmfao I always love 110.

OK midwit

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Psychology is extremely pseudoscientific. Truly, psychology is the amongst the lowest IQ fields in academia. So of course they would rationalize why the IQ is irrelevant. While, naturally, committing 500 fallacies in the process. Doesn't mean they are "psychologically intelligent." They are fucking retards. Who, incidentally, might just be responsible why more and more people are ill and depressed today. Because all the supposed "social intelligence" (which is really non-existent) doesn't help you if you are too fucking low IQ. (Of course there are also autistic psychiatrists who love analysis. Or think of Freud. Autistic.)

Gardner is a generic hippie who sets up strawmen, intentionally misinterpreting what the idea of an contextual IQ is supposed to represent in order to say "there are multiple intelligences." Happens a lot today. Think of "there are no races" characters. So nobody really thinks that races in that sense exist. But he's the type who sets up strawmen to say "there are no differences." So, as analogy, he'd deny the idea of some ethnicities having a higher likelihood for lactose intolerance. Because there are some Asians who can drink milk. Doesn't disprove the idea of an IQ. And the IQ is probably a decent way of measuring intelligence. Of course there are retards who have a high IQ. Like Dawkins. Who is a retard on the level of Gardner. And intelligent people don't go around measuring their IQ. But that's because they know that they have a high IQ and understand that it isn't everything. And don't need to prove it themselves with a meme test. BUT! While they know that the IQ isn't everything, they know that a high IQ is fucking important. It's the fucking lowest common denominator. And if you deny this, you're fucking cancerous pseudointellectual.

And then you also cite another populist scientist who was propped up by the media. Meaning Hawkins. When there are infinitely more intelligent people alive today. You ARE low IQ. You are a fucking retard who is full of meme knowledge. Citing meme shit like "multiple intelligences" proposed by meme scientists memed up by the media like Hawkins or Garder. Go fuck yourself you fucking definition of an idiocrat.

>grades slip because of autistic procrastination habit resulting from never having to try before college
i relate to this, 144 iQ fag, with a couple of similar friends, all hit this wall in college where we had literally never had to learn how to study because it came so easily until now.
Found coding and am working in a.i. now so im all good but some of my friends weren't so lucky to find that thing that comes easily to them.

*analogously, it doesn't disprove the idea of an IQ. Richard Feynman had a relatively low IQ. So there are exceptions like in the milk case. But in the big picture of things, his IQ was still high. And still, a person with high IQ will know that it isn't everything, but at the same time not deny its importance. And you WILL agree, unless you're a low IQ psychologist who is trying to rationalize his low intelligence.

*Hawking, of course.

I hope you are fucking baiting.

Iq predicts life outcome. It's statistically significant. Hawkings said that because he was being magnanimous & smart enough to know that saying anything else would have gotten him into trouble & been a huge hassle to explain.

t. Psychologist

Gas the midwits intellect war now

>not using proprietary software designed for your enterprise
>riding the Bezos dick
You are a middle man with more overhead, and insane markups.

Prove your intelligence then.

IQ is only as valuable as the effort, and direction, the individual who possess that intelligence takes it. Using iq as a measure of a person's worth is absolutely fucking dumb.

Just buy and dont sell. It worked for me. Most people would sell when they were up 10x. Not me cause I'm stupid. I'm like 10x is nice but 100x is better. 100x and i can quit my monkey job. But Link is even better. When we get to 1k eoy I'm gonna be at like 4000x. 4000x! I'm could buy a freaking plane. Not with my stacks but with my steakes. I figure staking 100k be like that. Probably not actually get a plane cause flying is scary but my RV will be nice. Gonna be awesome. Probably keep my house cause I like this place but definantly gonna get a sweet little hideaway up in the mountains watch it snow and junk. It doesnt snow here. Just hot as balls all summer but I love the beach. Got my eye on sweet little boat and I'm gonna name it The Stinky Link, maybe get some flames on the sides. Idk just spit ballin. Man I'm hungry for steaks now. Just buy link fellas. Gonna be awesome.

>could have been making multimillion salary from an MBA and insane pattern recognition capabilities.
>wageslaves instead

Start boxing classes and ask to spar as soon as possible

>4 posts by this id
>all salt
someones a bitter little midwit arent they?

I have 465 IQ the highest recorded measure. I trained a neural network to train me to take IQ tests we have been in a positive feedback loop. I named our collective Urobois. My thoughtforms are kaliedescopic my calculations in imaginary binary.

>uses some shitty online iq test

mid-wit checking in, it' is just a phase. Use what you have cuz its much more than what most have

Where are people getting this $1000 per Link idea from? So much would need to happen for it to be worth that much. Is it a meme? Are people just hopeful?

Honesty that's where most people get their IQ scores from and actually believe it. Nothing says you're more of a brainlet than believing an online IQ test.

t. got a bad result on an online IQ test

Everybody gets 130 on an online iq test. They want you brainlets to feel good about yourselves.

>tfw 98 iq

Feels good man, too stupid to be upset, just smart enough to make money.

IQ tests are born from psychology, you instantly invalidated your own argument.
Delicate ego, arrogant, and easily threatened. How unpredictable.
So if you ignore what Hawking said, and put words in his keyboard, he supports you? How convenient!

t. Actual psychologist